The O.C.

Yes! I cannot wait!

Is it sad that after watching the episode online (Fox released it early on the web), I'm more excited to see it now than I was before? I mean, I've watched it six times already but it's just so much cooler to see it on television. :D
Here's a review of the Season Four Premiere

Whoooohoooo . . . I'm ready!!!!!!

This was a heartbreaking eppy
Especially when Julie was like to Ryan
I come here everyday.
i tried not to cry
but i couldnt hold it in,
next week looks so intense.
I loved the season premiere!

Man, five months later and they changed. :eek: All of them! :eek: :eek: :eek:

I'm not liking Summer in college. :mad: I honestly think she was avoiding Julie. And to see her back in her room and closing the adjoining door cause she was imaging Marissa still there was sad. :( She thinks she's moved on BUT she really hasn't. :(

I felt bad for Ryan. :( Blaming himself for Marissa's death. Moving out of the pool house and into that scary looking place. :eek: At least the Cohens knew where he was living.

Poor Julie. :( I just wanted to give her a BIG hug. She went through so much the last few years with Marissa and it's hard to see her grieving. :(
Meeting with Ryan at the motel brought back memories of the old Julie. :devil:
And finally seeing Ryan at the cemetery, wow, she talked him into visiting Marissa's grave. That was very moving.

Julie and Ryan were great last night.

I am so, so glad to see that they're actually dealing with Marissa's death, you know, instead of just shrugging it off like, 'eh, nobody liked her anyway.' Great episode.

Especially when Julie was like to Ryan
I come here everyday.

That almost got me. :( I agree; the Julie and Ryan scenes last night were great. :)

I did giggle when Julie got caught under the bookcase or whatever it was she was trying to rearrange. "It's a built-in." :lol:

And I continue to just love Sandy and Kirsten. Even if they're just hanging around not doing anything; I love them. :D
Haha Julie Under the bookcase just cracked me up :)
stupid Dr. Roberts.
Cant he see how much greif Julies under? like seriusly her daughter for 18 years died. He should be sad.
She was like his step daughter.
Yeah, Julie under the built-in bookcase. :lol: And doing yard work. :eek:

Haha Kaitlin caught Dr. Roberts with the ex. :lol:

Like all of you, Julie under the bookshelf cracked me up. And I was oddly disturbed at the sight of her doing yardwork. I mean... she's Julie Cooper, not a gardener! :lol:

I've never really been much of a Ryan fan but the episode made me see that he's an okay character. Can't wait to see what goes on between him and Volchok.

That cemetary scene at the end... that ws good. Julie's line, "I'm here every day." was absolutely brilliant. Both Melinda and Ben deserve Emmy's. :D

By the way, for those of you that live in the US, you might want to check this link out Each Thursday, Fox is going to upload the new episode (The episode that will air the next week) so you can see it beforehand. Evidentially they think it'll help the ratings or something, I'm not really sure. But they have the next episode "The Gringos" up. Now I just have to finish my Physics homework so I can watch it. :lol:
I just love Julie. She's like a roller coaster. :lol:

I've never been a fan of Ryan too. He bugged me in the past. I'm glad Julie didn't put the blame on him.

I kind of see a little bit of Lady H in Julie. :D
The revenge factor. *rubs hands* :devil:

I'm not sure what Fox is doing, but I like it. Wednesday (the 8th), they are showing episode 2 at 9, if I remember correctly. And, we get episode 3 at 9. Two new episodes in one week! *is excited*

I've already seen episode 2, 'The Gringos' and it's fantastic. But it's always better on tv. :D

Do you think Fox is testing the waters to see if The OC gets better ratings on Wednesday when it's not up against CSI and Grey's? Or are they just trying to get through the season faster so it'll be done?
Catherinesmyidol said:
I'm not sure what Fox is doing, but I like it. Wednesday (the 8th), they are showing episode 2 at 9, if I remember correctly. And, we get episode 3 at 9. Two new episodes in one week! *is excited*

Do you think Fox is testing the waters to see if The OC gets better ratings on Wednesday when it's not up against CSI and Grey's? Or are they just trying to get through the season faster so it'll be done?

OMG are you serious!!! :eek:
The OC on Wed!!! :eek:
And two new eps? :eek:

Pleeeeeeaaassseeeee I hope it's true!!!!!

I just hate the fact that it goes up against GA. :( Which really sucks. :mad:

I hate to say this but I think they just want to get it over with.

I was soooo pissed-off when it went up against CSI last season. :mad: Stupid FOX!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

ETA: OK, I just went to the OC Forum and "The Gringos" will air on Wed after Bones and Thursday the third ep called "The Cold Turkey" will air at it's regular time.

I hope they move The OC to Wednesday nights.
I do enjoy watching Bones and that would be a cool move. :D

Oh awesome! I cannot wait to see 'The Cold Turkey'! It's supposed to be loads of Julie drama, and that'll make me happy.

Even though I'd love to see the show go on and would gladly watch it, I think this is the last season. Mischa left and people got angry, which confuses me because she was kinda evil, and the show lost viewers. And this season is fantastic, possibly the best season since the first. Maybe if the show gets moved to Wednesday, they will have a chance. At least they'd get more viewers. *shrugs*
Catherinesmyidol said:
And this season is fantastic, possibly the best season since the first. Maybe if the show gets moved to Wednesday, they will have a chance. At least they'd get more viewers. *shrugs*

I loved the first season. :D
I just hope The OC moves to Wed. even if it's just a few more eps. :(
At least I have my dvds to look back on and really enjoy.

Wooohoooo goooooooooooo Julie!!!!

Word has it that Grissom will be at Brown during his sabbatical and since we know Summer is at Brown too, wouldn't it be cooled if she was sitting in class and Dr. Grissom was the speaker. Can you imagine that?
