The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

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To the HR departments at all of the places I've applied to or sent resumes to. If you're not hiring, or I'm not who you're looking for, would you have the everloving decency to tell me, not either not call me back at all, or call me for a phone interview, then not bother to call me back when I try to follow up. It's hella unprofessional.

You know you'll get lots better results if you're straightforward with people.....
Dear BF. You are the best friend ever, but PLEASE STOP OBSESSING ABOUT ME AND J. Yes, I am going to prom with him. So what? It's just ONE DANCE. It's not something to obsess about, 'kay? It's not like I'm obsessing over you and B going together. THANK YOU
Dear lady at the mall:

WTH were you thinking... going up on the down lane in the parking lot. Just to get to the handicapped spot before us? Seriously it was rude. And you could of crashed into us!. Thanks Alot.... we had to get Gramps out right at the entrance and made it harder on us to get him out. Times like this makes me frustrated at the lack of wheelchair accessible parking spaces.

To My parent's bank...

Enough with the effing overdraft fees... especially if the person is in bad shape with their finances... do you really think a flipping $35 dollar extra charge is gonna help them more. i should think not!It is your fault that we didn't have the money to put down for the apartment, because of the excess of overdraft fees... i mean heck, if there is no money in the bank, decline the thing, don't bounce the darn check.

Dear Lady at the Burger King....

What the heck were you doing that caused you to look below my dad's waist. Looking below that is inappropriate. and no... he did not show his thing to you... his fly was just down ... it happens to everybody at some point. and besides the State Attorney said that most guys scratch down there... it is only natural. You really need to brush up on your sign language seriously... or get someone who is fluent in that.No fricken wonder why my dad couldn't understand you.
To my former classmate from the MSW program:

Please, please PLEASE stop sending me braggy emails about your job and how much you're making. I really don't need to know that you are making 32K+ for a 30 hour work week, and that you got a job offer from this one agency that no one can even get a response from. I really don't care, even if that is true, which I'm not even sure it is. Just stop rubbing my nose in it. Please.
To my former classmate from the MSW program:

Please, please PLEASE stop sending me braggy emails about your job and how much you're making. I really don't need to know that you are making 32K+ for a 30 hour work week, and that you got a job offer from this one agency that no one can even get a response from. I really don't care, even if that is true, which I'm not even sure it is. Just stop rubbing my nose in it. Please.

I know the feeling!:(

Dear Brain:

You're ticking me off.

Dear boss: You're ticking me off even more.

Dear cats: Stop walking where I want to walk!
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To Art classmates: First you complain that there isn't enough negative space around works and then when the next time comes around you complain there is too much. Perhaps you should get a better sense of the over all and not focus on such trivial details.
^ First of all, Starzgirl, I love your avatar! :)

Now my rant...I so freaking tired of all the *feelers* in the world! Quit getting your "feelings hurt" over stupid things! Grow up! Quit acting all wishy washy and mopey because someone "hurt your feelings". Everything isn't personal, you know. Get a little thicker skin if you're going to be out in the real world where everyone you encounter may not care about your "feelings" all the time.

And people...stop sending me forwarded emails about how Pepsi won't put God on its cans or people are trying to take "Christ" out of Christmas or that Obama is going to take away your guns. :rolleyes: How about this? Do a little RESEARCH before sending out a bunch of crap lies trying to scare and rile people up!

And why the HELL is it okay for two women to kiss on a live national TV broadcast but not two men? Maybe because men run things and men think two women kissing is hot but two guys kissing is sick? Straight men can be so weak when they hide behind their fear of things they don't understand. So can the so-called "religious" right.

And if I ask one more person "How are you?" and they answer with "I need my balance" I will not be responsible for what happens to said person.
Haven't been here in a while and I need to blow off some steam. :scream: :brickwall: :scream:

To Dad,
Why do you insist on insulting my brother for getting his girlfriend pregnant? Is it because you're too superficial to realize you're a grandfather and you're getting old? Why do you bag on everything he does? Why do you hate me for looking up to him? Is it because I don't look up to you? Well sorry that I don't feel like following in the footsteps of a bigot, racist, narrow-minded sleaze like you. I feel like a jerk for even thinking about telling you or mother that you were going to be grandparents for the third time. Who was the third, you ask? Me.

To my best friend,
Why are you perfect? Why must everything you do one-up me? I've known you for 12 years and yet out of those twelve years, I've never felt as good as you. Thanks for making me your step stool and your scapegoat.

To me,
Thank you for not being perfect. Thank you for being nothing but what you truly are. Thank you for not giving up even when all the signs pointed to doing so. Thank you for finding out who and what really matters in your life.
And people...stop sending me forwarded emails about how Pepsi won't put God on its cans or people are trying to take "Christ" out of Christmas or that Obama is going to take away your guns. :rolleyes: How about this? Do a little RESEARCH before sending out a bunch of crap lies trying to scare and rile people up!

I'm sorry I laughed (and this is not a rant) at the gun part. How can Obama take away something that's enshrined in the constitution..LOL!

My rant:

to the Conservative MP of Nova Scotia who called the unemployed 'no good lazy b*stards..seriously..get a grip on reality! You do your dinosaur party no good. Be a man and resign!
To whoever plays guitarr in our building:

Yes, it's a nice that you have a hobby but could you PLEASE not play after 11pm? Last night I think it was past midnight and I couldn't get sleep because I could heard the sounds and then you dropped your guitarr.
Rules say quiet after 10, but I don't mind noise before 11 but after that..and middle of the week... and in a year, you haven't got much better - or at least I haven't heard you playing actualy songs, just few sounds....

Thank ya
omg what is it tell me your problem day today 7 people all have problems on the one day i also do hav problems but do my problems matter NOOOO of course not lets just skip over me and go right back to you!! you all know i am happy to help and always there when you need me but you are not the only one with issues you know it would be nice for a little bit of consideration or even a thank you would be nice. some friends you are

Ironic ranting about my friends rants:lol: lol
To our customers,

Will you please stop telling me a 40lb bag of litter is heavy. Yes I know it's heavy but guess what I wouldn't be doing this job if I couldn't handle the lifting of heavy bags. It's part of our customer service to help you out with your purchases if you need it. So please stop telling me the bag is heavy!!!!
K_______, I cannot believe that you told P__ that J_______, is coming to our Christmas dinner with me... Yes, he is coming, and yes I invited him, but he's not coming with me as such, we're all going as a group, why couldn't you have told P__ that?! Now P__ thinks J_______ and I are dating... Thank you so much for that... That's going to be spread around in no time... I can't believe you could be so immature as to do that... Thanks so much... :brickwall:
Why do crazy people spend their time obsessing about actor's sexuality. These people need to go outside and a take a deep breath and then realize there's a big world out there. Seriously, try it.

Here are some real issues. How about finding out an old friend was arrested along with five others from a major chariy. A man who saved your loved ones' life years ago?

How about finding out the government screwed up and you paid for it.

How about dealing with abusive people in your life?

How's that and you seem to think I spend all my time on a website obsessiting about an actor's sexuality when i couldn't care less. You need to get help. You need to get a life!
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To the man who broke my heart only too recently:

I don't have much to say...because there isn't much TO say...other than I loved you until it made me sick, I had to drink every single night to calm down from the high of your smile, I had our future planned out...and then you dropped me on my face, just like the REST OF THEM. Clearly neither of us has learned what we're throwing away...or rather what you're throwing away, cos I'm still holding on.
I know our relationship would have been weird, cos there's rules about "us" dating, but I was willing to cross those lines, I was willing to tiptoe for a while, at least until the end of this semester, if not next, if we ended up in that best friend saw it, I saw it, and you knew it....we had something...but why I'm still talking I have no idea..know that at night I pray, that soon your face will fade away... and I can't fly without you.

You don't know it, but I love you, and I always will.
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