The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

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Poor samismiles! Boy, did you come to the wrong thread if you wanted to criticize Nick! :lol: Well, if nothing else, you got our posters out in record numbers! :p
That's right, don't you be dissing our man sami. ;) You certainly did bring out the Nick fans in full force. This thread hasn't been so lively in quite a while.

That's OK- don't be daunted. We've had disagreements over interpretations in the past, and I'm sure we'll continue to have them in the future. Stick by your guns, I say. If you weigh all the evidence and still feel the same way, then more power to you. :)
I feel like I'm usually the one fighting tooth and nail for my own interpretation and I rarely, if ever, change my opinion. So be strong sami, don't let us bully you into changing your mind.
And I hope nobody thinks I was criticizing your responses- no, not at all. You all had very well thought out comments and no one said anything offensive or aggressive at all.

I just thought it was funny how we suddenly had so many people posting their opionions all of a sudden! :lol: Good stuff. :D
Whoooa! I don't recall seeing so many new posts in such a short amount of time since we got into season 4. We are a loyal bunch, aren't we? :lol: Hey, next time the thread slows down, someone make sure to say something semi-negative about Nick to get us going again! :D

I don't have anything to add to everyone's excellent observations. But I'll say this: I thought Nick was all kinds of steaming hot when they were in the park arresting the homeless guy. Whoo!
That's an interesting point actually. I always thought that (yes, he looked hot! :D ) it was sort of strange how, when they dragged Walter away, Nick seemed all breathless when he hadn't been just a moment before? Maybe he got excited at all the crazy frenetic activity with Walter?
Nick was really gung ho--even slaped his hands together in a way to focus his new energy. Also when the cops pushed Walter to teh ground Nicky didn't say to take it easy with the guy, but to be careful about the sweater! Nick seemed very "pumped" up, not in an obnious way, just I don't know...he got "his man" so to speak.

Just saw it today on my new dvd boxset!

That's an interesting point actually. I always thought that (yes, he looked hot! :D ) it was sort of strange how, when they dragged Walter away, Nick seemed all breathless when he hadn't been just a moment before? Maybe he got excited at all the crazy frenetic activity with Walter?
I don't have anything to add to everyone's excellent observations. But I'll say this: I thought Nick was all kinds of steaming hot when they were in the park arresting the homeless guy. Whoo!

Ya I noticed that too - I know I haven't been around for most of the discussion of the ep but once you mention 'hot' I get involved :p
I loved when he was talking to Walter, "I like you sweater Walter, where'd you get it!?"..."I said where'd you get it" - gave me chills. He was so mad and fierce it was an excellent scene :D
OK, I just watched it yet again... (This is what happens when you decide you're not going to spend a single cent all weekend- you end up trapped in front of the computer and the TV! :p )

A few last observations and then I'm ready to move on (if everyone else is?):

I loved how when Warrick offered to help him out, he was obviously grateful for his assistance and imput. I think one of the main characteristics we always see in Nick is his willingness to get help from others. No ego-tripping for this guy! :)

We finally get the sympathetic Nick when he offers to get the kid some clothes- I think the harder front he was trying to play out when he was first getting evidence from the father in the interrogation room has crumbled a bit. I think no matter how he tries, he can't help but let the cases get to him, and I think that's why he's finally getting to sound a little more cynical at the end. I think the "old" Nick might have let what Cavaliere said go, but I think he's finally developed a tougher skin, and he's maybe not going to just be everyone's beating boy anymore... Or at least that's my theory. And I'm not saying he's not still a good guy at heart- he's just getting a little tougher now. Whether that's a good thing or a bad remains to be seen I guess; hopefully in January, when new episodes resume! ;)
Poor samismiles! Boy, did you come to the wrong thread if you wanted to criticize Nick! :lol: Well, if nothing else, you got our posters out in record numbers! :p

That's OK- don't be daunted. We've had disagreements over interpretations in the past, and I'm sure we'll continue to have them in the future. Stick by your guns, I say. If you weigh all the evidence and still feel the same way, then more power to you. :)

Hey, there is nothing wrong with people disagreeing. I love a good debate where people have a wide veriaty of opinions. I am a firm beleiver in the old quote "I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

And I didn't mean to jump on you sarasmiles. You just happen to hit on what for me is a somewhat touchy subject. For me good writing is not just about was is said - but what is not said (on TV what is shown) On not just what the characters say, but how they say it... for me good writing, be it prose or script is not just about the text, but the subtext.
That's so true! Good writing consists not only what is said but also of the silences in the text. That's how good detective fiction is written!
I don't think Nick was totally out to get Cavilier, although I wouldn't be sorry if someone did since he's my least favourite cop. In a sense, Nick was trying to save the cop's ass from getting into hot water if the evidence proved that someone else killed the boy.

So Caviellire-sorry I can't remember how that is spelled-should actually be apoligizing to Nick for being so gung-ho.

I actually thought that the deranged cop had something to do with Grave Danger, but that would be too obvious.
So, is everyone ready to move on? We already know that Baba is. ;) I don't want to rush anybody, seriously.

If you all do want to move ahead, the next episode is "Spark of Life." It's the first episode I saw "live," so it holds a very special place in my heart, *snort.* :lol:

I thought that Nick wasn't even in this one, so I checked it out and whada ya know, he is, he just doesn't do much in it.
Seriously sleep deprived so I apologize in advance for spelling mistakes :p

I remember him fidling - fideling? - around with the new piece of lazer equipment that scans the scene and inputs it into the computer. He looked like a little kid at Christmas playing with that thing.

I also recall him figuring out that the guy who supposedly killed himself didn't, and that the puddle of blood covered up the original blood spatter from when someone shot him in the head.
He hee! Ford, I love the kitty!

And by the way, you don't have to move on if you're not ready... Just didn't know if anyone had anything else to add after the onslaught of "Nick defense" posts! :p
Thanks Baba. :) Kitty's giving Grover a run for his money. ;)

I was ready to move on, but I wasn't sure if anyone else was. If somebody doesn't nudge this thread along it'll start dropping off to page three again, and we can't have that.

I can't believe we're almost caught up. I was curious, so I looked back to see when this thread began. It was created by Baba on June 5th, over six months ago. Aren't you proud of what you started? ;)
Poor samismiles! Boy, did you come to the wrong thread if you wanted to criticize Nick! Well, if nothing else, you got our posters out in record numbers!

That's OK- don't be daunted. We've had disagreements over interpretations in the past, and I'm sure we'll continue to have them in the future. Stick by your guns, I say. If you weigh all the evidence and still feel the same way, then more power to you.

LOL! Don't worry folks, I don't take any arguments personally and enjoy the debate. I haven't had a chance for my "rebuttal" yet (damn work!) so I hope no one minds if I take a step back and address some issues...

First, I totally agree that Cavaliere was an a** in this eppy, dismissive and snide of Nick. Never thought otherwise! And while I thought Nicky was very professional at first (didn't anybody see my Lion-tamer vs tempermental pitbull analogy? :D) but by the time Nick had glomed onto his Walter theory, he became as tunnel-visioned as Caveliere and as snide as Cavaliere was with Nick, Nick lowered himself to his level and matched him wit for wit -- it became competitive. Whether that was Nicky standing up for himself and not being steamed-rolled by others or not -- I saw it as being competitive when neither would back down.

I re-watched the banter between the two concerning the lie detector test and yup, still think the two of them were bickering like little boys.

Nick was really gung ho--even slaped his hands together in a way to focus his new energy. Also when the cops pushed Walter to the ground Nicky didn't say to take it easy with the guy, but to be careful about the sweater! Nick seemed very "pumped" up, not in an obvious way, just I don't know...he got "his man" so to speak.
I loved when he was talking to Walter, "I like you sweater Walter, where'd you get it!?"..."I said where'd you get it" - gave me chills. He was so mad and fierce it was an excellent scene

Ooohh... I have to comment here. I'm actually shocked that so many people found this to be such a "good" Nick scene. The Walter scenes were what initially led me to see Nicky acting as unprofessionally as Cavaliere was being with the boy. He *was* absolutely "mad" and "fierce" with Walter! Nicky was being as much of an a** with Walter as Cavaliere was with the brother. His comments, "Be careful with the sweater. It's evidence." was said purposely in stark disregard to the mis handling of Walter by the burly policemen drove home the fact that Walter was the least of his concerns and Nicky treated him like garbage (because in Nicky's mind's eye Walter was looking guiltier by the minute). It was very dehumanizing to a suspect. A crazed, delusional possibly guilty suspect... but a suspect none the less and still innocent until proven guilty. What have we said about Nicky's emotions getting in the way of a case? :D

I saw it as a nice parallel scene by the writers, Nick's interrogation of Walter seen in comparison with Cavaliere's interrogation of the brother. Cavaliere attacks the kid. Nick attacks the bum. They both used the same tactic to try and reach the same confession. I can see how everyone (me included) felt sorry for the brother... because he's "just" a kid (and with that comes protectiveness and children automatically regarded with an air of innocence) -- but what about Walter? In truth, the man was so deranged that his mental compacity was not much more than that of a child. Anyways, I felt bad for Walter and Nicky is guilty of coming down hard on him as much as Cavaliere was of coming down hard on the brother.

In another parallel, Cavaliere was wrong to reach his guilty verdict of the brother before the evidence presented itself based solely on his police "instincts". It was unscientific. Yet Nicky was also wrong to exclude the brother because his instincts (hope?) didn't want to believe that the brother could have done it. In the end, it was Catherine that provided the hard evidence.

Re: Turning his back on Cavaliere with his final comments, "I'm sorry.... (long pause) That you feel that way". But Nicky *did* turn his back on Cavaliere! That whole response to Cavaliere's demand for an apology was meant for Cavaliere. For the first part, Nick is facing him. For the second, his back is turned. Yes, Nick was returning his attention to the family at that critical pregnant pause (good observation by the way abharding ), but when Nicky chooses to speak the second half with his back to Cavaliere his is clearly dismissing him as unimportant. And his tone was snide. :p All of which I found immature.

Whew! I must be a sadist to post this in Nickyland. :eek:
*braces for something (hopefully soft with a chewy chocolately center) to be flung my way*.
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