The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style! P2

Brass: Lady, who do you think I am? Al Bundy? This ain't a shoe store.

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Brass: I see you took lessons from Sharon Stone.

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Brass: I can see England, I can see France...

---=== OR ===---

Brass: Could you please get your heel off my hand. I need it for work.

:guffaw::lol::guffaw:great ones:bolian: more tomorrow~

BRASS:: "Gil, what the hell are you doing here, I thought you were in Peru"?:confused:

GRISSOM:: "Likewise, not Peru, but I'll tell you, wanna come in?":wtf:

CATH:: "Does Sara know your here"?:vulcan:

GRISSOM:: "She does, she's actually here, hey Sara, guess who's here":)

SARA:: "Who is it, geez can't we ever have any privacy":scream:

BRASS:: "UH, where's Lady Heather":cool:

GRISSOM:: "She's here too, just a minute hey Heather, guess who's here":(

CATH:: "I can't believe this, but I can't believe alot of things lately":shifty:
Grissom: I was away for two years. You would think someone would have learned how to make a decent cup of coffee in that time.

---=== OR ===---

Catherine: Did you come back to pick up your bug collection?
Grissom: No. I never really liked bugs.
Brass & Catherine: YOU DIDN'T?
Grissom: No. I just kept those to spook the labrats and Ecklie.
Grissom: I was away for two years. You would think someone would have learned how to make a decent cup of coffee in that time.

---=== OR ===---

Catherine: Did you come back to pick up your bug collection?
Grissom: No. I never really liked bugs.
Brass & Catherine: YOU DIDN'T?
Grissom: No. I just kept those to spook the labrats and Ecklie.

Awesome:bolian: so funny:lol:

LAURENCE..MARG..BILLY [250 ep. party] thank's to

BILLY:: "OK, enough with the "cake", where's the bar"?:cool:

MARG:: "UH, I think you've already had a few":rolleyes:

LAURENCE::" I want a drink too, where is the bar/booze"?:cardie:

BILLY:: "It's right behind us, so wanna do a couple of shots"?:evil:

MARG:: "Sure thing Billy, are you coming back to work again"?:wtf:

LAURENCE:: "I'm not leaving so we can work out a deal right Billy"?:confused:

BILLY:: "Sure thing Larry, it can be called the Billy and Larry CSI":lol:

MARG:: "You guys are a real riot, so lets invite the rest of the guests to have a couple with us":beer:

BILLY:: "UH who's the dude standing behind us lurking"?
Grissom: Tell Ecklie that the breakroom snacks are much better than before.
Ray: I'll drink to that.
Grissom: So will I.
Catherine: Me, too. Be right back.

---=== OR ===---

Grissom: This canape looks like Hodges' mouth when he's upset.

---=== OR ===---

William: With the million we brought in over the years, you would have thought CBS could provide lobster tails and filet mignon for this party.
Catherine: well, the Chicken McNuggets did come from a big sponsor.
Grissom: Tell Ecklie that the breakroom snacks are much better than before.
Ray: I'll drink to that.
Grissom: So will I.
Catherine: Me, too. Be right back.

---=== OR ===---

Grissom: This canape looks like Hodges' mouth when he's upset.

---=== OR ===---

William: With the million we brought in over the years, you would have thought CBS could provide lobster tails and filet mignon for this party.
Catherine: well, the Chicken McNuggets did come from a big sponsor.

:guffaw::lol: OMG those are hilarious as always:bolian:

OFFICER:: "Hello mamm, is your son Craig home"?:vulcan:

MOTHER:: "Who wants to know"?:confused:

SARA:: "We do, we're from the crime lab. and need to speak to him":shifty:

MOTHER:: "I think he's in his room, so I'll call him down":cardie:

SARA:: "We will go up to his room, if you don't mind":alienblush:

MOM:: "OK, Hey Craig, are you up there, these people need to talk to you":borg:

CRAIG:: "Is it the pizza guy"?:p

SARA:: "Not even close, we're coming up there Craig, so open your door":shifty:

SARA:: "Hey Nick I think were lost":confused:

NICK:: "We're good, I've got my GPS, so over to the left will be another message, pinned on that big tree":eek:

SARA:: "Ok, if you say so, and what are we doing again":shifty:

NICK:: "Looking for the pot of gold":angel:

SARA:: "Oh, goodie, goodie, I can fly away to join Gilbert":p

NICK:: "WHO":confused:

SARA:: "Grissom, you know the guy who used to be with us":cardie:

NICK:: "Oh yeah, that's right his name is Gilbert, I only called him GRSSOM":alienblush:

SARA:: "That's cool, so are we almost there"?:)

NICK:: "We are, hallelujah":rommie:
Nick: Hey, Dorothy. I think we are way off the Yellow Brick Road.
Sara: Okay. Tin-head. YOU lead the way.

---=== OR ===---

Sara: Why can't we get those nice cases like we used to have, in those air conditioned hotel rooms or mansions.
Nick: Catherine is the boss these days, not the bug man.
Nick: Hey, Dorothy. I think we are way off the Yellow Brick Road.
Sara: Okay. Tin-head. YOU lead the way.

---=== OR ===---

Sara: Why can't we get those nice cases like we used to have, in those air conditioned hotel rooms or mansions.
Nick: Catherine is the boss these days, not the bug man.

YAY, there he is, Dynamo1 where ya' been dude? those comments are so funny, you've certainly got the edge on the comedic side of life:rommie:
YAY, there he is, Dynamo1 where ya' been dude? those comments are so funny, you've certainly got the edge on the comedic side of life:rommie:
My PC (personal confuser) was kaput for a few days. Power supply went kaflooey and burned out. Just got it back today. Also, sometimes I have got writer's block.
YAY, there he is, Dynamo1 where ya' been dude? those comments are so funny, you've certainly got the edge on the comedic side of life:rommie:
My PC (personal confuser) was kaput for a few days. Power supply went kaflooey and burned out. Just got it back today. Also, sometimes I have got writer's block.

That sucks, I know we've had two power outages, high winds, [now I know how it would be to live in "Little House On The Prairie" days, I was reading by candlelight during the 1st one:confused: so it's a real drag [personal confuser]:lol: glad its back up and running, I figured you were on Facebook more, glad everything is OK now:bolian:

RAY:: "WOW, they've got weed growing right out here, out in the open, guess what's right before you eyes, and not concealed works":confused:

NICK:: "You got it, the nerve, I wonder if anybody is home here":cardie:

RAY:: "Should I call the drug enforcement"?:cool:

NICK:: "Lets wait till we see what's going on inside":cardie:

RAY:: "OK, I could snip off a bit and later on we can "test it":lol:

NICK:: "Ray, Ray, Ray, you maniac, sure why not":thumbsup:
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