The Poll Thread - #3

In my country, some people start their Christmas shopping when the first of the "-ber" months hits. That means September. To "avoid the holiday rush", you see. :lol:

As for myself, I haven't started yet mainly because I haven't saved enough money to buy gifts for my family and selected friends. ^_^
Haven't started. But have occasionally thought about gifts for my family. But I can't stand seeing tv commericals before thanksgiving. Hell I have seen stuff in stores in October for christmas. Can't even get though one holiday until the next one starts. grrrr
I have bought a few things already, but usually I'm one of those who wait til the last minute and then have to rush around and find the toys my kids want....I have seen several commericals already saying Merry Christmas, I'm waiting for the Clapper commerical and the one where you spread the seeds and watch it grow,{can't think of the name},when those come on, you know it's about Christmas!!! :lol:
I have bought a couple of things and I made 2 afghans this past summer. I've started to make the Christmas ornaments my husband and I put on people's gifts so the realization to start shopping is there :)
i said no. im going to new york over christmas (momma has already given me heck for missing christmas with the family :lol:) and am going to hopefully find things there. many of my friends are on a semester away in europe so were not getting gifts for each other this year. its just my parents really i need to look for
I have to save up more money if I even hope to go Christmas shoping before next Christmas.
I had to vote yes, as all the shops seem to start it in October! And then you get at least an entire month of nothing but Christmas songs and ridiculously busy shops! I'm not really this miserable, honest... ;)
This is HYPER annoying :mad: On 1st Dec. people went crazy and they still are. They set up all the crappy X-mas decorations. I was like: "WTH? It's only Dec 1, people, calm down!!!"
i had to vote yes. back in october i was at a store where the halloween decorations were on sale (still two weeks before halloween!!) and the christmas stuff was creeping in.
I voted yes too. I hate it when you start getting xmas catalogues in like October. And then shops start playing xmas music in the middle of November. But then again i am the sort of person that likes leaving things to the last minute.