The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

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I still have something to say about "4x4". Even after all these years, Nick seems to be the CSI who's shows his humanity on the show. Not that the others do not....but the scene where he touches the boy's really chokes me up.

Then he bows his head, as he's dealing with the idea of another dead child. I agree with everyone's points about how he handles the case, the ease in which he gathers the clues, tricks the MRG guy and confronts the the other child.

I think at this point all this weight is on his shoulders. He's the CSI he wanted to be, trusted, confident, running solo. But now what? With the split up of the team its like he lacks this sounding board, he almost needs Grissom's more objective appraoch.

Kids killing kids, are taking its toll on him. I'd say he's not beaten down, but he's hurting a bit inside. On a side note, never seen him where that awesome jacket and was that some sort of leather satchel?

One of my favorite eppys of season 5. Even the commentary on it the writers said that GE was bringing his A-Game and that he still represented humanity
Sorry Kristen, it had been a couple of days so I figured everyone was done with that episode. :eek:

I think at this point all this weight is on his shoulders. He's the CSI he wanted to be, trusted, confident, running solo. But now what? With the split up of the team its like he lacks this sounding board, he almost needs Grissom's more objective appraoch.
That's interesting. Maybe it was more the team split than the actual cases, or really I guess a combination of the two, that seemed to bring Nick down last season. That fits in with his attitude in "Big Middle," and of course his reaction to the split in "Mea Culpa."

One of my favorite eppys of season 5. Even the commentary on it the writers said that GE was bringing his A-Game and that he still represented humanity
It's one of my faves too. I'll have to watch the commentary. Hmm, maybe I'll do that tonight. :)
NP...I never get a chance to post on here, and saw that you guys were on "4x4". I tend to stick to my Nick stuff in my writing, since I tend to do all chracter study there.

Carry on! :-D

Sorry Kristen, it had been a couple of days so I figured everyone was done with that episode. :eek:

"Hollywood Brass" is up next. Nick was barely in this one, but does anyone want to say something about it?

Not really. I'm all for skipping over it. The only comment I have is that I liked the girl who played Ellie in the eppy "Ellie" better than the one in "Hollywood Brass".

As for Nick, he's not in the the episode after that, either (Committed). Come to think of it, I don't recall him having much of a role in Weeping Willows either. *sigh*

Unless anyone objects, I'm all for moving on to Iced.
"Hollywood Brass" is up next. Nick was barely in this one, but does anyone want to say something about it?

I will agree that Nick wasn't in much of Hollywood Brass, but I think it is telling that when Warrick call the LV lab for help it is Nick he calls. It shows how much he trusts and relys on his good buddy.
Um, Committed: No Nick. No talky. :p

Whispering Willows: Blink and you miss him. There' a cute "Raincheck" line at the beginning and we also get to see his usual good work in locating scratch marks on the car that indicated it had been broken into (and basically setting the groundwork for exonerating the sleazy lawyer/Marg's real life husband). Oh, and of course, there's also a little CSI work-coveralls action for those of you that enjoy that look. :)

So, I'm going to slide right into "Iced" as well, although again, we see very little Nick.

I thought the teasing of David over the "crop circles" was cute, and out came the familiar "You gotta get a girlfriend" line again (last used on Archie, who replied, "You first." which I thought was strangely fitting. And true! :lol: ) I also loved watching his face when he's holding the urine soaked underwear... Bleh. :p The smell of urine disgusts me more than most things, so I'm down with our guy on this one. I also liked his quick recognition of the tape worm crawling out of the guy's mouth, and for some reason I've always really found his line here really cute: "Oh, hang on, we have ourselves a tapeworm, gentlemen." :)

Next up, the long walk down the hallway with Catherine (and I do enjoy watching the guy walk. ;) ) where he has researched and is explaining the current theories on the cause of crop circles, and we get another cute moment where he says he's a skeptic when it comes to aliens and earth energies, and he does that little Homer moment, with the "ahhhhh" noise- also very cute. :)

We see him briefly again when they haul the guilty TV guy in for questioning, but I think Nick's biggest contribution to the episode was narrowing the search down to a helicopter, and getting Archie on the Doeppler to find out if he could locate one for them. Oh, and the cute lines and general hotness were nice too! :p

And I think that's about it. If anyone else has any other comments, please feel free to jump in. Otherwise...

Ladies and gentleman, it's the moment we've all been waiting for: The Quentin Tarentino/George Eads tour de force GRAVE DANGER! YeeHaw! Let the games begin! :D

(And if this doesn't become the most thoroughly discussed episode in this thread so far, I'll eat my hat! :p )
Good summary Baba, I don't have anything to add. The thing I remember most about that episode was thinking that the poor guy was about to get buried alive and didn't have a clue. :(

If it wasn't so late I'd say something about "Grave Danger," but I could really go on and on about it, and I suppose I already have all over the board since the episode aired. Probably by the time I come on here tomorrow there will already be pages of discussion about it. ;)
Well, GD is where it all started for me CSI wise, so it holds a special place in my heart. There is just so much to say, but let me try to get things going. More than anything this was an episode that not only redefined Nick's character, but completely altered the relationship between Nick and the team almost instantly. Since this was the first ever episode I saw, it was a shock to go back and see earlier stuff. As much horror and grief and death as the entire team have all seen, it was as if everything prior to GD was child's play compred to this. I think it made the entire team appreciate Nick more. He was the "bastard step child" of the team as Tarantino said, especially in Grisoom's eyes, but after the infamour "Poncho" scene, I think Nick and Grisoom's relationship can now change into one of not only "fatherly" care and love, but also respect.After all, the whole team saw what Nick went thorough, how he held it together in a situation that most of the team--heck most people--wouldn't have lasted 5 seconds in! They all have to have gained a new found appreciation and admiration for Nick. And as for Nick himself, I would say that GE has taken this character to a whole new level in this one episode. Not sure just where yet,in some episodes I think it has softened Nick (gum drops) and made him more vulnerable, but in others that it turned him a bit crass and jaded( A bullet runs through it). But there is no doubt that Nick left behind far more than some chewed up gum in that Plexiglass coffin....
ohhhhhh "Grave Danger"...
If only I was able to speak and write english better to explain my point of view about this episode and Nick...

Do you know that in french the title is "Jusqu'au dernier souffle" càd " Till the last breath" ;)

so only my two cents about it (and after I will enjoy read what you guys have to say :p)

-first.. love Ecklie in this one!! (and also Hodges)but above all Ecklie!!!

- love the part when they watch Nick burried alive with the music... their looks were priceless

- Tarantino knew very well the show... Cath-Sam Braun; Hodges comment about the old Greg; Nick-Warrick friendship; Warrick 's gambling problem; Grissom's love for the insects (about ants.. you must read "the ants" by Bernard Werber :D) and above all the Grissom-Nick relationship... ect..

- love the goobye message .. I was almost crying.. and just after these damn fireants...

- Warrick's reaction was also really realistic

- the meeting between Grissom and Walter Gordon was also great... It's in this scene that for me we can see that Tarantino was aware of Grissom-Nick's relation..

- "i want my guys back"... no comment :eek:

I've try to imagine how it would be if it was somebody else was burried than Nick... C'mon.. Nick would have quickly find them :D :D

- the end was soooo welldone.. George Eads rocks..
and this Kelly Gordon's look... grrr... :eek:

only a "but".. I would have like to watch more Nick's recovery... but my imagination and the fanfictions are there for that :D
My absolute favourite CSI show which converted me from a casual viewer to a fan.

I still cry when I watch the show because of the scene when they opened up the coffin and Nick grabs Grissom's arm and sobs before regaining his senses enough to stay calm while they hoisted him out of the hole.

I still don't think Nick is getting as much screentime as he deserves, but GE is now getting much more respect then before after he was blasted over the bloody firing incident which wasn't his fault entirely. So many critics applauded his performance. It was definately Emmy-worthy.

I think this whole ordeal made a Nick a much more softer and empathetic person especially towards victim, he always was. But I think being a victim of crime gives more insight into the plight of victims then before. When we get to Gum Drops we will see how that whole ordeal affected his performance.

I'm babbling.
I love the scene where everyone has to clear back because of the explosives and Nick thinks they are abandoning him. The cry that he lets out when Warrick climbs out of the hole is absolutely heartbreaking. Good, good stuff!
Well, I'm going to start from the beginning of the episode and comment on the opening scene and how cool it was. EVERYBODY sings in the car when they're alone (at least I do. ;) ) and so I thought it was a nice start to the episode with Nick singing along to some funny little country tune. He's not a great singer and he's not a bad singer- just average like everyone else. It was a great little Tarantino bit, I think, and a nice lighthearted beginning in light of what was about to go down.

I also smirk everytime Nick spits when he's walking to the scene. It's such a guy thing to do! :lol:
Yeah, it sort of sets up the scenario as it is the last time we see happy, care free Nick. He goes about his usual business of examining the crime scene before the dark figure grabs him. Sooooo spooky.
The part that ALWAYS gets to me is a few minutes later when Nick wakes up and realises where he is, and then out right losses it and freaks out. He just starts flipping over and thrashing about trying to get out....It just makes me cringe every time. That sheer feeling of being hopelesly and utterly trapped and absolute panic setting in...shudder...
Yeah, it sort of sets up the scenario as it is the last time we see happy, care free Nick. He goes about his usual business of examining the crime scene before the dark figure grabs him. Sooooo spooky.

I thought that as well. I also liked the whole set up in the locker room with Warrick, when they are talking about Warrick's girl and both of them in hallway during the coin toss. Nick was just so up. It was a nice set up for what was to come.

One of the most interesting things to me was that with the exception of shooting out the lights that were draining the battery and driving him nuts, most of Nick's battles were with his own fears. There wasn't a thing he could do to help his team find him. As far as he knew he was completely and utterly alone - and given that Nick seems to (or at least seemed) to like having people around made him a particularly good choice to have to face this. GE did a wonderful job showing Nick’s absolute terror at first followed by his determination to last as long as he can.

The other thing I found was that while this was a Nick episode, I think this was more about the people around Nick then Nick himself. Nick may not be in every scene, but with the exception of a few scenes at the begining, every scene is about him or the team’s efforts to find him.

One of the most memorable moments in the episode I think is when Walter Gordon asks Grissom "What does Nick Stokes mean to you?" Grissom being Grissom of course does not say...and in a way this one of the things I would like to see again. What does Nick (or Warrick, Sara or even Greg) mean to Grissom?

We also got to see how much Warrick cares for Nick. Warrick's struggles with his guilt that it could have been him in that box along with his fear that Nick is going to die were something to see. As was the scene when Nick shoots out the light and Warrick thinks he has shot himself. Warrick's anger at Nick for "giving up" was well done and speaks to his feelings as much as his half laugh when he realizes what Nick has done.

I think one of the most telling moments about who Nick is came in his recording to his parents and the rest of the CSIs. That one of his last thought are that he has somehow failed Grissom tells us quite a bit about Nick. And I think that meeting Nick’s parents, particularly his father gave Grissom an insight into “his guy” that all the years they worked together never did.

The climatic scenes in the nursery were excellent and well. And I think it showed us who the two people at the lab who were able to reach Nick. Again, GD did a wonderful job showing Nick just at the end of his rope. Warrick appearing and disappearing seemed to be last straw. And then he responded to Grissom… but not until Grissom yells out his childhood nickname. The fact that Nick responds to Grissom’s Pancho also tells us more about how Nick sees Grissom then anything in the past has. We have had hints that Nick views Grissom has a father figure, but this confirms it.

And then there is scene at the very end. When Nick goes to see Kelly Gordon. I am still not sure how I feel about this one, but I do think it was a good way to show us that Nick has recovered – at least physically. But we can also tell that some effects. He is not the Nick we know and love…he is bit less sure of himself. It was a nice subtle touch.

I think he was going to see the effects of what happened to him at the hands of Walter Gordon for some time. At least I hope we do. It doesn’t have to be obvious ties to Gordon or the case – but it could be things that remind him of his time in that box. For example, what happens if he has to go in to a tight space to retrieve some key piece of evidence. I hope we see the effects of what happened on that day for years to come.
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