The O.C.

It's gonna be so awesome! I've heard a lot of people saying this season really isn't going to be worth watching but I'm watching anyway. It's a good show and I really love it!

How about spoilers for the new season? I've been looking for Julie 4th season spoilers but everything I've found is all Ryan...
i dont know about spoilers but i have seen promo pics of julie. at least i think theyre for this season, could have been for the last. anyway, she looks drop dead gorgeous and i am extremely jealous :lol:
*nods* I'm jealous too! She is so stunning!!

I watched an interview a while ago where Melinda Clarke was talking about how she always used to visit chat boards to see what people thought of Julie. She stopped checking out boards when people started saying they wanted Julie to die! :eek: :lol:
I know some spoilers on Julie.
Julie has a drug problem in the fourth season
i just read that the season doesnt start til mid november and right now theyre only scheduled to do 16 episode. 16!! it said they have the option to do more but i cant help but feel cheated.
does anyone know if marissa was killed of because mischa barton wanted out, or was she fired? because ive heard both stories and dont know which is true
Whoa, thanks for that spoiler, iloveyou!!

allmaple, I think Mischa wanted out. She wants to act in movies and being on The OC she didn't have time to do both. But I too have heard both and am not sure which to believe. You might try going to and typing in Mishca Barton. :)

I hate it that the new season will only have 16 episodes! That's so bogus!
Yeah and this is the last season :(
But yeah Mischa Barton wanted out because she wants to be in movies , as u said Catherinesmyidol
My heart is going to be broken when this ends.
I mean this my my FAVORITE show, not just for the hot guys like adam brody, and ben mckenzie, but for the problems and humor, and DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA
Your telling me!! I will have nothing to do on Thursdays from 8-9 :( Maybe they will discover how much they love the show and want to keep doing it?
LOL I would have nothing to look forward to at all during the week! I think if the ratings get up and stay up, they might reconsider this being the last season. But if the ratings are down for the whole season, I'm afraid it would probably be over. :(
I agree. I am hoping that they are going to keep going, but im hearing this season isnt going 2 be very good with kaitlyn, but who knows really? I am still going to watch it.
Hey guys

So, the new season begins Nov. 2, right? :rolleyes:
And only 16 eps. :( How rude. :mad:

So who's ready for The OC???

I am dying for the season to begin. I've read some spoilers and it's going to be interesting. :D

One things for sure, I won't be missing Marissa. :rolleyes: No offense. :D

In the mean time I've gone back to watching the first season then season two over the weekend. I can't wait to buy the third season. :D

Looking back at season one, God I couldn't stand Oliver. :mad: His character was so annoying I had to skip those parts. :rolleyes:
I miss how Sandy and Caleb use to argue. :D
BTW, Alan Dale in on 'Ugly Betty' now. :)

I'm ready for it to start! Only 22 days! *squee* Yes, the spoilers are defintely making things look very interesting.

I only own the second season, but I love the first. The only thing I didn't like was Ryan's little mini affair with Caleb's girlfriend, Gabrielle. He did that, then when Julie and Luke got together, he was all mad and made them end it. Hypocrite much? :rolleyes: :lol:

Oliver was weird. I'm so glad he's no longer on the show.

If you'd like to see the coolest thing ever, go to and go to The OC section. Then click on videos. I'm sure you can find it from there. ;) Okay, maybe not the coolest thing ever, but it really made me happy because it showed the new season is going to have exactly what I wanted; Julie drama. :D
I love The O.C! :D

I didn't like Oliver myself neither as he was quite a freak and so annoying. :rolleyes: I can't wait for season 3 being released on dvd in 2 weeks. :D

Roll on season 4 tho. :p