The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style!

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Greg: Wow, that's great. $2.01 a gallon for gas.
Nick: Have you noticed there is no decimal point?
Greg: You mean...
Nick: Yep. $201 a gallon.

---=== OR ===---

Sara: I can't ride on these buses. I'm allergic to cats.
Greg: It's just the name of the bus company.
Sara: I'm breaking out in a rash just reading the sign.
:lol: as usual Dynamo1


SARA:: "So Nicky what do you think"?:confused:

NICK:: "Hell, I don't know, what do you think"?:eek:

SARA:; I'm stunned, and can't make heads or tails of this whole scenerio":shifty:

NICK:: "It's a strange one, what does Grissom think"?:wtf:

SARA:: "I'm not sure, he doesn't share everyhting about the cases with me":(

NICK:: "Wanna go for coffee"?:)

SARA:: "Coffee, how about a stiff drink":p
Sara: Uh oh. We're in trouble.
Nick: You're right. Ole Matlock will make mincemeat with our case.

---=== OR ===---

Nick: Wow! Catherine still remembers her old routine up on the stage.
Sara: Yeah, but you might have to drag Hodges away from her.

---=== OR ===---

Nick: I still can't figure out how Lance Burton sawed that woman in half.
Sara: Does that look like blood to you?
Nick: I hope it's fake or I'll have to go get our field kits from the truck.

---=== OR ===---

Nick: I don't mind sitting up close to the stage for these lingeree fashion shows, but....
Sara: I know what you mean. We shouldn't have to watch Ecklie in his thong.

Greg: "Sara, if I smother you with this pillow do you think Grissom would notice?"

Grissom: "I'm sitting right here Greg."

Sara: "Yeah I think he might notice."
Greg: Hodges spilled some kind of stinky stuff on my pillow. Here, smell!
Sara: Why did you have a pillow in the lab?
Greg: Because I was using it to sit on.
Griss: Do you have hemroids (sp?)?
Greg: No, I just had an accident one day.
Nick (entering room): You fell on your butt while trying to imitate one of Tony Hawkes' skateboarding moves again, didn't you?
Greg: :alienblush:
Greg: I am going to lie down on a lab table and get some rest. Wake me when the next shift starts.
Grissom: I hear that Doc Robbins has an open table.
Greg: No way. He might try to cut me open.

---=== OR ===---

Greg: Heidi Klum napped on this pillow once and I won it on Ebay.
Sara: How do you know she actually touched it.
Greg: Uh, er,um... Would you like to buy a pillow that Gary Sinise slept on?
:lol:ALL hilarious, you fans rock and all have a warped sense of humor:bolian:


GRISSOM:: "Ah, ha so this is where my bull/cowboy horns have been":confused:

NICK:: "Those are yours, that's weird boss":rolleyes:

GRISSOM:: "What ever do you mean, these are classic":eek:

NICK:: "Yeah, whatever you say":cardie:
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Grissom: Why can't you use a little can opener like everyone else?

---=== OR ===---

Grissom: These hang from your rear view mirror instead of fuzzy dice?
Nick: Yep>
Grissom: Do you realize that if you hit a speed bump, you'll be gushing blood all over like Old Faithful.

---=== OR ===---

Grissom: So this is what Steve Martin wore before the arrow through the head?

---=== OR ===---

Nick: I think I've figured it out. This trunk belongs to Carrot Top.

---=== OR ===---

Grissom: Do you think Ecklie will notice if I place this on his office chair?
:lol: all stellar:bolian:


GRISSOM TO SUSPECT:: "This isn't your ID, wanna give me the correct one"?:rolleyes:

SARA:: "And we're taking all you papers down to have them analyzed":cool:

SUSPECT:: "Whatever turns you on":(

GRISSOM:: "Brass, can you handcuff this guy"?:scream:

SUPER DAVE:: "OK, my little alien, what did you say again"?:vulcan:

GREG:: "UH, Dave who are you talking to"?:confused:

SUPER DAVE:: "What, nobody, what can I do for you Greg"?:alienblush:
Super Dave: Alas, poor Warrick. I knew him well.

---=== OR ===---

Super Dave: I'm going to keep this one and spring him on Ecklie on Halloween. Mua ha
ha ha ha ha ha.

---=== OR ===---

Super Dave: Looks like Grissom forgot some of his little buddies here.

---=== OR ===---

Super Dave: Will you look at that. Someone smashed something on his head that had the CBS logo on it. Those executives will kill off anybody to save a few bucks.

---=== OR ===---

Super Dave: Yes, Ma. I brush between meals. Right, ma. I'm wearing clean underwear in case I'm in an accident. Yeah, ma. I make sure I don't run with scissors. Uh huh, ma....
:bolian: on the last ones Dyanmo1 always~


SARA:: "Damn, I misplaced my gun, I hope the perps don't notice I'm using my finger":(

BRASS:: [over on the side] "Sara, what the hell are you doing, here's your gun, so stop playing kiddy games":cool:

SARA:: "Whew, thanks Jim, I wasn't playing, just practicing":shifty:
Grissom (off camera): Play cops and robbers?
Nick (off camera): Cowboys and indians?
Catherine (off camera): Spy vs spy?
Sara: No. Just wishful thinking. Ecklie is coming out the door soon.

---=== OR ===---

Sara: Go ahead, punk. Make...!
Brass (off camera): I don't know if this is fair. The perp lost a part of his finger in an industrial accident.
Sara: Ooooh. A sawed-off shotgun.

---=== OR ===---

Sara: Judging by the line of sight, the shooter must have been lying down or he is a midget or dwarf.
Brass (off camera): I'll call for the mug books from the PD in the land of Oz.

GRISSOM:: [bottom of stairs] "OK Hodges, what the hell is going on with you now":scream:

HODGES:: "You mean my 'girlfriend', isn't she cute"? wanna come in boss"?:shifty:

GRISSOM:: "No thank's, at least she's better than the last one you had":vulcan:

HODGES:: "Just kidding boss, what do you need"?:confused:

GRISSOM:: "Just put your little plaything down and get down to the lab pronto":cool:
Grissom (off camera): Hodges, I think you're taking the name Naughty Picture Thread too seriously.

---=== OR ===---

Hodges: Are you coming to the wedding? We are registered at Victoria's Secret and Frederick's of Hollywood.

---=== OR ===---

Hodges: Oh, good. The fire department is here. I'll save "Little Catherine" and they can save "Little Sara".
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