The Official Pets thread

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adorelo Poppy is soooo cute. I'm sure she bats those eyes at you and gets whatever she wants :lol:

Steph Toby is adorable :) I love dogs but I just don't lead a dog lifestyle. I let my older sisters have the dogs. Between the two of them they have 6 dogs. 2 for the oldest sister and 4 for the other one. They also have cats. I've lost count of how many the oldest sister has but the older one has 3. Cats run in the family :)

Smokey keep us up to date with Cricket please :)
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Hehe thanks Cap'n. :D I know the feeling, I'm a dog person, but I live a cat lifestyle... :lol: That sounds so weird... Hope you know what I mean..? With my family it's the other way around, we've always had dogs running around, ever since I can remember, there's always been a dog...

Oh and I took a couple of pictures of my uncles' horse on Sunday, his name is Tullyhubert Duke, (the area my uncle is from is called Tullyhubert), or just Duke for short. Isn't he gorgeous?
Oh my Adorelo, your little puppy is the cutest!! :D What breed is she? I love her name, it's suits her. :D

She's a boarder Terrior. I have two. Poppy's show quality and Margie (who's younger) is the runt of the litter :lol: Her ears are too big for her head, and her eyes are really large; she's a-dork-able. I'll hunt out a pic.

adorelo Poppy is soooo cute. I'm sure she bats those eyes at you and gets whatever she wants :lol:

Yes, she does :rolleyes:. She's spoiled rotten hehe.

You all have such pretty animals. I really want a cat, but my aunt allergic. When I finally more out, I'm gonna get one :D

ETA: and thanks A_C! I now also want a horse :lol:
Aww, your cat is so pretty, I especially love the 2nd picture, looks like she is posing like a real model. ;)

Thanks! That second pic was taken while she was hiding from my sister underneath my desk. I surprised how that turned out because she does look like she's posing. :lol:
Well I use to have a cat and dog, but now it's just my black shepherd Spencer. Yesterday I had to put my 16 year old cat down three hours after that I had to go to work. Yeah, I was crying all day at work. It just kills me I come home and expect her to be there lying some where, in my bedroom, or in the living room. :( Rips your damn heart out
aw, sorry about your kitty CCA. my cat is 16 and half, perfectly healthy but i cant help thinking that the day when she wont be here anymore may not be far away... :(

heres some new ones of pixie cat:

i demand tummy rubs!
no more cuddles, time for sleep
its my water now!

seriously, she only drinks water out of people glasses. she even gets water from the water cooler, spoiled baby! she has her own little glass but she still prefers to drink from our glasses if they are the table. even if the glass is almost empty she will shove her face in there to try and get it :lol:
allmaple it's so nice to see Pixie being treated like the little lady that she is :)

We have one cat that will only drink out of the bathroom tap. We don't leave the tap running all the time so she has to come to us to get her water. Out of 6 cats she's the only one that does this. I don't know what we will do in two weeks when we go away for the weekend. Probably leave the tap on and tell the pet sitters to leave it be.
I'm going to boo hoo for a minute...

My two Neon Tetra's died last week. I am so bummed!!

I'm so grateful for my doggy dog Jake. He is a 7 year old Boarder Collie Lab Mix. He has scared people away from breaking into our home. The theft by my house is getting bad.

with love, Austin
Jacquie in my pet nutrition class we talked about how some cats are really finicky about water. some will only drink running water, others lick condensation, and some dont want their whiskers to touch water. pixie never drank water until we found out she likes people glasses and filtered water :lol: there is an electric pet water bowl that keeps water running like a water fountain, maybe your kitty would like that?

sorry about your fish Austin. i had fish for 6 years and i could never keep those things alive. i had one fish that died within hours of bringing it home :wtf: but it was its own fault, it somehow swam under a rock and got stuck.
allmaple being in the pet business I know all about the bowls :) We've tried it and Riley will still drink only from the tap. She has drunken water out of a bowl that was outside on the deck but our cats don't go out on the deck all the time. The water dish that is used most often is a large stainless steel dish so her whiskers shouldn't hit the side. I do try to give her more canned food so I do know she's getting water from that. But thanks for your advise anyways allmaple all suggestions are good :)
We have one cat that will only drink out of the bathroom tap. We don't leave the tap running all the time so she has to come to us to get her water.
Oh, that's exactly what does mine *evidence* :lol:
I think he learnt that from his mom, even when she was killed by a car when he was one month.
Anyway, if there's noone around to open the tap, he drinks from his water bowl, but not if he can avoid it.;)

Sorry about your pets CCA and Austin. *hugs*

Cute pets everyone !!!
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Hormiga at least your cat is dignified when he drinks from the tap. Ours drinks from one bathroom sink only and sticks her rear up while she drinks from the drain area.

Sorry about everyone losing a pet over the past while. It's never easy to lose a loved one whether they have fur or scales.
Hormiga...I love that pic of your cat drinking from the tap :lol:

My cat, Whiskers, tried to eat something (I cant remember what it was) the other night and she started choking. I was so freaked out and I had to get the food that was stuck out....I was so sad but then she she followed me round like usual and sat on my feet :lol:. She's just started doing it and it gets quite annoying when im sitting at my laptop and she'll just meow if I try and get up :lol:
I have heard that cats like running water due to instinct. In the wild, running water is fresh and safe, whereas still water is stagnant and can make them sick.

Cricket will jump up on the sink in the bathroom like he wants the water, but then he's afraid of it! :lol: But when I fill the bowl and put it down, then he jumps down and will drink the fresh water. Weirdo. :wtf:
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