The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

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I think once Nick was buried alive, they realized not only did they take Nick for granted, but each other.

Too bad it took something like that to change their perspectives, but that's human nature.

Nick didn't really stand up for himself as well as he should have when it came to Grissom because he was so caught up in trying to please. Grissom being human probably took advantage of Nick.
Yeah, I think everyone seemed to take Nick for granted in the early years...

Incidentally, Sara commented later that it was watching that pig deteriorate that made her a vegetarian in the first place, I believe.

Right. On both counts. I think that point of scene was to show us just how out of touch Grissom is with his people that he never noticed that Sara doesn't eat meat, His off handed comment that she could have one her fellow CSIs clean up Grissom's expeirment only added to Sara's distress and feeling that Grissom did not respect her and I think even some of the other people on the team that was bothering her.

But I do wonder one thing...when/if Sara had Nick clean up the meat did he realize why she wanted him to help her? Does he know that she is a vegetarian? I think he would have... because he is the sort that would pay attention to such things...
I would hope that she didn't listen to Grissom and go ask Nick to do it, I would like to believe that she has a little more respect for him than that.

A pig is OK, but a cow is painful? Unless it was yet another passive agressive plea for Grissom's attention. Whatever.

Just to clarify - the experiment on the dead pig was the reason she became a vegatarian.
Yeah, I think everyone seemed to take Nick for granted in the early years...

Incidentally, Sara commented later that it was watching that pig deteriorate that made her a vegetarian in the first place, I believe.

Right. On both counts. I think that point of scene was to show us just how out of touch Grissom is with his people that he never noticed that Sara doesn't eat meat, His off handed comment that she could have one her fellow CSIs clean up Grissom's expeirment only added to Sara's distress and feeling that Grissom did not respect her and I think even some of the other people on the team that was bothering her.

But I do wonder one thing...when/if Sara had Nick clean up the meat did he realize why she wanted him to help her? Does he know that she is a vegetarian? I think he would have... because he is the sort that would pay attention to such things...
That part really bugged me. Just because someone is a vegetarian that means they can't even touch meat or do their job. I keep thinking that if Nick was the one who wouldn't clean up the meat because he was a vegetarian,Grissom would have told Nick to stop whining and do it. :mad:

That part really bugged me. Just because someone is a vegetarian that means they can't even touch meat or do their job. I keep thinking that if Nick was the one who wouldn't clean up the meat because he was a vegetarian,Grissom would have told Nick to stop whining and do it.


IMO, it's no ones job to clean up the meat 'cept Grissom's - didn't his mother ever teach him to clean up his own mess.

To be fair to Sara, I am glad she stuck to her guns and beliefs and chose to voice her opinion about the meat - but I think it was more of a "you don't pay attention to things that go on around you" - type statement directed to her & Grissom's 'relationship'.

Sorry - not even going to go there, it gives me a headache. ;)
I think once Nick was buried alive, they realized not only did they take Nick for granted, but each other.

Too bad it took something like that to change their perspectives, but that's human nature.

Nick didn't really stand up for himself as well as he should have when it came to Grissom because he was so caught up in trying to please. Grissom being human probably took advantage of Nick.

Going along with this theme, and I know I'm OT since we're up to Season 5 on here, but they're going through Season 1 on Spike now and I got so annoyed watching "Crate 'N Burial" tonight. Grissom treated Nick like he was dumb, and Nick was like a loyal dog following him around and trying to get his approval. I know that's the writer's doing, they wanted Nick portrayed as naive, but thank god GE has had some input into the character and they've made him mature and smarter. Case in point being what you guys just said, how Nick is the one that figured out the case in "What's Eating Gilbert Grissom." I love Smart Nicky! :)
I agree w/ you Bailey - I watched Crate 'N Burial tonight too and I didn't like how Gris was treating Nick either. But I do understand it, cause like the A/V guy said, Gris is teaching the Young Turks and Nick needed to realize he had to be more thorough (honestly that took me forever to spell...) and keep investigating what lied beneath the evidence.
Im also glad GE said something and stood up for Nick and have him be more independent, mature, and smarter :)
What do you guys think of Nick wearing a mustache ? When I saw him wearing one, I barely recognized him, I thought that it was someone else.
What do you guys think of Nick wearing a mustache ? When I saw him wearing one, I barely recognized him, I thought that it was someone else.

Since we're on Season 5 of the Nicky timeline, we haven't had reason to talk about the 'stache ;)

And I just thank the heavens there's a thread about Nick that hasn't mention it yet :p
Ah, VManso is new to the board, so probably wasn't that familiar with the timeline thread yet.

Head on over to the othe Nick threads, V... you'll find a lot of us crying about that old moustache! :eek:

And now, back to our regularly scheduled program. ;)
Wasn't the next program Grover and Nick do Vegas?

I can't get off the Grover avi, it sits there and waves at me..

Okay what was the next topic..although I like the concept of Grover and Nick working together!?

TPTB sitting at the website..hmmmmm...note to selves punish GE for mustache by making his character work a casse with a Muppet?
Back on to regularly scheduled programming Baba ;)

The next ep is 5x07 - "Formalities"
Now, since I had no idea about this ep, I thought I'd take pity on others if you didn't remember either and post the synopsis.

Grissom has to work with Dayshift CSI Sofia Curtis when a high school student is found dead in a hotel room after a party. They are assisted by Catherine, Nick and Warrick, and soon the CSIs find out that the victim died of suffocation after another girl was kidnapped from the party. The father of this girl doesn't seem overly concerned about his daughters disappearance. He claims she's staged her own abduction to get attention.

Maybe someone else can get us started b/c I have no thoughts on Nick character development right now :)

ETA: Here's the Transcript as well
Yeah, there wasn't much new with Nick in this episode; just him trying to be tolerant of the young punkass from the highschool who was acting too cool with him while he was asking him questions... That's all I really remember.
He called the hotel room the "P. Diddy Suite." That's about all I remember. Of course, this was before P. Diddy dropped the "P" and just became Diddy... :)
What I remember about Nick on this episode was him busting the teens about the "Kabuki" masks as he called them. I think that this episode showed that Nick has his moments of directness. Sometimes he doesn't like to beat around the bush but get to the heart and matter of things.
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