The NCIS Thread! *spoilers*

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Oh dear. So after tonight's eppy (the first part of the season finale) I'm going with the one leaving either being Ziva (she seemed to be even more distanced than usual from the rest of the team) or Ducky (who seems to be lacking enthusiam for the job as of lately). Just my thoughts though. I'm a little confused on the order of events in Gibbs' flashbacks. Did his wife and daughter before or after he went to desert storm? Or while he was there?
I am so ticked off. The weather near here started to get bad and the weatherman kept interrupting to give updates. So the show kept getting interrupted and I missed parts, including the promo for next week. I'm hoping the station re-airs it later tonight. What I saw of the episode I liked. The bit where Tony made the comment about Jessica Alba cracked me up. I can't wait until next week.
well i live in canada, the canadian station takes over and doesnt play the preview for the upcoming episode. even though the voice over said it was coming, it never did. i wanted to hit the tv :lol: obsessed? me? never :p
Oh man the beginning was soooo hilarious

Tony: *puts hand over ziva's mouth* one note and I will make you listen to It's A SMall world for 2 hours, got it?

God, I love Tony. I loved it how everyone was saying he was acting like gibbs and he mentioned the back of the head slapping. So hilarious. Poor gibbs. Can't wait til next week.
I've only seen a couple of episodes but I really like this show. And even not having watch it I feel I know the characters. I really like their humor in situations. Because humor is how you get though life.
Apparently at the time Entertainment Tonight looked into this episode the cast claimed not to know who would be leaving, but that they were definitly nervous, about who it could be.

But this is one thing that was said in the interview, An 'NCIS' Terrorist Attack!, "In the current issue of TV Guide, LAUREN HOLLY, who plays Harmon's boss and former flame, claims show creator Bellisario says a regular cast member will be leaving at the end of the season."

Thats all I will post on that for those who want to read more can click the link. :)
I think he said something about having a better chance of getting Jessica Alba on a date than some other thing......
question: what was Ziva going to sing before Tony covered her mouth?
and awww, I feel bad for Ziva because she's being really brave and trying not to worry, but everyone interprets that as a sign she doesn't care about Gibbs... :(
Ziva was going to start saying the "Do, Re, Mi, etc." song from The Sound of Music. Gosh, that was hilarious.

I think it was awsome that even though Gibbs was really hurt, the writers still managed to put some fun into this episode.

Were you suprised when Abby slapped Ziva and they were slapping each other back and forth? I was at first but then I thought about how careless Ziva SEEMED to be acting and then it made more sense.
What we now know about Gibbs (add to if needed)
-Was in Dessert Storm (snipper)
-His first wife and child were killed in a car crash
-They died while in protective care b/c Wife witnessed a crime(can anyone fill in the details of the crime)
-He was notified on the battlefield and went into battle
-The battle lead to him helping others and being wounded
-He recieved the purple heart for it
-He was in a coma due to the injuries and then sent state side
-He was depressed and considered suside
-That lead to anger
-An NCIS agent let him find out where the killer was
-Gibbs snipped his family's killer
-Gibbs shared none of this with Shepherd or Ducky

This loss caused a lack of intimacy with his relationships
He does not want those around him & loved by him to end up dead.
That is why he pulls back and does not let friendships go deep.
Also the reasons his other 2 marriages have failed.
awww, we just saw the episode 'Probie' and awwww, i love was so sad, and i felt so sorry for him :(
but it was a really god ep :)
Re: The NCIS Thread!

Lately the NCIS episodes have been awesome i mean the one where someone was trying to kill Abby that was awesome!.. but this one kept me on the edge of my seat and when he said " i dont know him" i almost cried to see the look on Ducky's face OMG best episode i can not wait till the next tuesday!
Re: The NCIS Thread!

I don't think it's that Ziva doesn't care about Gibbs. I think it is just that she has never been close to anybody or cared about anybody until she came to NCIS and that scares her. I think she is just as upset about Gibbs as the rest but doesn't know how to show it.

Now I'm wondering who will be leaving the show. At first I thought maybe it would be Jen (she's the one I would miss the least) but after reading my TV Guide for next week I'm not so sure now.

So Far: Gibbs started to turn rogue and make up his own rules. "He's getting closer to Dirty Harry than the police would like him to be," says creator Don Bellisario. THE FINALE: "People need to pay attention to the fact that Gibbs is starting to cross the line. The finale will explain all of it." Also, the doctor who is treating Gibbs falls for Jenny. The big news: someone exits. "I'm not saying I am going to kill someone," Bellisario says. "I'm saying someone is leaving." NEXT SEASON: Gibbs' injuries will carry over. And his doctor-the one with the crush on Jen-might be back.

Of course I guess it still could be Jen. I'm still hopeful.
Re: The NCIS Thread!

well, looks like we can safely rule out Gibbs as the one who leaves. But at least it looks like this person won't die, so there always hope for a return

but i still hope its Jen
Re: The NCIS Thread!

yeah, cause I'm not too attached to she can leave!:D
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