The photos of the day!


+I really like this photo, the angle is great and my eyes are drawn up to the centre. Everything just really works in this picture.
- I don't really have anything negative to say, but I do thing there would have been another cool photo opportuinity if it had been night and the lights were on :D

Here's mine for today- I shadowed the photographer at my aunt wedding hehe, I don;t usually take pictures of people, but this is my attempt (the lucky people in the pic are my sister and cousin :D (Thanks wolfesgamergirl for the tip:D)

LeAnne xx
@Everyone who don't know how to post a thumb:
[ url= ][ image ][ /image ][ /url ]
But then without the spaces


+ A very nice photo! The fence is great and makes it a more different then other flower photos. So noth so that standard and all.
- The only thing I can think of are the white flowers that distract a bit. And I would have gone through my knees a bit and get a bit lower for this photo with the same amount of flower/fence in comparison. But that is just my personal thing.


+ Nice thing to photograph those wheels!, your defenitly at the right height! Blue sky works well
- Try to stand in the middle of the object so everything gets symmetric!


+ The flash isn't that hard and doesn't make it flat. Everything is good bright. And with a very busy background... But it really works well here! It adds something here
- I would have get the hairs away from her eyes. If she would like it or not! She is very pretty and her eyes too and now it is bugging me that I can;t see her eye! ;)


My photo:

+ The subjects work well against the busy backgrund. It was a very good place to put them.
- I have to agree with the hair over the eye. She's a pretty girl, let that shine through!

+ The one rightly colors bike in the middle of the darker one is a good center.
- Perhaps moving to the right a bit would have kept the small dead space on the left from appearing.

Here's mine for today. Took this if a wicked storm that was brewing when I was on my way to Summerfest, world's largest music festival.

+ I really like how you can see the storm brewing in the clouds, but the grass is still bright green, the contrast is really good.
-It seems like the camera's titlted slightly, but the land might just be hilly, I'm not sure.

mine for today- we rarely get sky's as pretty as this so I just had to take a picture of it (taken this autumn)

LeAnne xx
+ The sunset is amazing and you did an awesome job capturing it.
- It's hard to find something wrong...but on closer inspection the clouds near the top appeat grainy.

Took this over the summer at the beach. The birds were being a bit pain in the butt.

+ I love how there's one part on the right of the sky that's clear and not cloudy.
- I can't really find anything wrong with it. Great job.

+ I love how the colors all kind of mix together. This is an awesome picture.
- The trees somehow take away from the sunset.

+ Its so pretty with the birds and the sand. The water also looks nice.
- You could have focused more on the water and less on the sand.
+ I really like how the sea comes across the diagonal of the picture and the birda are all seeming to line up on that line, it's really nice to look at, plus, the action of the wave rolling was captured really nicely in the top right.
- The bottom left hand corner is a tiny bit plain, but it doesn't take your attention away from the rest of the picture, I only noticed it when I actually looked specifically at that bit.

Here's mine, and I'm afraid it's more snow, also in my garden, the lyear before last (I am counting down the 26 days til my birthday when I'm getting a camera that works :D)

LeAnne xx
+ The tree is a nice center point. And is a nice reverse from the other colors round it.
- I think it's snowing but can't be sure. But whatever it may be is throwing off how long I can look at the pic. It seems quite bright.

Random photo of one of my friends. Sadly I got tackled as this was being take so it looks a bit odd.

+ The composition is good, I like the angle of looking at the subject from behind her.
- There is camera movement.

Now that the judging is over, I wanted to submit the photo as I originally wanted it, I could not submit this for the contest because it has been photo shopped quite a bit. the dimensions are also different.

+ The conceptis well thought out and the numbers of subjects works very well.
- I don't know if it's just my eyes or not but at the first look my eyes went to the bright blue sky and the bright white snow. Might be too much contrast from the brown to the white and blue.

Took some shots on a bus trip in November since there is lovely construction in Milwaukee.

I think Ill give this a try! :)
+ Its interesting and abstract, the angle is unique and eye catching.

- The reflection through the vehicle window is a little distracting. Im trying to figure out whats in the reflection rather than the look at main focus of the picture.

Heres mine: Picture
+ It's a very nice warm weathered photo. The colors work well.
- I can't find the central focus and my eyes keep moving around the photo.
My camera broke and I can't make any photos, that's why I don't poste them. I don't know if I'm allowed to comment the photos, I'd just like to say a little thing to wolfesgamergirl. One trick I use when I have to make photos from inside a car is to open the diafragm and close exposition time. That way the closer image (he reflection) gets blurred and difumines with the background.

Very nice photos everybody.
^ You're allowed to comment if you don' post a photo.

I've said it before....don't have an expensive shutter speeds and exposure times aren't in the menu choices.
I think I;ll give this a go too. Be warned I can barley take my own photos let alone critique others but I'll try :p

+ I really love the colors. It also reminds me of something I can't put my finger on at the moment.
- My focus though keeps going back to the blue in the sky. I think less sky would have worked better.

This was during a break for a show I was doing. My friends decided it was time to cuddle together.
