The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

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One thing I found interesting was how each of the team handled the crisis.

Catherine seemed completely overwhelmed in the beginning. Her first year of being a supervisor and she loses one of 'her guys' to a kidnapping. So she disassociates herself until she meets Nick's parents. At first she's all business until Nick's mother crumbles at the sight of her son buried alive. Then she starts to see Nick as a son of parents who love him very much, and on this level she can relate as a human being as she is a mom herself.
So she goes to her Dad for help, something never would have thought of doing before.

Warrick stays cools, but then loses a few times during the investigation at Walter's headquarters then when he was told to get out of the hole where he would have probably allowed himself to blow up with Nick and only responds when Grissom asks him to trust him.

Sara gets emotional and then gets down to business with finding crucial evidence and connects the dots with Kelly Gordon and the nursery, buther anger almost gets her a few times when she interviews Kelly Gordon.

Greg seemed to just sticking with the knowledge he knows, but does find some really key evidence such as the coffin with the dog.

Brass really stayed in the cop role, even providing some humourous moments in his sarcastic such as with the Texan lawyer, and even with Kelly Gordon.

Grissom of course stayed detached, but in a way that was probably the best thing for him even though it seemed to irk Catherine at one point. In the end though, he chose the emotional route by comforting Nick in a deep and paternal way, playing the role of dad by using his child hood name.

Nick to his credit, stayed very calm most of the time despite the hopelessness of his situation. Only when the fan stopped did he finally decide to cave in, but only as a means to prevent a long and suffering death.

Grave Danger is probably the best CSI episode in my opinion, not even ABRTI could match. I don't think this was child play because Sofia and Brass were facing professional death, not physical.
I have been waiting for this. I am going to say something that may be a surprise but hear me out, I can support my statement. I do not think Nick was buried for 24 hours. as some people seem to think. I think he was buried for closer to 40 to 45 hours.

Here is my proof

Nick is taken when it is dark
Grissom drops off the money when it is light, late afternoon
After Nick shoots out the light Warrick goes back to the scene of Walter blowing himself up it is dark
The next shot of outside comes just after the plexi glass coffin cracks up is sunrise
When Nick is found it is dark again

There is some timeline graying done but that happens.

I did think this was the best two hours of TV that I have ever seen in my life. GE did an awesome job and should be commended. I think that because of his performance all the other actors rose up to his level and made is so wonderful. I almost never cry for TV and I cried probably 4 times before the end.

Something kind of funny, my mom will not watch this entire episode. She saw a few min of Nick in the coffin and then the little bit when Nick shot the light out and she said that was bad enough. She thinks the writers were mean to even write the story line, and the director was even meaner to make him do it. I think finding out that they actually put the crickets on GE face was the lat straw, she thinks that is cruel beyond belief. It say it is really a testament to GE acting ability because my mother never gets into a TV show or a movie enough to think of the actors and what they may have gone through to portray what is eventually on the screen.
Wow... Grave Danger. :eek:

This is the first episode of CSI I ever watched from beginning to end. I am now a die hard fan and have watched almost every CSI episode. This was the one, and will always be my favorite.

I can't really say anything that hasn't already been said. It was just so emotionally draining to watch this episode. It seriously had me in a bad mood the rest of the week.

But I do have a question about the episode, if someone would help me out:

How much time is in-between Nick being rescued to him going to see Kelly Gordon?

I've always wondered this and haven't been able to find and answer, one would be appreciated. Thank you.
Wow... Grave Danger. :eek:

This is the first episode of CSI I ever watched from beginning to end. I am now a die hard fan and have watched almost every CSI episode. This was the one, and will always be my favorite.

I can't really say anything that hasn't already been said. It was just so emotionally draining to watch this episode. It seriously had me in a bad mood the rest of the week.

But I do have a question about the episode, if someone would help me out:

How much time is in-between Nick being rescued to him going to see Kelly Gordon?

I've always wondered this and haven't been able to find and answer, one would be appreciated. Thank you.

I've always wondered about that, too. At least long enough for all the ant bites to have healed because he looks pretty good when he goes to see her. I'm not sure how long that would take, though. Maybe someone here who is more familiar with fireants could tell us.

And could be even longer than that, that's the just minimum amount of time. It could potentially be weeks, or even months, before he felt okay with going there. They never really say. :(
^^That was never clear. Given the fact, that Nick didn't have any ant bites on his face, I'd say it was a few weeks.

Amy777 it's funny you mentioned your mom. I have an aunt who is a retired school teacher who watched it when it was repeated in late summer and stopped about half way through. She said she wanted to see what the big fuss was all about with the finale, but said she couldn't stand the 'absolute cruelty of what they were doing to that poor actor!!!'

I know a few people who just couldn't stand it.

There's an article somwhere about how people went up to GE during the summer and told him how deeply affected they were by Grave Danger. That just goes to show what a good actor he is.
you know what's sad, I've never seen this episode but probably know more about it then anyone who's seen it(seen it once I mean)...I'll admit that I'm so obsessed with CSI that I read the script and looked at so many pictures from the episode that I don't even need to watch it now (that doesn't mean I don't want to). That's how crazy I felt when I came home from work and noticed that my VCR didn't tape it(I'm sure some of you can relate...huh?)does anybody know where I might be able to buy the DVD with just the GD episode(I heard they made one from or where I might be able to download it?
Vegela Per the rules of the board (located to the Right of the forum) we can not discuss, downloading, tape trading, ect, as it is illegal. ;)

If you get Spike TV, they sometimes will broadcast it as a movie, so keep your eye out, it will be back.

Secondly, I have been keeping an eye out for the DVD copy of Grave Danger that's supposed to be released sooner or later in Canada. I'm speculating that a lot of people feel that way and Alliance-the makers of the DVD probably don't want to release just GD on DVD yet to give their season five collection time to garner sales-everyone has to make money. But perhaps it will be soon, so maybe you can order a copy through Amazon.

But keep watching Spike TV, they'll have it on again at some point.
Secondly, I have been keeping an eye out for the DVD copy of Grave Danger that's supposed to be released sooner or later in Canada.

I saw it 2 days ago at Best Buy. I was gonna buy it ($20) but looking at the back of the DVD it looked like it was just the episode. I was under the impression that there would be extras on it. :confused:
Secondly, I have been keeping an eye out for the DVD copy of Grave Danger that's supposed to be released sooner or later in Canada.

I saw it 2 days ago at Best Buy. I was gonna buy it ($20) but looking at the back of the DVD it looked like it was just the episode. I was under the impression that there would be extras on it. :confused:

I saw it at HMV - it was roughly $20-25, and it was just the episode, I don't recall seeing anything about extras or special features..They probably saved all that especially for the Season 5 DVD set.
Great avatar, allstar! Very cute and festive.

Now, back to the episode... Where are we at?

Hee, thx.

Umm, I think we're onto "Bodies in Motion" unless anyone else has something to say about Grave Danger..
Let's talk about Bodies in Motion. When Grissom talk to Catherine on the phone, they got another murder on the other side town. When she taking Warrick with her, I'm surprise she didn't say, I'm taking Nick with me and Grissom will say, "You're not taking Nick, you have him longing enough and it my turn."

I hope this make sense, this is my first time doing the Timeline. I'm real nervous when I do this.
Are you fraeking kidding me? That's all you guys have to say about Grave Danger? Holy crap. I've only just begun on that one...

Are you fraeking kidding me? That's all you guys have to say about Grave Danger? Holy crap. I've only just begun on that one...


Well I think everyone said what had to be said when the thread was posted last May and it went for months. Then when it came back on last fall..well..there's only so much one can say that hasn't been said already.

It is still one of the most amazing things I ever seen on TV and I've been around enough years to say that. I'd never see anything like that before where I literally felt I was on a roller coaster ride emotionally right to the very end.

Just as you thought it was going to be okay, then the bombs underneath the coffin and it was like, oh much more can this guy take..

Maybe we can talk about what was on the special features..

Did the DVD indicate whether that was George they pulled out of the box or a stunt double?

I know why they used a bottom half dummy, but what was the full one for?

Oh Merry Christmas everyone..bah hum bug!
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