The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

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What I remember about Nick on this episode was him busting the teens about the "Kabuki" masks as he called them. I think that this episode showed that Nick has his moments of directness. Sometimes he doesn't like to beat around the bush but get to the heart and matter of things.

I think Nick knew that any sort of sublety would be lost on these cocky kids so didn't bother with it. When you're young, you think you're immortal and that consequences are for "other people". Besides that, Mommy and Daddy's money would take care of anything.

They needed to be slapped upside the head with the Reality Stick and Nick wielded it expertly.

This was waaaaay back on the third page.

How about we move on to Ch-ch-changes?

The first scene with Nick is the one in the AV lab with Warrick, I think it's cute that Nick had Greg drive and time the distance from Wendy's appointment with Dr. Lavalle to where her body was found on Industrial Road. :D

It's very much an older sibling thing to do: Delegate the grunt work to the low man on the totem pole. It's reminiscent of all the times I made my little brother take out the trash when my mother had originally asked me to do it. Typical bossy big sister. :D

And then he puts the Post-It note Sara found together with the fact that the area where Wendy was pulled over is chock full of storage facilities. Smart boy!!

Very disturbing scene in the storage facility "operating room"...*shudder*

I absolutely love when Gil and Nick go to The Cockpit Lounge. When the bartender tells Nick " One second, Honey" and he goes "O-okay". So cute!

I think the writers take great delight in putting Nick in as many "out-of-his-element" scenarios that they can.

I'm sorta bummed he wasn't in the PAFCON storyline from Fur and Loathing. :devil:

Nick's really on the ball when they arrest Dr. Lavalle's husband. "I think we have a spitter, my friend."

And again when he sees Amber putting out her cigarette on the ground.

Because he was paying attention in those situations, they were able to get DNA without having to wait for warrants and were able to wrap things up more quickly.

Good eye, Nicky!! :D :D
It's very much an older sibling thing to do: Delegate the grunt work to the low man on the totem pole. It's reminiscent of all the times I made my little brother take out the trash when my mother had originally asked me to do it. Typical bossy big sister. :D

Nothing wrong with that...

That also sounds like something he might have done during his frat days...had the pledges and such run some his errends, testing them to see how much they want it. Greg is the rookie CSI. He is the one who is going to stuck with jobs like least for a while.

I absolutely love when Gil and Nick go to The Cockpit Lounge. When the bartender tells Nick " One second, Honey" and he goes "O-okay". So cute!

I think the writers take great delight in putting Nick in as many "out-of-his-element" scenarios that they can.

True. He really is the best one use...He still as good, old-fashion boy aura that is needed for that sort of thing. And his reaction tend towards "O-o-o'kay that is strange" without being very judgemental or that there is something wrong (unlike Sara who tends to be a bit judgemental at times) I think it is because GE looks so good with that befuddled look on his face...
Yeah, Nick was totally on the ball in this episode. I think he was the character who, while not really in the forefront storywise, was the sort of mini-catalyst for the plot. He found all the little things that were needed to keep the forensics plot moving along.

And most importantly, he didn't have a moustache in this episode! :p


Sorry, I have the Monday morning goofies.
Nothing wrong with that...

That also sounds like something he might have done during his frat days...had the pledges and such run some his errends, testing them to see how much they want it. Greg is the rookie CSI. He is the one who is going to stuck with jobs like least for a while.

Yes, that's it exactly. I couldn't quite explain myself the way I wanted to. Got a case of foggy brain today. *sigh*
^Nick is great to put in out-his-element situations because his facial expressions are priceless. Although now they are a long way from the days of 'My mom and dad are normal..'reactions like the ones we got in 'Slaves of Las Vegas'.

Nick has definately grown to a point where he just takes these unusual encounters and shrug them off to being a part of the eccentric life of Las Vegas. He's seen a lot in his time there.
^Nick is great to put in out-his-element situations because his facial expressions are priceless. Although now they are a long way from the days of 'My mom and dad are normal..'reactions like the ones we got in 'Slaves of Las Vegas'.

Nick has definately grown to a point where he just takes these unusual encounters and shrug them off to being a part of the eccentric life of Las Vegas. He's seen a lot in his time there.

Good point, Nick's pretty much lost the naivete he had those first seasons. And now after "Grave Danger," I don't think he has any of it left. Of course, what will the rest of the team make fun of him for now?? :D
^Nick is great to put in out-his-element situations because his facial expressions are priceless. Although now they are a long way from the days of 'My mom and dad are normal..'reactions like the ones we got in 'Slaves of Las Vegas'.

Nick has definately grown to a point where he just takes these unusual encounters and shrug them off to being a part of the eccentric life of Las Vegas. He's seen a lot in his time there.

Nick has come a long way, but he still does have that "This is really strange" reaction. I don't think there is anything wrong with that, because a) he is representing the viewers, and b) he no longer has a this is strange = this is wrong.

Nick is also the best choice because while he is more old-fashion in many ways he lacks the judgemental qualities that say Sara has. The only other person I could see playing this role is Warrick, as we have seen that Greg seems to know about the swinging scene (though whether that is because he has read about it or has acutally particapated is open for debate) Cahterine's past leads us to beleive she knows a alot about kink - and what she hasn't particapted in she seems to look down on (judgemental). For Grissom everything is interesting and he looks at like a scienist. Someone has to represent the viewer, and Nick is the one, at least in those type of cases...
The next eppy is Mea Culpa *shudder*. Gah, splitting up the teams was the worst idea TPTB ever had.

I found it interesting that when Ecklie interviewed each CSI, the only one he said anything nice to was Nick.

Compared to the others, Nick's record is pretty squeaky clean...well, except for the incident in Boom way back in season 1.

For the most part, Nick has simply not been the problem child that the others have been and he provided Ecklie with absolutely no ammunition to use against Grissom. Yay, Nicky!! :D

I also like the fact that Grissom took the time to take Nick and Warrick out to eat and to have a personal conversation with them about the changes.
Plus the way Nick offered to pay and said something like "That's the kind of cash I'm pulling down right now" was so cute! It proves that, at this point, Nick can still remain positive and go with the flow.

I also liked how he said to Grissom "You don't really believe that" when Grissom said something along the lines of teams that work together too long can become less effective. I think it's an interesting comment from Nick in that I think it's probably taken him all this time to be that comfortable with Grissom- comfortable enough to come out and question him and show his disbelief in something Grissom says.

Ironically, just when he's probably at his most confident working with his mentor, it's the time they all get split up.
Plus the way Nick offered to pay and said something like "That's the kind of cash I'm pulling down right now" was so cute! It proves that, at this point, Nick can still remain positive and go with the flow.

I also liked how he said to Grissom "You don't really believe that" when Grissom said something along the lines of teams that work together too long can become less effective. I think it's an interesting comment from Nick in that I think it's probably taken him all this time to be that comfortable with Grissom- comfortable enough to come out and question him and show his disbelief in something Grissom says.

Ironically, just when he's probably at his most confident working with his mentor, it's the time they all get split up.

All very good points, Baba. Well said.
"Mea Culpa" is actually one of my faves from season 5. :eek: *catches flying marshmallows*

I also liked how he said to Grissom "You don't really believe that" when Grissom said something along the lines of teams that work together too long can become less effective. I think it's an interesting comment from Nick in that I think it's probably taken him all this time to be that comfortable with Grissom- comfortable enough to come out and question him and show his disbelief in something Grissom says.

Ironically, just when he's probably at his most confident working with his mentor, it's the time they all get split up.
I agree. I can't wait to see how he would handle more personal interactions with Grissom now that "Grave Danger" seems to have brought back a lot of his former insecurities.

Nick also remembers the reason Catherine was late to the crime scene several years ago, and Warrick's various ex-girlfriends, which shows yet again that he has a good memory and is very attentive to detail. And he looks insanely hot interrogating the son toward the end. :D
Ironically, just when he's probably at his most confident working with his mentor, it's the time they all get split up.

That is so true. I think that at this point, Nick does not feel like he has to impress Grissom as much as he had to in the past. He's finally in his comfort zone with Grissom and Ecklie probably sensed that when he went to Nick. Nick did not say anything damaging about Grissom, which spoke volumes about the respect he has for him.
In my view, I believe that Nick Stokes has matured considerably and definitely earned the recommendation that Gris typed up making him a lead CSI and, therefore, making him Cath's equal.
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