A week ago I got call from my ex's little sister. She has cat that's born in our farm, pretty cat
She and the guy, who she took cat with weren't together anymore and he was selling the house and she was staying with her mom and cats were with him.
Anyways, she called if I can take this cat, Speedy, because he isnt' feeding her at all, she's preggies and she cannot take her before she finds her own place. Police had called her about the cats, neighbours had reported. Because it's rather lovely cat, she didn't want to put her to sleep so I said ok
So now I got her tonight, she ate sooomuch and been purrrrrrring at me and poking and then we took little nap on floormat
She's just like her mother, Priimu the cat that died on March. Who knows if she stays here rest of her life... bit depends on my mother - because we have 2 females.
I just cannot believe some jerk can be so ignorant towards innocent animals and towards someone so cute than she is...I try to take pic later on.