The Official Pets thread

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allmaple your icon.. :D Very nice.

why thank you :) pixie is doing quite well after her ordeal. she sleeps most of the time (always did) but a few times we have found her under my parents bed. thats where she goes when we have company over and she wants to be alone. she hasnt asked at the back door to go outside yet... :lol:
Okay, here comes a little rant that is not about my pet in particular, but about poeple and pets in general.

Today we went to an animal shelter, we're toying with the idea of getting a second cat once we have moved into a bigger apartment. There was a 3 legged cat, about 9 years, sweet, pretty and apparently clever (they said in her description that she was able to open doors). If we had enough space we would have taken her with us. Anway, on to my rant. The 3 legged kitty is sharing her room with a one year old brisk little kitty, and in the 10 minutes we spend watching them a handful of poeple came by, going all crazy over the little one, completely dismissing the older cat.

Only when they noticed that it had just 3 legs, they took the time to pity her for a moment before they averted all attention back to the younger kitty. There were 3 families/couples immediately willing to take the little one, but no-one even considered the other one for a moment.

How come that people are so against the idea of taking in an older or disabled cat? Are they not worthy of a loving home and some attention?

There was another cat, it's description said it was a peaceful, friendly and quiet one, tolerating other cats, and it was also pretty. Only problem: It had a blind eye and needed constant medical care (nothing serious, just eye drops or something). The poor fella has been there for weeks, waiting for someone to take it in. But no, people don't want damaged goods. They come looking for young cats that are uncomplicated and flawless. How sad is that? They don't come to the shelter for the sake of saving a life, they just want pets that are cute and they hope the shelter is a cheap place to get one.

We spend half the day reading online ads and reports from the animal shelters in our area. It's sad to see how long some pets have to live there because nobody wants them, and it's unbelievable to read how many of them actually get placed in families and are brought back because they don't meet the expectations of their new owners. What do people expect? Frightened cats and dogs pee in corners, scratch and bite. Everybody knows that, so why do people pressure their pets? A little bit of patience and understanding works wonders.

We took in a very fightened cat one year ago, he hissed at us and hid under the couch as soon as we released him in his new home. But guess what, it didn't even take a whole day for him to get curious and inspect the apartment. Two days later he already slept on the bed. He let himself be picked up and he used the litter box from the start. Never in the whole year we have him did he attack us, break stuff or pee anywhere but in his box. And he is not the only one. I know of several other cats and dogs who came from shelters and where frightened as hell in the beginning. But with a little care and understanding they all grew into perfectly sweet pets who all were visibly grateful for being rescued.

This is getting longer than I intended it to be. I guess my point was just that a lot of poeple are thoughtless and egoistic, and it's exactly that sort of people who should not be given pets to.
Gosh, that is so sad. I knew people could be like this, but.. yeah, it's very sad. Some people really can't look further than what's on the outside.
MiaCharlize-I get what you say completely! Its sad! When you get a pet its for life! Good on you for getting that cat, I did the same with my old cat Jet, he came to my place as a kitten ridden with worms, fleas, ticks you name it. Anyway he lived a long, happy life and was the sweetest thing. Rescue animals are great-Most of my dogs and cats are rescues! p.s. I would totally adopt a 3 legged cat!
I know that I've posted pictruesmy doggy before but she's just too amazing not to post more pictures of.

I love her. :)

She's amazing. I complain about her... but she's wonderful.

As for a damaged animal, IF I could handle any more animals right now I would be happy to take in a blind or broken cat or dog. It wouldn't be fair to them though because I just don't have enough time to devote to another pet at the moment, so now's not the best time.

I will though, someday.

Unfortunately, living in a residence hall means no pets other than fish. :( However, I have a Betta named "Dude" (because it took me days to name him, and the entire time I called him dude), who is almost 2 years old. :)
I have many, many pets. It depends on where I'm staying.

When I'm With My Dad
Eight Cats

When I'm With My Mom
One Dog
Sally (Yellow Labrador Retriever)

My cat, Mitzi, just recently passed away. I'm very upset.

When I'm With My Sister
Two Dogs
Jasper (Newfoundland)
Buddha (St. Bernard)

P.S. LLK! ELPHIE IS SOOOOOOOO CUTE! I'm serious... what kind of dog is she again?
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I know that I've posted pictruesmy doggy before but she's just too amazing not to post more pictures of.

I love her. :)

That's a very sweet looking doggy! :)

As for sick animals, when I adopted my two older cats and got them home, Ellie was sneezing like crazy. Turns out she's alergic to 36 different things, including feathers, mice, wool, dust, just about every tree outside, and even food. She can't have beef, chicken, fish, etc.

I often wonder if that's why someone gave her up. :( But I buy her the gold-plated bags of special cat food every month and give her alergy shots. I wouldn't give her up for anything!
Thank you, ILuvJonathanTogo, I miss her so much. But I have eight more to keep me company in my time of mourning. And about the menace to society that you call your dog, I have that EXACT same problem with my dog Sally. Or had... until we put child safe locks on the cabinet that the garbage is in. Now she can't get to it. I recommend you try that, lol.
I have a new pet :)

It's a hamster called Anton. I got him from the animal shelter today. He's such a cutie. :D
He's very curious and vivid, he didn't even hesitate to run around the cage and inspect every corner.

Here's a pic:

The cat is very intrigued by him, too. He keeps whining cause there's no way he can jump inside the hamster cage. Stupid kitty. He keeps trying to find a way in.

Funny enough Anton doesn't even seem to care, he completely ignores the huge cat outside his door. :lol:

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Thank you, ILuvJonathanTogo, I miss her so much. But I have eight more to keep me company in my time of mourning. And about the menace to society that you call your dog, I have that EXACT same problem with my dog Sally. Or had... until we put child safe locks on the cabinet that the garbage is in. Now she can't get to it. I recommend you try that, lol.

Menace to society :guffaw: Exactly. The menace had a fun day in the mud today. Fun for him anyways..not really fun for our rugs though.

Ill try what you suggested, thanks!
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