The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

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I while agree with the some of the comments about Sparks of Life. It was fun to watch Nick playing with the new tool. Boys and their always fun to watch. And it later helps them figure out what happened, so the new toy proved it's worth.

Not that I am any better... so I guess I shouldn't just signle out the male sex... Maybe that should be Geek and their toys?

I don't know if I would say that geeks should be revered...but I don't see anything wrong with having a few geekish quirks...

abharding, geeks rule the world. :D

So I guess we're on "Spark of Life" or "4x4," whichever the next poster decides they'd rather discuss. ;)
4X4!! 4X4!! 4X4!!

I think this is such a great Nick eppy!

I love his interaction with Chester, the homeless guy, about his shopping cart. I love the scene where he's gatherine evidence from Chase's body and he runs his hand gently over the kid's hair. The sorrow is palpable when he just puts his hands on the edge of the autopsy table and hangs his head.

Cute little scene between Nick and Hodges about how kindergarten graduation parties are going to be off the hook. A small yet humorous moment in an otherwise somber story line.

I love the interaction between Nick and the sister. The look on his face when she hands him the picture of her brother. And then the look on hers when Nicks asks for her parent's contact info and she realizes that something is terribly wrong.

Nick's interrogation technique with Chase's little friend is great. Calm, quiet and non-threatening, yet still firm enough to let the kid know that is serious and he had better come clean. Quite the contrast to Cavaliere's interrogation style in Compulsion. I wonder if they did that on purpose.

Finally, I absolutely love the slow motion technique they use at the end when Nick is putting his sling bag over his shoulder and heading out of the lab. Again, the sorrow is palpable. It's as if he's weighed down with fatigue brought about by the senseless death of yet another child.

Poor woobie! :(
You know, I always try to get a good look on Nick's face when he says "Just another day in paradise", and I can see the smile, but it's really hard to judge the distinct expression on his face because it's so dark. I just assume his smile is more of a smirk, but it's hard to tell.

Either way, it's clear he's feeling a bit worn down by it all.
4X4!! 4X4!! 4X4!!....

Cute little scene between Nick and Hodges about how kindergarten graduation parties are going to be off the hook. A small yet humorous moment in an otherwise somber story line.

They do play off each other. I loved the end when Nick sums up all he knows, and most likely had figured out how and where Chase died.

I love the interaction between Nick and the sister. The look on his face when she hands him the picture of her brother. And then the look on hers when Nicks asks for her parent's contact info and she realizes that something is terribly wrong.

That was a beautiful scene. Up until that point the sister is treating Nick like he is a nuisance then anything else... (she may have thought the neighbors had call the cops or something and was worried about getting busted for the party) But all that changes when she Nick's expression after she gives him Chase's picture. She knows even before Nick's request that something terrible has happened.

Nick's interrogation technique with Chase's little friend is great. Calm, quiet and non-threatening, yet still firm enough to let the kid know that is serious and he had better come clean. Quite the contrast to Cavaliere's interrogation style in Compulsion. I wonder if they did that on purpose.

I am not sure. I think it was more just the difference in the cases and the defendants. I have the feeling that Nick didn't think that Chase's death was born out of malice...(and I think he placed part of the blame on the laundramat's manager) but that it was caused by the stupidity of pre-teen boys. Particularly pre-teen boys who have to much to drink. The case in Complusion was murder...Matt had killed his brother in a rage because the younger boy had told everyone Matt's deepest serect.
The outcomes may have been the same, but the causes were completely different.

Finally, I absolutely love the slow motion technique they use at the end when Nick is putting his sling bag over his shoulder and heading out of the lab. Again, the sorrow is palpable. It's as if he's weighed down with fatigue brought about by the senseless death of yet another child.

I think your right. I think he was weighed down by it. He had one of those really bad days that the job has. I thought the second half of the season five was a really rough one for Nick...even if he hadn't been kidnapped and buried alive. I often wonder if part of reason that Grissom advises both Nick and Sara to keep their distance on cases is so they don't have days like that.
You know, I always try to get a good look on Nick's face when he says "Just another day in paradise", and I can see the smile, but it's really hard to judge the distinct expression on his face because it's so dark. I just assume his smile is more of a smirk, but it's hard to tell.

Either way, it's clear he's feeling a bit worn down by it all.

I agree that it's more of a smirk or a grimace than a true smile. And his tone of voice is rather flat.

I've always wished that Grissom was more in tune with the fact that Nick was obviously upset in that scene. *sigh*

Oh well, I guess that's what fanfic is for.
I agree with pretty much everything that’s been said. I also thought it was great when Nick went to the laundry mat and snuck up behind the manager, lol. I love how he pretended like he was a customer, and then when the guy turned around and saw Nick's vest, his attitude suddenly changed and Nick got this stern look on his face.

I know I’ve probably gone on and on about this before, but I absolutely love it when Nick does the dumb or naïve act and then switches gears to get what he wants. He did the same kind of thing with the sister in this episode when he looked in and saw the beer kegs. I think that is his best tool, when it comes to interrogating people. That also gets to the heart of what I was attempting, so very poorly, to say about him in “Snakes.” He just seems like such a nice guy, and he is of course, but he can really be a hardass if he wants to be, and no one ever sees it coming. I’ve noticed so many times that a suspect will turn to Nick for sympathy when the questions start to get tough, but he doesn’t budge. It makes me laugh.

I agree that Nick seems to be worn down by the end of this season. This is the second case in a short period of time he's had in which a young child was killed and both by the hands of other children, although in this episode it was unintentional. His last statement to Grissom is dripping with cynicism. Grissom seems shocked or almost confused, which I never was quite sure how to interpret.
I know I’ve probably gone on and on about this before, but I absolutely love it when Nick does the dumb or naïve act and then switches gears to get what he wants. He did the same kind of thing with the sister in this episode when he looked in and saw the beer kegs. I think that is his best tool, when it comes to interrogating people. That also gets to the heart of what I was attempting, so very poorly, to say about him in “Snakes.” He just seems like such a nice guy, and he is of course, but he can really be a hardass if he wants to be, and no one ever sees it coming. I’ve noticed so many times that a suspect will turn to Nick for sympathy when the questions start to get tough, but he doesn’t budge. It makes me laugh.

Well put, and I totally agree.
I've also noticed that in many episodes if a suspect/interogatee feels like they're being cornered by Brass or another officer, they'll look to Nick for "help" or some kind understanding - and as you said, it doesn't work on him :lol:
I like that he doesn't come across as the 'bad cop' but he can turn it on whenever he wants i.e. Swap Meet, when he's interrogating the a victim's bf and he starts commenting on the guy's's chilling :p
Grissom seems shocked or almost confused, which I never was quite sure how to interpret.

I'm leaning more towards confused.

I'd go more towards confused as well. As he is no longer Nick's supervisor he has no idea what case Nick has been working on...and he might not even know about the other cases that Nick has had recently (I think Snakes also had an effect) so he might be wondering what was going on with Nick . I think it was small encounters like that as much the events in Grave Danger that prompted the "I want my guys back," at the end of that episode. Grissom was really starting to feel the impact of the split. Not only is he worried about what is going on with Sara, but now there hints that not all is well with Nick - and given Grissom own lack of interpersonal skills he has no way of going to Nick to ask him what is wrong.

One thing I have wondered about. I understand Grissom not knowing what case Nick is working on, he is not Nick's boss, but why didn't Catherine know what Nick's case was about? Then again, maybe she was teasing him about the prom date thing and knew why Nick wanted and just wanted to give him a smile. However, we didn't see her aiding Nick at all in this case...even consulting him as his supervisor (the way she did for Warrick during his case.) I wonder if that might have helped him deal with the case and the sheer waste of it all.
As he is no longer Nick's supervisor he has no idea what case Nick has been working on...and he might not even know about the other cases that Nick has had recently (I think Snakes also had an effect) so he might be wondering what was going on with Nick . I think it was small encounters like that as much the events in Grave Danger that prompted the "I want my guys back," at the end of that episode. Grissom was really starting to feel the impact of the split. Not only is he worried about what is going on with Sara, but now there hints that not all is well with Nick - and given Grissom own lack of interpersonal skills he has no way of going to Nick to ask him what is wrong.
Good interpretation. I like that.

One thing I have wondered about. I understand Grissom not knowing what case Nick is working on, he is not Nick's boss, but why didn't Catherine know what Nick's case was about? Then again, maybe she was teasing him about the prom date thing and knew why Nick wanted and just wanted to give him a smile. However, we didn't see her aiding Nick at all in this case...even consulting him as his supervisor (the way she did for Warrick during his case.) I wonder if that might have helped him deal with the case and the sheer waste of it all.
Hmm, good point. That is odd.
I don't really see Catherine as an observant and interactive boss. Yes, she gave him the book with the kid's name in it but she didn't ask him how his case was going or how he was doing..
I think that since the case was so hard for Nick, even if she did consult him or try to talk to him about it, it wouldn't have made a difference to him in the end.
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