To whoever plays guitarr in our building:
Yes, it's a nice that you have a hobby but could you PLEASE not play after 11pm? Last night I think it was past midnight and I couldn't get sleep because I could heard the sounds and then you dropped your guitarr.
Rules say quiet after 10, but I don't mind noise before 11 but after that..and middle of the week... and in a year, you haven't got much better - or at least I haven't heard you playing actualy songs, just few sounds....
Thank ya
To this rant.. erm on the 3rd night around 1am I wrote and note and taped it in the front door. It said "Dear guitarrplayer, it's nice that you have a hobby but do you really have to play it in the middle of the NIGHT!? Yes, the sounds can be heard thru the wall. - Someone who has been listening you to play for a year" and then "written at 00:52am"
So within an hour, someone had agreed with me, today 3rd and fourth and fourth had written their own note that if it continues, we should keep complaining the company (student housing) that owns/supervises the building. and end the not "-- and with your guitarrskills, you are not going to the moon" :lol: :lol:
I am not really bitchy about some random sounds, but seriously.. I've had trouble sleeping even without those sounds and three nights in a row and I've had it.