The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style! P2

Marg: If this doesn't help us beat Grey's Lobotomy in the ratings, I don't know what will.

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Announcer: Now out on video... CSI Investigator Women Gone Wild. Catherine, Sara, Callie, Natalia, Stella, Lindsay, and more, like you've never seen them before. And if you act now, get a second DVD... CSI Labrat Women Gone Wild.

:guffaw:ALL funny :bolian:


HORATIO:: "So Ray anything new, what are all these photos of"?:confused:

RAY:: "Enee Menee Minee Moe, catch a predator/killer by the big fat toe":eek:

HORATIO:: "Cute song and you sing it great, so got any strong leads"?:cool:

RAY:: "I am just as in the dark as you are, but this might help, & BTW, where are your sunglasses"?:rommie:

HORATIO:: "I have them right here in my pocket, so who's your best bet"?:eek:

RAY:: "Don't know yet, how about you, who who are you":rommie:

HORATIO::"Your on a roll Ray, and lets do a duet":D
Horatio: So, Ray, would you like to join my department?
Ray: No, thanks, Lieutenant. I'm afraid I'll get sunburned too easily.

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Ray: Hello, Horatio. While you were out, I took a message from a Detective Andy Sipowicz from the New york Police Department. He said he missed you and would like you to come back.
Horatio: Never heard of him.
Ray: He is here in town on vacation and will buy you lunch.
Horatio: A free lunch? Oh, THAT Andy Sipowicz.

---=== OR ===---

Horatio: Is that a love letter you are writing? Who is it for?
Ray: I am in love with Calleigh. It was love at first sight.
Horatio: You might have to fight off some of her boyfriends. I hear that Dynamo1 is very protective of her.
:guffaw:Calleigh is a knockout:p


MAC:: "Glad you here, you look shook up, was it the helicopter ride"?:confused:

RAY:: "You could say that, those things give me the willys, but good to see you again":cool:

MAC:: "UH, we've never met, but it's great your here in the coolest city on the planet, old New York":vulcan:

RAY:: "Sorry, I'll get my bearings as soon as we get to the lab, where is that BTW, and Horatio sends you his best?:wtf:

MAC:: "Down the road a ways, need a drink first"?:beer:How is Horatio anyway?

RAY:: "That would be great":)

MAC:: "So got any theories about these lost girls"?:shifty:

RAY:: "Loads, I'll share as soon as I get my act together":bolian:
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Ray: Who needs Denalis and Hummers to get to a crime scene. I go in style.
Mac: Horatio told me that some guy named Sonny Crockett drives a Ferrari.
Ray: Oh, shut up.

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Ray: Hey, Mac. You might want to tell Stella that sunbathing on a rooftop where helicopters fly over is not a good idea. People might see her.
Mac (smiling): I think she knows.

---=== OR ===---

Announcer: Next week on CSI: New York... The Musical Episode, with guest star Laurence Fishburne.
Ray: Start spreading the news, I'm leaving today. I want to be a part of it, New York, New York...
Danny: They say the neon lights are bright on Broadway...
Lindsay: ...on Broadway.
Danny: They say there's always magic in the air...
Lindsay: ...on Broadway.
Sid: Give my regards to Broadway. Remember me in Herald Square.
H: Ray, what're you doing?
Ray: figuring out the scientific probability of one guy having so many girlfriends die on him

Ray: I need my leather trenchcoat. Darn you, wardrobe...don't you know how awesome it would look blowing in the rotor wash?
Ray: Who needs Denalis and Hummers to get to a

Announcer: Next week on CSI: New York... The Musical Episode, with guest star Laurence Fishburne.
Ray: Start spreading the news, I'm leaving today. I want to be a part of it, New York, New York...
Danny: They say the neon lights are bright on Broadway...
Lindsay: ...on Broadway.
Danny: They say there's always magic in the air...
Lindsay: ...on Broadway.
Sid: Give my regards to Broadway. Remember me in Herald Square.

:lol: and yours funny to MacsGirlMel:bolian:


DOC:: "WOW, I've seen people who diet, but this is ridiculous, can you believe this Sara"?:eek:

SARA:: "I can believe most anything now-a-days, bad news though":(

DOC:: "Whoa what's this, a little tiny car, with the motor still intact":confused:

SARA:: "Well, now I have seen everything, maybe that's the detonator":wtf:

DOC:: "I never get use to this strange job, call Catherine":vulcan:

SARA:: "Why"?:eek:

DOC:: "This is the car she always talks about a little Corvette":D

SARA:: "OK HEY CATH":scream:
Sara: Okay, Doc. It's my turn. The card says, "Take out his funny bone for $200."

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Doc: Sara, how do you prefer your liver? With onions? Medium or well done?
Sara: I'm a vegetarian.
Doc: In this case, good choice.

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Sara: A silver bullet? Does that mean it's a werewolf?
Doc: I don't know. Look outside and see if there is a full moon.

NICK:: "OK guys what are you doing, this seems a little out of line don't ya' think":eek:

CATH:: "I'm trying to teach Ray some discipline, now Ray do what I tell you next time":evil:

RAY:: "I always do what you say Catherine, don't I, well mostly":shifty:

NICK:: "OK can I get into this too":rommie:

CATH::'' We've already had our little talk Nicky":vulcan:

RAY:: "Hey Nick mind your own business, this is fun, or just watch and learn":eek:

CATH:: "Now we're talking, as I was saying, don't ever bring those horrible little burgers from that greasy spoon again, they make me gag:klingon:

NICK:: "Ah shucks me too really awful Ray":lol:

RAY:: "Well excuse me guys, I was just hungry and it's right around the corner, I won't I promise"
George Eads: Hey, wait a minute. If you two want to be on Dancing With The Stars, you have to decide who will lead.

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Nick: That is NOT how I taught you the Heimlich maneuver.

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Nick: Let's get ready to rrrrrummmmmble.

---=== OR ===---

Catherine: Giddyap, big boy. Faster. FASTER!
Nick: Hey, guys. The Derby was a month ago.
Catherine: Quit interrupting.
Nick: When's my turn.
Catherine: Get your own horse, Pancho.
George Eads: Hey, wait a minute. If you two want to be on Dancing With The Stars, you have to decide who will lead.

---=== OR ===---

Nick: That is NOT how I taught you the Heimlich maneuver.

---=== OR ===---

Nick: Let's get ready to rrrrrummmmmble.

---=== OR ===---

Catherine: Giddyap, big boy. Faster. FASTER!
Nick: Hey, guys. The Derby was a month ago.
Catherine: Quit interrupting.
Nick: When's my turn.
Catherine: Get your own horse, Pancho.

:guffaw:All great dialogue Dynamo1 keep um' rolling. Ther probably will be repeat photos, due to the fact the season has ended, but new lines can rev up this thread:bolian:


NICK:: "OK buddy lets do our thing and little do they know, you've got bullets rammed up your cane":cardie:

RAY:: "YUP, I do, they better not mess with us, BTW, why are we here"?:vulcan:

NICK:: "Just scouring the whole scene, those guys look like there up to no good":scream:

RAY:: "If they weren't we've got nothing to do, right"?:cool:

NICK:: "Paper work up the ying-yang, but I left Henry in charge of that, so we could do what were doing":rommie:

RAY:: "OK, lets do it then":mad:
Announcer: This fall, CBS introduces the newest spinoff... CSI: Siamese Twins. Two men, joined at birth, solve all types of mysteries, including how to get dates on the same night.

---=== OR ===---

Nick: Let me guess. Jackets stuck together?
Ray: Yep.
Nick: Hodges was using the super glue today?
Ray: Yep.
Nick: Hodges goes home in one piece after work.
Ray: NOPE.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: We are surrounded.
Nick: Yes, I think we are boxed in.
Ray: Any chance of getting out without being attacked?
Nick: No. They are very dangerous.
Ray: There is no escaping those fan-girls.


CATH:: "Damn it says right there that the jackpot on the "fruit" bar machine is $1 million, wanna play Sara"?:wtf:

SARA:: "UH, I'm not much of a gambler, but hey 1 mill, OK lets go for it":thumbsup:

CATH:: "We can't drink darn it, we're only on our lunch break, but we sure can try to win, just think what would you do"?:cardie:

SARA:: "Take a plane to Peru, or wherever my man is now":p

CATH:: "OH yeah how is Grissom, where exactly is he anyway":confused:

SARA:: "Who said I was talking about him":eek: ha-ha-ha, just kidding:rommie:
Sara: Does that guy at the poker table look familiar?
Catherine: Yes. That's the ghost of Warrick.
Sara: Doesn't he EVER give up? He loses, even when he is dead.
Catherine: Hey, Warrick. Give it a rest. Don't you ever learn?

---=== OR ===---

Sara: Gil! What are you doing here?
Grissom: Hi, honey. What a surprise. What are YOU doing here?
Sara: We are on a case. But you just sent me a picture email of you in the rain forest.
Grissom: Oh, that. It was Photoshopped. That stuff is boring.
Sara: Does that guy at the poker table look familiar?
Catherine: Yes. That's the ghost of Warrick.
Sara: Doesn't he EVER give up? He loses, even when he is dead.
Catherine: Hey, Warrick. Give it a rest. Don't you ever learn?

---=== OR ===---

Sara: Gil! What are you doing here?
Grissom: Hi, honey. What a surprise. What are YOU doing here?
Sara: We are on a case. But you just sent me a picture email of you in the rain forest.
Grissom: Oh, that. It was Photoshopped. That stuff is boring.

The Warrick comment, so funny.. wouldn't it be so great if he was still on the show?:(


MARGOT:: "Hey where's that other cute CSI, Rick"?:confused:

RAY:: "You mean Nick"?:cool:

MARGOT:: "OH yeah him, and he was so nice, and so cute";)

RAY:: "I'm nice and I'm cute too":evil:

MARGOT:: "Whatever, just ask your silly questions, and be done with it":vulcan:

RAY:: "OK, say I'M CUTE, or whatever":rolleyes:

MARGOT:: "So did you ever see Elvis when he played Vegas":cardie:

RAY:: "NO I didn't, but I'm sure you did":shifty:

MARGOT:: You wouldn't believe how great he was":thumbsup:

RAY:: "I've heard, so want me to cut those stiches"?:borg:

MARGOT:: "Could Nick do it instead":adore:

RAY:: "OK, Hey Nick could you please come in here"?:scream:
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