The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style! P2

All so funny:lol: and welcome back Dyamno1 glad your here:bolian:


RAY:: "Gosh Doc, nobody has ever met me at the airport before, I'm humbled":alienblush:

DOC:: "Well, it's not all it seems to be, I'm here to see that you don't go all "Dirty Harry" again:scream:

RAY:: "I won't, it's so good to see you again":)

DOC:: "You just saw me 3 days ago":rolleyes:

RAY:: "So got any ideas how we go about catching this freak-show"?:confused:

DOC:: "I do, but lets go over to that Denny's first and have a bite, and I'll tell you what I think":shifty:

RAY:: "Sounds great, I'm starved":p
Ray: That's it, Doc. I've had enough. Tell Catherine I quit.
Doc: What's wrong, Ray? Maybe we can work something out.
Ray: I have had it with Hodges and Ecklie. It's like working for a circus.
Doc: The next time either of them give you trouble, let me know. I'll jam this crutch so far up their butt, they would need surgery to get it out.

---=== OR ===---

Doc: Isn't that case a little small for a field kit?
Ray: Oh, this is just a book I'm writing. Greg is bringing my case.
Doc: Sort of like a trained puppy?
Ray: Yes. And he brings me my slippers at the office.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: Again with the daytime hours? Do they even HAVE a day shift?

---=== OR ===---

Ray: Hey Doc! HEY DOC! Wake up. It's time to go home.
Doc: Oh. You ruined my dream. I was thinking how nice it would be if I got to meet someone like Ann-Margret or Faye Dunaway on a case.
Ray: We had some suspects that looked like them. Where were you?
Doc: Probably at the morgue, working on lookalikes for Roseanne Barr and Joan Rivers.

OMG so hilarious Dynamo1 Roseanne Barr and Joan Rivers:lol: and the cane jokes, so glad your back on here:bolian:
Ray: So, what's going on at the office forums?

Doc: Oh, the spammers, Ray! They just won't go away! They're like roaches!

Ray: Well, you could always call an exterminator.

Doc: Sure, but don't tell Grissom.

(sorry, couldn't resist with there being a spam post above LOL)
All so great and so funny.. next~


CATH:: "I'm so damn sick of these stupid flashlights":klingon:

SARA:: "I was just goning to say that, want me to turn on the lights"?:confused:

CATH:: "Hell yes, where's the light switch"?:cool:

SARA:: "It's right over there, but what if it's rigged"?:wtf:

CATH:: "Yeah, your right lets just stick with what we know, for now":cardie:

SARA:: "Okie-dokie, hey what's that over there"?:shifty:

CATH:: "Ah, a little bug, call Gil, no wait, later":rommie:
SARA: "Hey Cath, you know that loony asylum inmate currently on the run? I think I just found him."

CATH: "Don't worry about it Sara it's just Greg, you know what he's like when he's around glitter..."
Catherine: Oh, look. Greg is doing Muppet shadow puppets.
Sara: I thought that looks like Big Bang Theory. That's Sheldon.
Catherine: No, that's definitely Kermit.
Sara: No that's Sheldon. And here comes Penny. And there goes Penny.
Greg (off camera): PennyPennyPennyPennyPenny...
Sara: See? I told ya.

---=== OR ===---

Catherine: Who is that hiding in the corner? A suspect? A corpse?
Sara: No, just Hodges. Still scared of thunderstorms.
This is all I can come up with:

Cath and Sara doing a Charlie's Angels' type pose. :lol:
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Catherine : hey, is that Conrad? In a dress??? :eek:

Sara: That is just GROSS... gimme some eye bleach fast!

Catherine : No wonder Morgan doesn't want him around

Sara: yeah, neither do I

Catherine : me either
:lol:all so hilarious~


RAY:: "You know what you psycho, you'll get yours eventually":klingon:

NATE:: "Ah, Ray you don't mean that, lets just be pals and hang out together":evil:

RAY:: "Yeah right and fly me to the moon, leave me the frig alone":cardie:

NATE:: "I can't do that Ray, I like you too much, and wait till you see what I have in store for you":shifty:

RAY:: "To hell in a hand basket for you, your toast..soon, you've got nothing for me:brickwall:
Nate: Hey Ray, you want the red pills or the blue?
Ray: Which one will make you go away?

Sorry, couldn't pass it up. I really need to watch those movies sometime.
Ray: Oh, goody. The new and improved mousetrap caught a large rat.

---=== OR ===---

Bill Irwin: When I agreed to be on this show, I was hoping for a dressing room with more privacy.

---=== OR ===---

Nate: Are you sure my pizza is not here yet? It's been over 30 minutes.

---=== OR ===---

Nate: Why couldn't I have been on Matlock? He would have gotten the charges dropped.
N. Haskell: (mutters to himself) OMG, I hope he notices me today. OMFG, OMFG, he's looking right at me! (little girl squeal)
N. Haskell: You complete me, Langston.
Langston: I can't quit you, Haskell.
(corny soap opera music begins to play)
You fans are all so creative and funny.. all good ones:guffaw:


RAY:: "OK, If I jump really really high, I can make it on that cream colored pony, Nick are ya' with me"?:eek:

NICK:: "I am, right behind ya' buddy, you go first and I'll follow, this will be fun":lol:

RAY:: "Yeah and the nickelodeon music is great":rommie:

NICK:: "We haven't had this much fun since we were at the werewolve convention":thumbsup:

RAY:: "OK, one, two, three, here I go":cool: