The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style! P2

Nick: I'm going to get him.
Ray: Nick, calm down. It was just an accident.
Nick: No it wasn't. Once or twice is an accident. He does this on purpose.
Ray: Put your gun away. You can take him alive.
Nick: Enough is enough. The pizza stuck to the lid of the box and I couldn't eat it.

---=== OR ===---

Nick: Ray, did you hear that?
Ray: It was a scream. So what?
Nick: Someone screams and you ask "So what?"
Ray: Relax, Nick. It's just the TV. Someone ALWAYS screams when they find a dead body on Law & Order.
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NICK:: "I am allergic to chlorine, so it look's like there is none in this pool now":confused:

HODGES:: "Ya know what Nick, your right, there is none, so wanna take a dip?:cardie:

NICK:: "Geez, yes I do, this Vegas weather is brutally hot, so I'll just strip down to my boxers":cool:

HODGES:: "I've go on my Speedo, so I'll go in with you";)

NICK:: "Speedo, you know what Hodges, too much info. you go in first and I'm not going to look":rolleyes:o

HODGES:: "OK boss, what ever you say":evil:

NICK:: "[thinking to him self, gawd he's so off the wall] And hey Hodges, I'm not your boss":vulcan:

HODGES:: "Last one in is a frog":rommie:

NICK:: "Whatever Hodges" [why do I have to work with this guy, where's Greg and Ray]:confused:
Hodges: Uh, Nick. All this water reminds me of something.
Nick: What would that be.
Hodges: I gotta pee.
Nick: Okay, Mr. Gump. Back in the house, last door on your left.

---=== OR ===---

Hodges: Nick, I have a question.
Nick: Let me guess. You are wondering why you are here. I wonder about that, too.
Hodges: No, not that. Why are we working in the daylight when we are the night shift.
Nick: I wonder about THAT, too.

---=== OR ===---

Wallace Langham: No, really. Why do they have the characters work the day shift when they are supposed to be on the night shift?
George Eads: Two reasons. First, CBS is cutting back on the lighting budget for night scenes.
Wallace: And the other reason?
George: More light to be seen by the woman viewers.
Wallace: Good point.
Dynamo1 and GNRF too funny, :guffaw:


RAY:: "OK, this look's similair to the Chris Brown caper, call Brass :cool:

NICK:: "He's right over there, hey Jim, look at this, what's you take"?:confused:

RAY:: "OUCH, I think I just cut my finger, do you have any bandages on you Nick":scream:

NICK:: "I do and some Neosporin too, for now just lick off the blood, like you did at the vampire convention":mad:

BRASS:: "What the H are you guys doing, did you break the window"?:cardie:

NICK:: "NO we found it like this":(

RAY:: "Do you have a band-aid, Jim"?:vulcan:
George Eads: Oh, I'm mad! Someone broke in and stole my Emmy.
Laurence Fishburne: You never won an Emmy.
George: Okay, it was my Golden Globe Award.
Laurence: Nope.
George: People's choice? Oscar? Grammy? TV Land?
Laurence: None.
George: Why do I bother?

---=== OR ===---

Ray: WOW! Hodges really was in a hurry to get to the bathroom.
George Eads: Oh, I'm mad! Someone broke in and stole my Emmy.
Laurence Fishburne: You never won an Emmy.
George: Okay, it was my Golden Globe Award.
Laurence: Nope.
George: People's choice? Oscar? Grammy? TV Land?
Laurence: None.
George: Why do I bother?

---=== OR ===---

Ray: WOW! Hodges really was in a hurry to get to the bathroom.



NICK:: WHOA, they stole the big screen TV, it looked like a 52' inch, mine's a 42', what's yours Ray"?:confused:

RAY:: "Are you kidding, I still have a chicken s..t 19', don't watch much TV:(

NICK:: "What do you do after work anyway"?:vulcan:

RAY:: "OH, roam the streets of Vegas":devil:

NICK:: "Your kidding right"?:cool:

RAY:: "I am kidding, I read and do research, but I sure would enjoy watching a movie on yours":cardie:

NICK:: "Hey your on, have you ever seen "The Matrix", and BTW you kinda of look like the guy in that flick":shifty:

RAY:: "I've been told that before,:rolleyes: sure can we get those girls from the stripper bar to come by as well"?:p

NICK:: "Hey that would be cool, so popcorn and beer, or peanuts and champagne"?:beer:

RAY:: "Either and or, just make sure it's on a night where we're both off the next day":rommie:

NICK:: "Your on, I'll check the schedule":D
Laurence: Oh, no. The thieves stole my flat screen TV. Now I can't see Grey's Anatomy tomorrow night.
Laurence: Uh... er... I meant on my Tivo AFTER I watch CSI.
George: That's a bit better. Don't let CBS ever hear you say that or you will be joining Charlie Sheen on the unemployment line.

---=== OR ===---

Laurence: Oh, no. They stole my Emmy!
George: You never won an Emmy.
Laurence: Yes, I did. For guest actor in Tribecca. And they got my MTV Movie Award!
George: You never...
Laurence: Yes. For The Matrix for best fight. And my Blockbuster Entertainment Award, and my Image Award, and my...
George: I'm going home. See you tomorrow on the set.

---=== OR ===---

Laurence: Oh, no. They got my 60 inch 3D HD TV, the DVR with expanded hard drive, the Blueray disc player, the Dolby surround sound system, the...
George: Just how much IS Zuiker paying you?

RAY:: "HMM, these look like claw marks":confused:

HEATHER:: "Could be, Iona was all over my place and thought she was a cat:alienblush:

RAY:: "I'll get my kit and BTW, is any of your other furniture damaged"?:cool:

HEATHER:: "You wouldn't believe":scream:

RAY:: "Well, you choose this line of work":rolleyes:
Ray: Doctor, I know we just met and something like this shouldn't be rushed. I think I'm in love with you. But I'm afraid.
Heather: It happens all the time. All men think that when they meet me. Don't be worried. But what are you afraid o? Commitment? The future? What your coworkers will say?
Ray: No, those women that are acting like cats. They are REALLY weird.
Heather: Relax. They are harmless. But I can sense there is something else worrying you. What is it?
Ray: Hairballs.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: Ewwwww. I think one of those cats missed the litter box.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: I knew it. Judging by those women out front that are crawling around and meowing, you are THE CATWOMAN! I think I need to call Commissioner Gordon, have him turn on the Bat Signal.
Heather: It won't work. It's not your regular night shift. It's daylight. Nobody will see it.
:lol: The hairball one, hilarious, I just got a new cat, a long-greyed one, and I clean up his long grey hairs constantly, so much I almost threw up a hairball, my self, that's so relevant to me right now:lol: more caps tomorrow:bolian:

HEATHER:: "Just to get us in a fun relaxed mood, I thought I'd have us watch this movie before we get started";)

RAY:: "Geez its "The Matrix" again, please, could we just watch the video we came here for":rolleyes:

SARA:: "Yeah, we just saw this last weekend at Nick's pad, and remarked how much Ray look's like this guy "Morpheous":cool:

HEATHER:: "Oh my, that's what I thought too, has anyone ever told you this before, if it's a problem I could help you with it":devil:

RAY:: "OMG, I'm so beyond sick of this comparision, yes, it looks like me, but that guys bald, could we just cut to the chase, and see the video of Iona"?:(

HEATHER:: "OK, I'll pop it out, this is amazing, but I know you came here for some closure, so sure":cardie:

SARA:: "I'm already nauseous, please hurry up":vulcan:

RAY:: "Me too, I'm getting claustrophobic as well":angryrazz:
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Sara: Change the channel to The CW. I think Nikita is on now.
Heather: NO! Not that one.
Ray: Why not? You look like that woman on that show.
Heather: Just for a moment. There, she doesn't look anything like.... Well, she IS kind of pretty.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: So what is that remote for? The TV? VCR? MP3?
Heather: No, it is for the latest gadget for some of my clients.
Sara: What does it do?
Heather: It activates The Clapper for those who are too lazy to lift their hands.

---=== OR ===---

Melinda Clarke: Jorja, please tell Zuiker that next time I would like the old clothes back from my earlier episodes. These fashions make me look like my grandmother.
Sara: Change the channel to The CW. I think Nikita is on now.
Heather: NO! Not that one.
Ray: Why not? You look like that woman on that show.
Heather: Just for a moment. There, she doesn't look anything like.... Well, she IS kind of pretty.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: So what is that remote for? The TV? VCR? MP3?
Heather: No, it is for the latest gadget for some of my clients.
Sara: What does it do?
Heather: It activates The Clapper for those who are too lazy to lift their hands.

---=== OR ===---

Melinda Clarke: Jorja, please tell Zuiker that next time I would like the old clothes back from my earlier episodes. These fashions make me look like my grandmother.

The last one cracked me up.. you've got such a creative brain:guffaw:


RAY:: "Say what... you want me to do WHAT"?:confused:

HEATHER:: "I've heard that you can do anything Dr. Langston, and this will be good for both of us":devil:

RAY:: "Speak for youself, I don't think so":confused:

HEATHER:: "OH please, it won't be that long and afterwards we'll both feel so good":wtf:

RAY:: "OK, where's your tool-kit, and how long has the garbage disposal been broken":vulcan:

HEATHER:: "It's in the kitchen and about 3 days, so afterwards we can talk through your issues":shifty:

RAY:: "Whatever, and if I can't fix it within 30 minutes, you can call a plumber, your dime":cool:

HEATHER:: "Oh, that's great Dr. Langston, your the best, and I just met you":cardie:

RAY:: [mumbling to himself, geez, nobody told me I'd have to deal with this crap]:scream:
Heather: Come, here, Dr. Langston. It won't hurt.
Ray: I told you I won't do it!
Heather: Oh, come on. It will be fun.
Ray: NO! I won't be your ventriloquist dummy for Letterman's show or anyone else.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: I want you to tell me everything you know about the murder.
Heather: Only if you buy me dinner.
Ray: It's a deal. I can be reimbursed by the department.
Heather: I'm not talking about fast food. I want a real sit-down, full service, candle lit dinner.
Ray: It's a deal. But only if you talk.
Heather: I got off lucky. All Grissom would offer me were chocolate covered ants.