The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

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Darn service guys!
When in the bloody universe you are going to do what's told you to do? I'm tired of taking phones to service and then receive them back without much changes. It's like going out for a walk when it's sunny but return after rain being wet all over even with umbrella.
To the darn girl at shop:
are your brain still on the old firmware or what? It really looks that you need reboot your brain and update to the latest software version. How much time you need to check out info on your pc? Seriously I don't believe that the fancy pc you have is that slow folk. And what's that dumb questions you're asking me? Logically I received sms. Of course I need update for the phone. Doh!
I really won't take the thingy back to that again. I barely survived without it.
And now I'm pissed by this.
To the Nokia manufacturers:
I don't see the reason of making phones without usb plug in. What's the deal in it? Wouldn't that be much easier to just put that hole in the side of the phone so that I can at least update it by myself? Seriously I don't ask for cable. I know how hard is to put smth like that in a retail package so I'm not even asking for that. All I'm asking for is the f***ing hole for than darn cable!
Dear Friend's Mother,

Just because I'm your daughter's random friend doesn't mean you should think you have the right to be late, or just not be there when your daughter expects you to be so that she can get money or whatever from you (that you already told her she could have) so that we can go to the movies or whatever we happen to be doing. Yesterday it was the movies and we wanted to go to a specific time. So you decide to show up about 45 minutes before it starts (while we had been waiting at your house over an hour already), while it takes us about half an hour to drive there in the first place, giving us like 15 minutes on the busy day to get our tickets and food and expect to get a good seat?

It's not just annoying to your own kid but it pisses me off too. It's just rude to make us sit there waiting when you were SUPPOSED to be there already. Your child might be used to it since it seems like you do this constantly, but when she has someone over, even if it's just me, it would be nice of you to at least try to be on time. Not to mention when you text saying you'll be "ten minutes" and then thirty go by. -_- That's just freaking ridiculous and annoying.
Dear "real life" friends,

Why don't you stop taking advantage of me!? Is that really too hard to ask? Everytime I talk to any one of you, I always feel like I'm giving more and more energy to you! But do you EVER give me anything back? Nope. It's always take from me. Whether it's money, a ride, food, a hotel room, subbing for a class with no warning... I shouldn't drop everything in my life because you failed to organize yours.

God, even a simple thank you might just do it...

Oh, and in case you RL people were wondering, you're making easier every day to leave this place. I can't wait to get away from every single one of you.
Dear Sister,

Do you really hate me so much that you wouldn't even bother to wish your own sister a happy birthday? Ever since you've been dating your jackass of a boyfriend, you have pretty much deserted any and all contact that you have with me. It's a shame because I really love and miss you but it seems that you want nothing to do with me.
Sometimes I find myself hating my brother to the point that I want him to fail just so he can wake up. He always has this nonchalant attitude like the world is going to just open up on his schedule but that's not how the world works. I want to tell him to grow up and be more responsible, but there's no real point. I have to learn how to deal with the fact that he's just one of those people that's going to have to end up starving while he fumbles around trying to learn how to fish even though everyone is telling him how to.

Had to bike into work for the last week which sucked because no one ever cares for the fact that I'm driving a bike :scream:which is technically a vehicle, which means I deserve to be on the road like everyone else:scream:. I love biking into work usually, but not when my life is on the line just to cross the street at a proper intersection. The yellow light means prepare to come to a complete stop, not prepare to burn rubber, so you can run down the woman preparing to make a turn on a bike in order to be three minutes late to work instead of five minutes late. I hardly curse but Floridian drivers can be big a**holes.:lol:
Why the fuck does my sound on my pc stop working then works again?? For crying out loud , it's pissing me off and i had to restart it and then the sound fricking works again...

Bloody pc - lousy thing and i dont use my speakers much as i prefer my headphones sheesh
I'm sitting here taking care of a bunch of kids by myself for dance summer camp, and these kids do nothing but complain! It would be nice if I had someone here to help out, but two teachers decided to go to a workshop in a town two hours away (one who couldn't afford it but went anyway, and didn't let me know until the day before, so now I have to cover her classes, too!) another teacher wants the week off because she's been doing it for the past 3 weeks (which I could understand) and the other one flaked out on me!

I had to ask around how summer camp is usually scheduled because no one cared to ever give me details.

AND I have a couple of these students comparing me to the teacher that bailed!

The other teachers got to have each other so they didn't have to do this alone. Why do I have to do this alone?
I don't understand why random people come into my place to promptly screw everything up. Last night, a guy that I don't even know starts making smores on my stove even though I specifically told him if he wanted to play Mr. Chef to do it in the microwave and not the stove. Then he proceeded to set off the fire alarm:wtf:. He didn't even say sorry for potentially burning down my one and only home. That's beyond rude! I don't like being homeless, last time I checked.
Argh. :scream: Don't say you'll be here at 2:30, then not show up. This will turn out just like last week, where you email me and say you were here, even though I've been home all day, and I KNOW you weren't. If you give a time, be considerate and actually show up. I could (should) have been running errands this afternoon, not sitting around waiting for you to knock on the door!
I really wish my friend would return my Broken Social Scene album...I really don't want to go out and rebuy the album. I don't even think she listens to them in the first place. Knowing her, she probably used it in one of her "artistic" experiments.:(
So not looking forward to going to Roe Valley Hospital tomorrow to finally get my wrist checked after 6 long months of sheering pain and i'm dreading it so frickin bad
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