The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style! P2

George Eads: Hey, Eric. Did CBS cancel us and we got traded to HBO? Showtime?
Eric Szmanda: I'm liking it already. Do you think we can start using obscene words?
George: Let me see.... BLEEP BLEEP! Oh, well. I guess not.
Eric: There is one good advantage to all this.
George: What would that be?
Eric: I get to wear better showgirl headwear than when I was a labrat.

---=== OR ===---

Greg: Nick, when we process this room, will I find YOUR fingerprints on these girls?
Nick: Not yet. Give me five minutes.

HODGES:: "What are we doing again"?:confused:

RAY:: "This shows the whole city of Vegas and up close and personal":evil:

GREG:: "Can we peek into girls rooms"?:p

RAY:: "I guess so, if you use the up-close lens":shifty:

HODGES:: "I want to go first":wtf:

RAY:: "Ok Hodges, be careful what you wish for":cool:

GREG:: "Yeah Ray you tell him" :lol:

RAY:: "And I am here why, oh yeah another weird experiment, but I love it":rolleyes:
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Ray: Both of you be quiet. This is a very important experiment.
Hodges: What are you going to record?
Ray: The mating habits of the very unique creature, the Conradius Ecklieus.
Greg: It hasn't even happened yet and my eyes are already hurting.

---=== OR ===---

Greg: I still don't understand why we are out here in this parking lot.
Ray: Nick says that some one dinged his door when he was parked here yesterday and he wants us to film every car entering and leaving for a month. He says that the paint chips came from a...
Hodges: IT'S NOT MINE! I was across town that day.
Greg: Do you have something you want to tell us?
Hodges: Yes. Where can I buy a Kevlar vest?

---=== OR ===---

Ray: And we are here for yet another weird experiment.
Hodges: Don't say that too loud. It will make Dynamo1's list of Weird News items even before the science journals get hold of it.
Greg: Hodges, when you're involved it's always Weird News.
:guffaw:The Conrad one so funny!


SARA:: "Uh these gloves don't fit right, way to big":confused:

BRASS:: "Hey Sara, we've got more serious issues to deal with, do you know who's coming back"?:shifty:

SARA:: "Gil, yeah I know that, how'd you know"?:cardie:

BRASS:: "Nope, two other women from the past, I'll tell you but you'd better sit down":vulcan:
Brass: Sara, can't you come up with anything better for the precinct's talent night than labrat mime?

---=== OR ===---

Sara: You can go back and tell Hodges that I wouldn't play Twister with him even while wearing these gloves.

---=== OR ===---

Sara: Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto, Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto...
Brass: Oh, great. Now I'll have that tune in my head all night.
:guffaw:all great lines Dynamo1:bolian:


ECKLIE::"What are you and the team doing out here"?:scream:

CATH:: "Well, glad your here Conrad, were looking for a body, what else":rolleyes:

ECKLIE:: "Why am I always the last to know what's going on":confused:

CATH:: "I left you a message on your phone, sorry if you don't pick them up":cardie:

ECKLIE:: "OK run this by me again":wtf:

CATH:: "OK, hey Nick come over here and help me out on this":cool:
Marg: Marc, why am I wearing a jacket? Isn't this scene taking place in the hot Nevada desert?
Marc: Yes, but the audience dosn't know that CBS is trying to save money by having us film here in Alaska.
Marg: I think they will suspect when we investigate the death of the polar bear.
Marc: Hey! If it is possible on "Lost", it can happen in Vegas.

---=== OR ===---

Catherine: Come on, Conrad. It's daytime and I'm tired. Can't the day shift take over now?
Ecklie: It's daytime because of the time change. Get back to work.
Catherine: But isn't daytime when you return to your coffin in the dungeon?

---=== OR ===---

Catherine: Forget it, Conrad. The sunglasses company will NOT replace Horatio Caine with you as its spokesman. The glare off your head will blind the cameraman.
:guffaw:Again, and it is weird they work the graveyard shift and yet it's always light when we see them, isn't graveyard from 11 pm-7 am?


NICK:: "Hey Cath, I like your little sweater cap, wanna trade":eek:

CATH:: "NO, that's OK Nicky, I like it too":rommie:

GREG:: "How come I don't have a cap or a hat"?:confused:

NICK:: "Well dude I don't know, why don't you have a cap or a hat":lol:

CATH:: "OK, enough about the hats what the hell is that over there"?:vulcan:

NICK:: "Want me to go see":)

GREG:: "Well I can't believe you didn't send me over there for a change":cardie:

CATH:: "OK boys no squabbles we'll all go over there together, guns ready":mad:
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Catherine: I saw that, Nick. What are you hiding in your jacket?
Nick: N-n-nothing, Cath.
Catherine: Come on. Spill.
Nick: Aw, don't make me.
Catherine: Let's have it.
Greg: I see them. It's candy bars.
Catherine: I hope you brought enough for everybody.

---=== OR ===---

Narrator: In 2011, a crack forensic unit is sent to crime scenes to investigate dead bodies. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can call the CSI-Team.

---=== OR ===---

Catherine: There's that stuff again.
Greg: Oh, not again.
Nick: I'm afraid so.
Catherine: I hate cases with that stuff.
Greg: It's happening almost every week lately.
Nick: Yeah. It gets all over us.
Catherine: Yes, I agree. I hate that daylight.
:lol::guffaw::lol: Dynamo1


NICK:: "Geez Jim I'm dreading going to this crime scene, I only went to her house once and that was quite enough":(

BRASS::" Yeah it's not my favorite place to go either, we gotta do what we gotta do, chin up Nick, it'll soon be over":cool:

NICK:: "But Lindsay Lohan, why do we have to get involved in this drama?":shifty:

BRASS:: "Nick, we're going over to Lady Heathers pad, you know the one who used to live on the south side of town":vulcan:

NICK:: "Great, same as I said earlier, I need a vacation:censored:

BRASS:: "We all need a vacation, where the H is Ray":confused:

NICK:: "Beats me, he's always disappearing, call him:rommie:
NICK:: "So when did L Heather come back to Vegas"?:eek:

BRASS:: "She never left, she's switched gears on her "profession":vulcan:

NICK:: "So what's she doing now, & why are we going over to her place":confused:

BRASS:: "I'll fill you in on the way over":cool:
Brass: Nick, you don't look so good. Did you get enough sleep?
Nick: No. I've been having some nightmares recently. Ever since I realized how close I was to a dangerous lunatic. I was lucky to get away without a scratch.
Brass: You will have to be more specific. You've been close to lots of lunatics... Miniature killer, Paul Millander, Zephyr, Blue Paint killer, David Hodges... Who are you referring to?
Nick: Charlie Sheen.
Brass: Oh. You're lucky to be alive.
Brass: Nick, you don't look so good. Did you get enough sleep?
Nick: No. I've been having some nightmares recently. Ever since I realized how close I was to a dangerous lunatic. I was lucky to get away without a scratch.
Brass: You will have to be more specific. You've been close to lots of lunatics... Miniature killer, Paul Millander, Zephyr, Blue Paint killer, David Hodges... Who are you referring to?
Nick: Charlie Sheen.
Brass: Oh. You're lucky to be alive.

I love it Charlie Sheen, who the H is going to see him live? he is a lunatic.. so funny Dynamo1:guffaw:In the editorial section of our paper it's got a pic. of Gadhafi, and Charlie Sheen and Gadhafi goes "Hey man, I even think your crazy"

BRASS:: "Listen miss, you need to sit in the chair..over there":rolleyes:

WITNESS:: "AH, come on Det. can't I stay up here on the table"?:confused:

BRASS:: "Hey Nick, can you come in here and give me a hand, a big hand":rommie:
Brass: Lady, who do you think I am? Al Bundy? This ain't a shoe store.

---=== OR ===---

Brass: I see you took lessons from Sharon Stone.

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Brass: I can see England, I can see France...

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Brass: Could you please get your heel off my hand. I need it for work.