The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style! P2

Sofia: That is disgusting. That is gross.
Brass: What? The corpse? The blood? The vomit from the first cop on the scene?
Sofia: No, that hot dog you are holding. Nobody, but NOBODY puts catsup on a hot dog.

---=== OR ===---

Louise: WHAT? AGAIN? No way.
Zuicker: Yep. CBS is cutting back our budget. We are letting you go.
Louise: But I love this show. What will I do?
Zuicker: I hear that "Two and a Half Men" are hiring. You might cut your hair and lose the lipstick.
The "Two And A Half Men" one:lol: and beings she's returning, more Sofia;)


SOFIA:: "Here I go again, shooting at a target, hope I hit the right one this time":confused:

TEAM IN BACKGROUND:: "Good job Sofia, you've still got great aim":thumbsup:

SOFIA:: "Thank's guys, I try, now where's that Haskell freak"?:vulcan:
Brass (off camera): Sofia, what are you doing? Put that gun down.
Sofia: Jim, I warned you. Put that catsup bottle down. Dirty Harry Callahan even said it. "Nobody, but NOBODY puts catsup on a hot dog."

---=== OR ===---

Sofia: It's not working. I can't seem to kill these vampires. These silver bullets are not working.
Uniformed officer: That's for werewolves. You need wooden stakes, garlic, and sunlight.
Sofia: And what if we battle zombies or aliens.
Sara (off camera): Then we get Ecklie to talk them to death.

CATH:: "OMG, what the heck is that":wtf:

RAY:: "I'm not sure, but my batteries in the flashlight are about to go, where's the light switch"?:confused:

BRASS:: "OK, folks calm down, I've seen worse stuff, it look's like an old pizza box":p

CATH:: "But it's moving, and I see legs":shifty:

RAY:: "Where's the guy who lives here, and oops, there goes the flashlight":alienblush:

BRASS:: "Ray forget about the damn flashlight, call in the officers outside, it does have legs, very very short legs":eek:
Catherine: Enough, Greg. Stop with the shadow puppets and get back to work.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: Oh, that's gross.
Catherine: It's worse than the last one.
Brass: I can't believe my eyes.
Catherine: Hodges, that game you created is the worst I've EVER seen.

---=== OR ===---

Marg: I know CBS cut back our budget, but the set will need more lighting than a flashlight.
Laurence: Don't worry. For once they actually wrote in a night scene, so we won't need much.

---=== OR ===---

Brass: Do you two mind getting a room. There's a lady present.
Announcer: Next week on CSI... The reunion of Sara and Gilbert Grissom. Rated R for mature audiences only.
Brass: Oh. My. God.
Catherine: Gil? What are you doing in my crime scene?
Ray: And why do you have jars?
Grissom: Oh, hi guys, Sara skyped me about an interesting cockroach she saw here, so I got the first flight back.
Brass: (to patrolman) Call his wife and get him out of here.

CATH:: "UH is Nate Haskell here"?:klingon:

WOMAN:: "WHO, who are you" [and she starts singing it]:rommie:

RAY:: "Yeah ya' do we've got info. that you know where he's hiding":cool:

BRASS:: "So cough him up or we'll take you down to the station it's up to you":wtf:
Brass: Oh my god, Ellie!?
Catherine: Y'want me to shoot her, Jim?
Langston: I'll punch her in the FACE!?
Catherine: Ray, you don't even know her
Brass: What did he say about my daughter?
Langston: I'm so ANGRY!
Catherine: Okay, Ray... Heres a nice promotion to calm you down

NICK:: "Ok Ray lets try it again the "fist bump" first you roll up your fist, then I roll up mine, and then we bump them together":thumbsup:

RAY:: "And the point of this is":confused:.

NICK:: "Just to finalize that we agree on what ever it is we're talking about":cardie:

RAY:: "So isn't this a bit teenage-ish":rolleyes:

NICK:: Not really, everyone does it";)

RAY:: "OK Nick anything to make you happy, lets do it":rommie:
(I do apologize in advance for this)

Ray "Nick, is that a mountain lion in your pocket, or are you just *really* pleased to see me?"
(I do apologize in advance for this)

Ray "Nick, is that a mountain lion in your pocket, or are you just *really* pleased to see me?"

I knew this one was coming from the moment you mentioned this picture
Ray: Nick, why are there two paws growing out of your hip?
Nick: I want to blend in with the crowd at Lady Heather's place.

---=== OR ===---

Nick: Can I hug ya, big guy?
Ray: Not till you trim those claws.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: I heard that there was a mouse in there that might destroy the evidence, but don't you think that Hodges idea of using a mountain lion is a bit extreme?

---=== OR ===---

Ray: Why is Greg carrying a big stuffed cat doll for you?
Nick: I won it from the claw machine in the break room.
Ray: Nobody had better try for the panda. That's for me.
Nick: Then give me a minute. I need to call Ecklie about something.