The NCIS Thread! *spoilers*

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Re: The NCIS Thread!

Hear ye! Hear ye! Announcing the birthday of pretty and talented Sasha Alexander, a.k.a. Caitlin "Kate" Todd, formerly of NCIS. Today, May 17, is her birthday. Since it is not polite to mention I woman's age, I won't. But I will give you 31 guesses to find it out. Sasha can also be seen in the new movie Mission: Impossible 3.

Sasha, if you are lurking around and reading this, sign in, grab some virtual birthday cake, and say hello. Have a great day.
Re: The NCIS Thread!

Isn't she turning like, 32?
And I HOPE that someone is going to haul Gibbs' butt back to NCIS before it's too late.

Now see, I had never seen Kill Ari, Part Two, but I saw Part One, so that made me cry about Ziva and Ari. But do you think being head of the team will make DiNozzo less, well, DiNozzo???
Re: The NCIS Thread!

Geesh! I was so sad at the end of the finale last night. I was about to cry after Gibbs handed Tony his gun and everything. I didn't but I was super close. How is next season going to begin if Gibbs isn't there?

Although, I think it would be very interesting if the team went on as they are now (without Gibbs as the leader) and they continued, because we all know that somehow Tony would probably change since he has a bigger responsibility.
Re: The NCIS Thread!

This is definately the most shocking season ending of all shows I follow over all their seasons. I don't know whether it will survive its fourth season if he doesn't come back. And happy birthday Sasha! :D
Re: The NCIS Thread!


Dear God. What happened to a main character being killed off? Yup. Didn't happen.

And Gibbs leaving? Umm, even with Tony trying to be Gibbs, there is no way that he can even portray him. No way possible.

I have to admit the ending was a shocker. I was like, OMG! Why Gibbs?!?!?! But sadly, I guess he wants off the show. :(
Re: The NCIS Thread!

I still think he'll be back next season. The longer the show went on last night the more I got to thinking that Gibbs would be the one to leave. It just seemed to be playing out that way.

Also, how many times does a person choose to leave a show and it is not known? When Kate was killed and Speedle was killed on CSI:Miami it was known beforehand that they wanted off their shows. I was beginning to think they were wrong about Sasha wanting off the show last season when she got shot once and was ok...then boom, right through the forehead.

Mark Harmon will be back. Bellisario said someone was leaving but he didn't say it was permanent and he didn't say the wouldn't come back. He left those parts out.
Re: The NCIS Thread!

yes, I think Gibbs will come back next season as well. Maybe not by the preimiere but a few episodes in atleast. I think after reliving his past abotu his wife and daughter and everything I think Gibbs just needs a little time to clear his head.

But oh man I said Aw realled loud when he Gibbs handed TOny his badge. "Its your team now." The look on Tony's face when Gibbs left with Ducky was so sad.

And I think missed something obviously a lot because I just started watching this show a couple months ago. But Ok, I know Kate was killed by a snipper the guy who played Rudy in the episode Lost Son *raises fist* but is Ziva his sister? and she killed him? Or did I get that wrong.
Re: The NCIS Thread!

I also read somewhere that he (Mark) was on David Letterman, saying something to the effect that the writers were gearing up for next season with idea's. My thought on that is that if Mark was off for good then he wouldn't be promoting such things.

Also Gibbs is following in the footsteps of his mentor, (head slap, that look, tone, etc) right down to leaving the job, I think his leaving the team, was also part of the fact that he was still stuck in the past, with knowledge of the present all pushing at him at once, and it was overwhelming.
Re: The NCIS Thread!

yeah Katie, the sniper, Ari, was Ziva's half-sister, and she was the one to shoot him, because he was about to shoot Gibbs
Re: The NCIS Thread!

carlz31 said:
yeah Katie, the sniper, Ari, was Ziva's half-sister, and she was the one to shoot him, because he was about to shoot Gibbs

ahhhh gotcha, because when i saw that little flashback thingier I was like "hey..that guy...wait i minute." because I rememberd the previews for the episode when Kate was killed and I was like "hey I know him." lol.
Re: The NCIS Thread!

I agree with what you all said about Gibbs coming back. He needs some time off, so why not go to Mexico with his former boss? Being in Mexico, just fishing, smoking, etc, doesn't seem like Gibbs, and I think that after maybe a few weeks Gibbs will say, "I can't take this anymore" and go back with the team.

Meanwhile, what do you think will happen with the team emotionally in the new season? Will they be like, all depressed and stuff? I think that maybe they won't want to talk about it, and ignore the subject until someone brings it up again. Then they will be forced to face the truth. (whatever the truth is.) :D

Oh, and my friend and I are writing a joint fanfiction on Gibbs coming back. I will update you when we put it on

Here is a bring back Gibbs poster thing i made:

Hope you like it :)
Re: The NCIS Thread!

OMG I finally got to see the ep from last night. I loved it. Thumbs up to Ziva for what she did for Gibbs. WOW!! Awesome!!!! No, I don't think MH is leaving the show. It wouldn't survive without him plus, I'll quit watching. He's the only reason I watch it to begin with. Can't wait for the new season now.

Loved the poster. WOW!!!!!!!! :D
Re: The NCIS Thread!

Nice poster, sandlesgirl . I liked the pictures you used. If Mark Harmon doesn't come back next fall, I'll probably watch for a few episodes to see how it goes, but if it doesn't work for me, I'll probably stop watching. I'd really hate to give the show up, because it's one of my favorites.
Re: The NCIS Thread!

Didn't the guy who played Gibbs's former boos also play Westmoreland in Prison Break?

I think Gibbs won't come back immedeately. I think they're gonna wait and see how the ratings are going, and bringing Gibbs back mid or end season 4.
Re: The NCIS Thread!

Correct, CSI007WW. The actor is Muse Watson who played Mike Franks and Westmoreland, and he even had an appearance as Admiral Fessenden in an episode of JAG, which spun off NCIS.
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