The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style!

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Nicole: You say that this Mr. Ecklie would like a job as a rodeo clown? Does he know how dangerous it is?
Grissom: Uh... Yes. He does. And we are always stepping around the bull droppings coming from him.

:guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw: Now I'm picturing Ecklie dressed like a rodeo clown. Oh my goodness. That's an odd image to say the least. :lol:
That is hilarious, Ecklie is a clown he just doesn't know it:rolleyes:


SUPER DAVE:: "WHOA, now I've seen it all":eek:

GRISSOM:: "Me too, this is really off the wall, even for Vegas":cool:

SUPER DAVE:: "What should do with the chicken"?:confused:

GRISSOM:: "I guess take it to evidence and process it":shifty:
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Super Dave: What should I do with the chicken?
Grissom: Take it to the LVPD cafeteria and process it. McNuggets for EVERYBODY!
Crowd: Yeah. Wow. Great. Oh boy.
Super Dave: But it's fake and made of rubber.
Grissom: I was only kidding.
Crowd: Awwwww.

---=== OR ===---

Super Dave: What should I do with the chicken?
Grissom: Take it to the lab and check its DNA and run the claw prints.
Super Dave: You're kidding again.
Grissom: Yep. Just bag it and tag it.

---=== OR ===---

Super Dave: Who do you think did it?
Grissom: Carrot Top is on the loose again.

---=== OR ===---

Super Dave: Who do you think did it?
Grissom: Check the corpse for finger-lickin. Then have Brass put out an APB for The Colonel.
Gil: David, what are you doing to your wife?
David: Oh, she loves when I tickle her.
Gil: But, David... that's a rubber chicken.
David: I know, but with the budget cuts, this is all we could afford.

I couldn't help it. SuperDave is always letting things about his intimate life slip out. It sounds like something he would say. :lol:

Here's another:

Gil: David, there's a note on the chicken.
David (reads aloud): Eat more chicken.

Hehe... you know that commercial where the cows write "eat more chicken" on the billboards? :lol:

Dynamo, that Carrot Top one is hilarious. :guffaw:
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Dave: " I have a theory".

Grissom: "Whats that David"

Dave: "A theory is when you have an idea about how something happened, but being a CSI you should already know that!"

Grissom: "No no, I meant what is your theory!"

Dave: "I think she choked on the feathers."

Girssom: "Oh yeah, I think you can use a vacation."
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All hilarious comments:lol:


DOC:: "WOW, lunch, what the hell is this?:eek:

GRISSOM:: "Look's like another one of Hodges' pranks, it's a disgusting rat":scream:

DOC:: "EWWWW, I hate rats, where did this come from"?:confused:

GRISSOM:: "I don't know, it's your lab are you sure it's a rat?:shifty:

DOC:: "I'm sure, get it out of here, or I'm outta of here":vulcan:
Grissom: If you didn't like the Geiko gecko, you could just ignore him, not disect him.
Doc Robbins: I want to see how he talked and why he had an English accent.
Grissom: Annoying critter, wasn't he?

---=== OR ===---

Grissom: What are you working on?
Doc Robbins: I'm going to send this food down to trace and have them discover the Colonel's secret ingredients. We'll make millions on Ebay from the recipe.

---=== OR ===---

Grissom: Let me guess. One of Greg's uncle's recipes?
Doc Robbins: There's stuff in here even Emeril would not touch.


NICK:: "What, $100 bucks for this tacky breakfast":(

WARRCK:: "Yeah, I've already got heartburn, that's a hugh mistake":confused:

NICK:: "Hey waitress, could you come over here, please"?:eek:

GRISSOM:: "Calm down I'll pay for it, even though Ecklie split up our team ":vulcan:
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Nick: Who ate the omelet? That would be something Warrick would have ordered if he was here.
Grissom: That would be the ghost beside you.
Nick: Warrick's here?
Grissom: I see dead people.

---=== OR ===---

Nick: My ham and cheese... $3,95
Warrick: My spaghetti and meatballs... $4.50
Grissom: My chef salad... $4.25
All: Ecklie's lobster stuffed with caviar... Priceless.
Nick: *reading* Meet me in the bathroom. -Cath *out loud* Hey, it's my lucky day!
Warrick: Say what?

GREG:: "OK, you guys this isn't funny, and not what I meant by having a cute doll":wtf:

GRISSOM:: "Well Greg, this is an experiment, so grin and bear it";)

GREG:: "Geez boss, I think this is way beyond the call of duty":(

SARA:: "It won't be but a minute, you'll be fine":thumbsup:

GREG:: "OUCH, I can't breath":(
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Greg: Grissom, I don't mind doing this test, but did you have to use the Betsy Wetsy doll?

---=== OR ===---

Greg: Well, there goes the chance of any Sanders son or daughter.

---=== OR ===---

Greg: Hey! C'mon. Shouldn't the new guy be doing these tests?

---=== OR ===---

Greg: Ecklie, please stop. I'm sorry I was late to work.
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