The Official Pets thread

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My best friend gave me a hermit crab for my birthday. I think that the crab is weird because sometimes it would just go to a corner of the cage and stay inside the shell and not move. I get scared and think that its dead. :rolleyes:

I wanted a hamster but my mom said that it was mouse like so she couldn't get me that. But a hamster would've been pretty cool.
^A few years back a friend of mine had a couple of hamsters, and since we were pretty close, I grew quite accustomed to his hamsters. But I remember one day going over they were suddenly triple their size :eek:

It took me a while to absorb what he was saying. He'd replaced the hamsters with Guinea Pigs. It just so happened they had similar coats. :eek: Man was I confused. :lol:
Thanks for the support everyone. It really helps to talk about. I'm feeling a bit better. I've been having a headache since thursday, but I'm sure that that will pass in time.
Thanks for listening...
We just got the mail and there were 2 postcards in there. 1 from my aunt wishing us well and 1 one from the vet. It's so nice of him to take the time and write a card wishing us well...
My best friend gave me a hermit crab for my birthday. I think that the crab is weird because sometimes it would just go to a corner of the cage and stay inside the shell and not move. I get scared and think that its dead. :rolleyes:

if you pick up a hermit crab and blow gently on it, it will come out of the shell. something to do with thinking it is the breeze off the ocean and feeling safe. our tour guide in costa rica showed us that, and i would pick up cabs off the beach and get them to come out of their shells. its pretty neat.

4blueeyez im sorry for the loss of your pet. i have never had a pet die (except fish, i could never keep those damn things alive) and i cannot imagine how it feels.
i have never had a pet die (except fish, i could never keep those damn things alive)
I've never been able to keep fish alive for long either. Is there some kind of secret (how often are you supposed to feed them?) on how to keep them swimming instead of floating to the surface?

^That's a nice little trick there allmaple :) I never knew that...
Sorry for your loss 4blueeyez. :(

Talking of fish, I was given a fish for my 20th birthday by my housemates at university. He's called Keith and he's still alive and well eight years later. He now lives with my parents-in-law because my cats want to eat him. :lol: I used to have a fish called Ian when I was younger and my cats used to get their head right into the tank to try and eat him, he'd just float along the bottom and evade them. :lol: I'm glad to report that Ian died of natural causes and not at the hands of my cats. Unlike my gerbils, and my best friend's gerbil that I was looking after while she went on holiday...
Do you have any pictures? I'd lurve to see the terror of the streets in colour :p
They are on a different computer, Ill try to get a few up soon :thumbsup:
ETA: You were asking me right? If you werent, Oh well, Ill still post some later
Talking of fish, I was given a fish for my 20th birthday by my housemates at university. He's called Keith and he's still alive and well eight years later. He now lives with my parents-in-law because my cats want to eat him. :lol: I used to have a fish called Ian when I was younger and my cats used to get their head right into the tank to try and eat him, he'd just float along the bottom and evade them. :lol: I'm glad to report that Ian died of natural causes and not at the hands of my cats. Unlike my gerbils, and my best friend's gerbil that I was looking after while she went on holiday...
Wow. Whenever I used to have fish, they never lived past 6 months to a year, usually. I could never figure out what I was doing wrong! But its okay because Ive learned to just not buy them anymore. :lol:
I would be scared to be around your cats, they sound vicious!!:lol:
ILJT said:
You were asking me right? If you werent, Oh well, Ill still post some later
Haha, yes, I was asking you. I really wanna see the terror of the streets. :lol:

Elsie said:
Talking of fish, I was given a fish for my 20th birthday by my housemates at university. He's called Keith and he's still alive and well eight years later.
8 years?? :eek: How'd you do that? I can barely keep them alive for more than 6 months (looks like we share that little fact huh, ILJT) :p Elsie must be forced to share her secrets!! :lol:
my sucker fish was the only fish i could keep alive. he was 7 years old when i gave him away, dont know how long he lived after that. they told me at the pet store this fish wouldnt grow large in a small tank. well i had a 20 gallon tank at this fish was almost 18 incehs long :eek: that fish and a gold tetra were the only ones that survived for a long time, and my dad fed them while i was at university. when i cam back i gave them both to someone i worked with who had a 100 gallon tank. so bob (the sucker fish) finally had enough room to move around. it was quite the challenge moving him though :lol:
Ok here's another pic of my cat :)

She has a thing for wndow sills :lol: One night both windows were open either end and she walked out of the window along the outside window sill and back through the other window :eek: I didnt dare move incase I made her fall Its quite a way down!

When I was younger I had two rabbits but I didnt have much luck with ran away :lol: and the other was erm eaten well thats a lie a stout pulled its head off:alienblush: It was a bit a shock when I found it!
She was trying to get me to stroke her :lol:

Shes only done it once and it was night aswel so i could only really see her eyes.....creepy!
Well heres a few more pics of my place:

This is Bridie and her foal Lorena, they live on my uncles farm in QLD Aussie. Technically Bridie is mine...but she doesn't live with me as it costs to much to get her flown over and shes happy. This pic was taken a while ago.

And this my cousin Maggie and my calf McCreamy...(don't ask) she took him to her schools agriculture day.

This is my new horse Buffy. Hes part Arab and is totally awesome. I wub him

And this is my dog Tess.

Well I have a bit of a farm going. At the moment I have a horse, calf, two dogs, one cat and a pig. My calf is going to a bigger farm soon as he's getting impossible. I want to get a couple of highland calves, but I probably won't as one it's a two acre plot and its not big and two they are pricy! Oh well.
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