The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style!

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Cath: I can't believe he ate the whooooole thing.

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Cath: After this, I might become a vegetarian, too.

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Cath: He put catsup on a hot dog? That's disgusting.

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Brass (singing): His vomit has a first name, it's O S C A R...

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Brass: Wait til tomorrow. That's the liver eating contest.
Cath: Eeewwwww!

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Paul Guilfoyle: He would never finish if those were prepared at the studio commissary.
Marg: Eeewwwww!
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The "Dog Eat Dog' one, so gross, It was really a sickening episode, how the H could anyone eat that much and that constantly, well except my young grandson:eek: fuuny again Mr.comedy genius:guffaw:


Brass: "Is that his pool'? needs a good cleaning"

Brass: Whoa, watch it, don't walk on the lawn, it's Steve Wynn's home":eek:

Warrick: "Your kidding, right, holy s... there's a guard dog over there":scream:

Brass: "Call for back-up":vulcan:
Warrick: Hey, Opie, want to skip a stone across the pond. (starts whistling)
Brass: Sure, Pa. (joins in whistling Andy Griffith theme)

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Warrick: Are you sure he was bitten by a shark here in the middle of Vegas?
Brass: Dah-dumm... dah-dumm... dah-dumm dah-dumm dah-dumm dah-dumm,,,,

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Warrick: So this is where Grissom wants to live when he retires.
Brass: Doubt it will ever happen.
Warrick: Why not?
Brass: They don't allow bugs in this community.

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Warrick: Wow! This is some rich development. Security guards for the koi pond.
:lol::guffaw: DreidelGuy:thumbsup:


Doc:: "I swear I think I used to date this girl":wtf:

Grissom:: "Well, I hope she looked better then":confused:

Doc:: "She did, but she's changed alot":vulcan:

Grissom:: "I'm hip, roll her over":vulcan:
Grissom: If you play "Connect the Dots" with her freckles, it looks like Ecklie's face.
Robbins: Her butt looks like Ecklie's face.
Grissom: Yes, and with just about the same amount of hair.

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Robbins: Did Ecklie forget to pay the electric bill again?
Grissom: Yes.
Hodges (under the table): My feet are getting tired.
Robbins: Keep peddling. I need more light.
:lol: Ecklie the guy you love to hate.. funny!


Nick: "Wow, did that big pencil do this":wtf:Is this the Big Pencil caper"?

Brass: "Hell, who knows, I know this guy had something to do with this":confused:

Nick: "I hear ya'':vulcan:
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Brass: Look at that wall. See that? "For a good time, call Jim Brass." Did you write that?

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Brass: You okay, Nick? If he kicked you between the legs, a lot of women viewers will be disappointed.

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Brass: Confess or I will tickle you with this fern leaf until you do.

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Brass: Garage sale? You put a garage sale poster on the Wanted List board?

Nick's friend.."Hey old buddy, how's it going, come on in, I've got a couple of hot chicks in here":p

Nick::"I can't I'm working":(

Friend::"How about just a lookie":shifty:

Nick :: "My boss would have a fit":scream:

Friend::"Hey invite him in too":vulcan:

Nick:: "Yeah right":rolleyes:
Nick: Why is my hand stuck to yours?
Friend: Some guy named Hodges paid me $20 bucks to Super-Glue our hands together.

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Nick: So, you're familiar with the rules of Red Vests on this show?
Friend: No, what is that?
Nick: It's like Star Trek red shirt characters. You're our next murder victim.

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Friend: You do realize that while we are shaking hands, my partner is stealing all the money from the cash box in the corner.
Nick: That's okay. I can use his fingerprints and hair follicles as evidence.
Friend: Woudn't it be easier to just use the security videotape?
Nick: Ooops. Didn't think of that.

Grissom: "I want you to go over there":scream:

Sara::"Why me, where's the rest of the team"?:wtf:

Grissom::"Just do it";)

Sara::"I wonder if you ever think I don't want to go over there":confused:

Grissom ::"Sara, this isn't an option":mad:
Grissom: You wear sexier sunglasses than Horatio Caine.

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Sara: Fuzzy Wuzzy has a beard. Fuzzy Wuzzy looks so weird.

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Grissom: With this roach, I thee wed.
Sara: You're so romantic.

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Grissom & Sara (singing): Happy trails to you, until we meet again...
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