The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

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Vegela Per the rules of the board (located to the Right of the forum) we can not discuss, downloading, tape trading, ect, as it is illegal. ;)'s just that I'm so desperate to watch it!!!
I saw it 2 days ago at Best Buy. I was gonna buy it ($20) but looking at the back of the DVD it looked like it was just the episode. I was under the impression that there would be extras on it. :confused:

Thanx for the info...I'm going to Best Buy!!!
Are you fraeking kidding me? That's all you guys have to say about Grave Danger? Holy crap. I've only just begun on that one...

I've been so busy I haven't had time to write anything about the episode, but I'd like to say a few things. I agree with myfuturecsi that everything's probably already been said, but this is the frickin' timeline, so it must be discussed. ;) Couldn't we hold off from moving ahead, at least until after Christmas? Give a girl a chance to get her thoughts together? :)
Secondly, I have been keeping an eye out for the DVD copy of Grave Danger that's supposed to be released sooner or later in Canada.
I saw it 2 days ago at Best Buy. I was gonna buy it ($20) but looking at the back of the DVD it looked like it was just the episode. I was under the impression that there would be extras on it. :confused:
I just saw the DVD version of Grave Danger and I wasn't impressed. It was like watching the Spike Version. It was divided into 2 parts and just like with Spike, the scene with Ecklie and that jerk from the Sheriff's department was cut. Maybe it wasn't THAT important, but I always thought that with DVD's nothing would be cut. I'm glad I have 2 taped verison's from CBS.
I did like the little behind the scens bit.

Did the DVD indicate whether that was George they pulled out of the box or a stunt double?

I know why they used a bottom half dummy, but what was the full one for?

I would image it would have been dummy for the flying part of the stunt. Even if GE had been willing to do it, I am not sure the production companies insurance company would have been willing to let them. Given the lighting during that time, it you wouldn't seen the details, so it wouldn't be as important that it was an actual body flying through the air.
Are you fraeking kidding me? That's all you guys have to say about Grave Danger? Holy crap. I've only just begun on that one...

I've been so busy I haven't had time to write anything about the episode, but I'd like to say a few things. I agree with myfuturecsi that everything's probably already been said, but this is the frickin' timeline, so it must be discussed. ;) Couldn't we hold off from moving ahead, at least until after Christmas? Give a girl a chance to get her thoughts together? :)

Yes, exactly! This is the timeline. We're not just going to slide over an episode because it's already been discussed on the board, right? Especially since it was such a key episode for Nick.

Obviously if you don't feel like going over it again, that's your perogative, but there are a few of us who still want to discuss it (and are a little busy at the moment).

Thanks for your patience. :)
This is my first time in posting...forgive me if I screw it up....

I liked how it began..Nick singing along...going to a crime scene. At that time I fell into the "just another routine scene". I liked the set up.

Now..the officer D.A. I believe was his name. Was this guy stupid or what? I know Nick struggled and sounded like he was yelling, even though he had a hand over his mouth. I couldn't believe that this officer didn't turn to look at where Nick was between throwing up. Talk about bone head people....

After Nick being kidnapped and the team seeing the live video feed gave me goosebumps. It was a chill that went down my spine. Words would have ruined this moment because the looks on their faces were worth a thousand words. This was an excellent scene!!

Like all...I think George Eads did one hell of a job! How many actors would go through with a show like that? He has more guts than I do. There were a few times I wasn't sure if it was Nick reacting or George acting when he woke up in the box and freaked out. The scenes of him in that box was not easy for me to watch. Talk about pulling out a deep fear from deep inside your soul. Okay when he put that gun up to his chin....I screamed. That gesture brought back a painful memory of my uncle who was a sheriff. I think that is why I have a hard time watching that scene. George showed his acting chops and people noticed, I know I did!

I wanted to see more of the teams interactions with Nick after they got him out. I felt cheated in a way. I mean when they pulled him out, there was like a split second and no one moved toward Nick. Hello....I'd be there like fly on honey!!

Suddenly..bam...he is visiting Kelly Gordon. Okay...was this too much of scene shock or what? I'm thinking 'this guy was buried alive...eaten by ants and is seeing the daughter of the man that tried to kill him. The time he was healing would have been worth a quick scene or two. Nick is going to have issues over this. Who wouldn't???

Like I said before...forgive me if I have screwed this up.
Yeah, it sort of sets up the scenario as it is the last time we see happy, care free Nick. He goes about his usual business of examining the crime scene before the dark figure grabs him. Sooooo spooky.

I didn't realise this. Nick won't be the same anymore...

I think he visits Kelly Gordon some weeks after.. because in 'gum drops" Sara says "... 6 month ago..." it was the fifth episode... so for me :confused: about 2-3 month passed since "bodie in motion"... when Nick come back on the field (?)
so I think he stops about 3 month...
It's only my two cents.. :p

i think It was not really a Nick's centric episode :D: Ok he was the center but the others (except Greg and Sara) was a lot developped... Warrick was the frustrated; Cath was really the "proactive" one and Grissom was disapointed... I don't really think he realised what happened and even now I don't think he realises..
About Sara and Greg, even if we didn't see them a lot; they were really usefull and calm

Plus Ecklie was really great.. :D

I agree that while Nick was the center of this episode, it wasn't a Nick-episode in that we didn't see him doing very much...though what he did considering his circumstances was pretty good.

As I said in my earlier post, most of Nick's struggles were internal ones. Other then shooting out the lights there really wasn't much he could do. He had to lay there and wait for rescue. And I think for a character like Nick, who is use to going out there and doing things, to have to sit (in this case lie) and wait in the hardest thing to do. His fate is pretty much in the hands of others, and even if has every faith in the world in them, he knows the odds of his being found are pretty low. The fact that keeps it together as well as he did and as long as he did speaks to his internal strength.

This episode though was more about the team's, in particular Grissom, Catherine and Warrick, to find Nick and their own internal struggles. I would go as far to say that the struggles were really Grissom and Warrick, mostly because Catherine was able to do get the ransom money, which - after many twists and turns, lead them to where Nick was.

Grissom and Warrick however, each had his own issues to deal with. Warrick's was a big one...not only his very tight friendship with Nick, but his fear that it could have just as easily been him. I think one of the best moments for Warrick came when he was looking for a pencil/pen and found the coin.

Grissom's sturggle's where also compelling to watch. A big part of it has to do with how Grissom apporaches his job, as a puzzle and almost a game between him and the criminal, although one with the highest of stakes. This time however, the stakes are not just high, they are personal. I think for Grissom what will haunt him about the case is Walter Gordon's question..."What does Nick Stokes mean to you?" It is one of things I hope they address at some point.

I think that Grave Danger will be a turning point of sorts for not just Nick, but also the Nick-Grissom relationship. I don't think that Grissom will take Nick for granted anymore and I think that he now knows just how important Nick is to him.
Grissom's sturggle's where also compelling to watch. A big part of it has to do with how Grissom apporaches his job, as a puzzle and almost a game between him and the criminal, although one with the highest of stakes. This time however, the stakes are not just high, they are personal. I think for Grissom what will haunt him about the case is Walter Gordon's question..."What does Nick Stokes mean to you?" It is one of things I hope they address at some point.

I think that Grave Danger will be a turning point of sorts for not just Nick, but also the Nick-Grissom relationship. I don't think that Grissom will take Nick for granted anymore and I think that he now knows just how important Nick is to him.

Well said....I hope to see Grissom's relationship with Nick expanded upon, too.
I think an interesting concept used was the whole "hallucination/autopsy" scene. There are so many ways you can interpret Nick's hallucination, and why say his father appeared and not his mother; the fact that Dr. Robbins handed him the heart, and then his father's comments as the hallucination fades out. Lots of fodder for Nick's underlying "psychology" in that one little scene.
Yeah, that was weird. My neighbor hated that scene and thought it was distasteful, but I dunno, I kind of liked it and I really am not sure why.
^My neighbour also hated that scene and before I had made my own copy she used to fast forward that scene.

I actually thought it was funny in a morbid kind of way. Seeing that underlying psyche of Nick's.

Regarding Baba's question. I'm not a psyche major, but usually when we have dreams and things like that where our deepest concious comes to play..the people that appear in them have a played a significant role in shaping who we are. In this case, his dad.

There were a ton of explanations as to Nick's relationship with his dad. Was his dad an authoritarian? Was it loving father-son relationship, or was it a relationship based on parental fear as a way of instilling respect? etc, but there was no doubt the hallucination symbolized the huge role in dad had on his life.

Our relationship with our fathers is the first relationship we have with a male in our life-usually, so that always has an effect on us no matter how old we get.

Okay I'm babbling, and I don't have a psyche degree, but I'm just giving a theory.
I just thought that scene was quintissentially Tarantino. Twisted, but brilliant. That pretty much sums up the man. I kind of found myself chuckling duing that scene, and felt it gave some much needed comic relief during an episode that can best be described as a two-hours of nerve wrecking tension....But Nick's "dad" issues did play a role in this episode, esppecially towards the end when Grissom ends up playing that "dad" role to a certain extent.
I don’t how much of the hallucination we can use to tell us about Judge Stokes. There are lots of reasons for this, not the least of which is part of the start of the dream where Doc Robbins and David where out of character in their scenes.

One of the things I think did speak to Nick, and was a good summery of his character was Robbins telling the Judge “Your son had a good heart.” Even though the ME was holding Nick physical heart at the time, it was clear Robbins talking about Nick emotional heart. And it works that Robbins would be one to say this, because he would know about Nick’s heart. He has seen the way that Nick responds to the dead and that he cares about the victim’s.

That said, I think a better indicator of Nick’s relationship with his father is in his relationship with Grissom. Not only do the two men have several personality traits in common, but also how they treat Nick is also similar. We know that Grissom’s approval is something that is very important to Nick, but Grissom – in part because of his own personality issues – is either unwilling or unable to give Nick that approval, or at least in the way that Nick seems to crave. I wouldn’t be surprised if his relationship with his father was not different. Again, the fact that Nick, in his panic and at the end of his rope, responds to “Poncho!” – his father’s nickname for him - yelled by Grissom tell us quite a bit about how Nick views Grissom.
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