The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style! P2

:lol:All so funny fans, this is a neat thread, I just wished more fans would come on and show their fun comments:cool:


SARA:: "I think this really sucks, this is my Auntie May's house see the little rocking horse, I rode that when I was little"

OFFICER:: "Sorry Sara, this is the address we got from headquarters, you go in and I'll cover you":vulcan:

SARA:: "I swear she's not involved in anything illegal":confused:

OFFICER:: "Then why didn't she answer the door"?:(

SARA:: "I'm not sure, but, let me call out to her Auntie May, Auntie May, are you there"?:eek:

GUY INSIDE:: "Who the hell are you, May is out, what do you want"?:scream:

SARA:: "Who the H are you, oh crap it's Brass, sorry Jim":alienblush:

BRASS:: "Oh it's you Sara, glad you here, this is your aunt's place"?:shifty:

SARA:: "Yeah it is, where is she"?:shifty:

BRASS:: "I dunno know, but we'll wait for her":cool:

OFFICER:: "UH could I use the head":confused:
Officer: Come on out, Billy the Kid. This is the police. We've got the place surrounded.
Suspect: Stop calling me that. It's William, not Billy. I'm a grown man.
Sara: Okay, William. Come on out. You can't get away. We got your horse covered.
Suspect: In that case, I'm caught. I give up.

---=== OR ===---

Officer: Eeeeewwww. What's that smell? Gas?
Sara: Worse.
Officer: Decomp?
Sara: Much worse. He was cooking liver.

---=== OR ===---

Jorja: You have got to be kidding.
Extra as police officer: You were right.
Jorja: I know. No more fancy mansions or casinos.
Extra: Yep. CBS cut back on the budget for location shooting. What's next?
Jorja: Instead of hiring an extra as the corpse, you get to switch clothes and lie down.
Good ones Dynamo1:thumbsup: thanks~


RAY:: "WOW, that was brutal with Ecklie, what's his problem":confused:

SARA:: "You have no idea, the crap he's put me through, we'll go for coffee and I'll fill you in":)

RAY:: "Your on, I try to please him, but to no avail, what a bad attitude":vulcan:

SARA:: "So when's a good time for the coffee clatch"?:confused:

RAY:: "How about after are shift if done and I'll treat":bolian:

SARA:: "Okie dokie, and what an honor it is to work wth you and your always up-beat, positive attitude";)

RAY:: "Well thank's Sara, likewise & I try";)
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Ray: Sara, did you just...
Sara: NO! Not me. It must have been Greg.
Ray: But wasn't it you that ate those bean burritos for dinner?
Sara: Okay. You caught me. Let's get back to the case.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: Look out, Sara. Ecklie just pulled up. Just be nice to him for once.
Sara: Not this time. I met Don Rickles back stage last night and he gave me lots of material to use.
Ray: It's been nice working with you. Keep in touch.
Ray: Sara, did you just...
Sara: NO! Not me. It must have been Greg.
Ray: But wasn't it you that ate those bean burritos for dinner?
Sara: Okay. You caught me. Let's get back to the case.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: Look out, Sara. Ecklie just pulled up. Just be nice to him for once.
Sara: Not this time. I met Don Rickles back stage last night and he gave me lots of material to use.
Ray: It's been nice working with you. Keep in touch.

:guffaw:Don Rickles, he's still funny and so obnoxious. Good comparision~


RAY:: "UH, there's the door, and don't let it hit you on the way out":scream:

GLORIA:: "Your kidding of course Ray"?:confused:

RAY:: "I am kidding. I'm getting a whole new sense of comedic lines from working here":lol:


RAY:: "But seriously what are you doing here"?:vulcan:

GLORIA:: "I never really understood you, but I'm still trying":shifty:

RAY:: "Well, I never really understood you either":alienblush:

GLORIA:: "Wanna go for a drink":beer:

RAY::" I do, can't wait to get out of here, where do you want to go, and why"?:evil:

GLORIA:: "I've got something to tell you":cardie:

RAY:: "Let me guess, you need a job";)

GLORIA:: 'We'll talk over drinks":rolleyes:
Ray: Uncle Sam wants YOU!
Gloria: The Army guy in the posters?
Ray: No, my Uncle Samuel. He thinks you're cute.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: Only YOU can prevent forest fires.
Gloria: You are not Smokey the Bear. You're my cuddly teddy bear.
Ray: Oh, no. Is it Valentine's Day again?

---=== OR ===---

Ray: Pull my finger.
Gloria: You've been hanging around Hodges too long.
Ray: Uncle Sam wants YOU!
Gloria: The Army guy in the posters?
Ray: No, my Uncle Samuel. He thinks you're cute.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: Only YOU can prevent forest fires.
Gloria: You are not Smokey the Bear. You're my cuddly teddy bear.
Ray: Oh, no. Is it Valentine's Day again?

---=== OR ===---

Ray: Pull my finger.
Gloria: You've been hanging around Hodges too long.

:lol::guffaw::lol::guffaw:I swear I'm sitting here cracking up, are you a stand-up comedian pt. time? so funny!

RAY:: [thinking, what the H is wrong with her]:confused:

GLORIA:: "So Phil you met Ray":vulcan:

PHIL:: "Yeah I did, we had a couple shots of boos":bolian:

RAY:: [still thinking] "I'd like to whack him over the head":brickwall:

GLORIA:: "I'm so glad you came Ray";)

RAY:: "I'm glad too":rolleyes:

PHIL:: "Allright then everyone is happy":D
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RAY:: "Ya know Sara we really need Doc in on this one, do you know where he is"?:confused:

SARA:: "NOPE, I was just going to ask you the same question, I haven't seen him":cardie:

RAY:: "I think I hear his cane now coming down the hallway":vulcan:

SARA:: "Good then we'll find out what happened to this poor guy":confused:
Sara: Ray, do you even know what you're doing?
Ray: Yes. I'm good at this. I've got the "Operation" game at home.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: Sara, if an alien head pops out of his chest, stand over in the corner.
Sara: Why? Are you going to protect me?
Ray: No. If you stand there, I'm going to run right over you getting out of here.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: Where's Doc Robbins?
Sara: Home asleep.
Ray: Where's Doc Phillips?
Sara: Home asleep.
Ray: It's daytime again isn't it?
Sara: You catch on fast.
Ray: So where's the day shift?
Sara: In the break room, watching the soap operas.
Ray: Now why didn't we think of that?
:guffaw:So funny Dyanmo1 always~


RAY::"Nah, nah, nah, nah, you can't get out, but I'm still free":rommie:

NATE:: "Well Ray your not me and I'm not you, so time will tell what will happen down the line":confused:

RAY:: "No matter what your a huge freak-show, and yes time will tell, you are a pathetic piece of s...":scream:

NATE:: "Ah Ray you don't really mean that":(

RAY:: "How about this, leave me the hell alone, you already took my kidney what do you want from me":mad:

NATE:: "Ray I never know what you really mean, but you'll find out soon":shifty:

RAY:: "Your honor can I leave now"?:rolleyes:
Nate: Why did you shoot my window? It was only a little dirt. Couldn't you just use Windex?
Ray: This was more fun.

---=== OR ===---

Nate: Remember, Dr. Langston. You are under oath. Now tell me... Does this suit make me look like Matlock?
Ray: I plead the fifth.
Nate: Why did you shoot my window? It was only a little dirt. Couldn't you just use Windex?
Ray: This was more fun.

---=== OR ===---

Nate: Remember, Dr. Langston. You are under oath. Now tell me... Does this suit make me look like Matlock?
Ray: I plead the fifth.

:guffaw::lol::guffaw::lol::guffaw: a riot, I'm sitting her cracking up, thank's Dynamo1 for your always great sense of humor:rommie:

ECKLIE:: "Hey, what the H are you all doing, it's me, stand down":eek:

BRASS:: "Whoa, sorry sir, we didn't expect you":confused:

NICK:: "Yeah sorry Conrad, what are you doing here"?:wtf:

GREG:: "We're in deep doo-doo now":vulcan:

ECKLIE:: "Who are you looking for":cardie:

NICK:: "UH, the kid Jason, have you seen him"?:shifty:

ECKLIE:: "Who"?

BRASS:: "Come on through Conrad, and we'll explain DAMN it":devil:
It's no fair that only Dynamo can make Desertwind laugh so here's my best shot at achieving glory. Here's hoping I don't crash and burn...well, at least not at the same time.:lol:

Nick: I can't believe we're forced to shoot this Beiber kid.
Greg: I know. Did you know he's got one of the most popular vids on YouTube? He's only like six years old, dude.
Nick: I think he's a little older than six, Greggo.
Greg: Whatever. The point is that he's more popular than we'll ever be.
Nick: What are you talking about? We're still relevant with the youths.
Greg:...Nick. His 15 second video got like 9mil+ views. That's more than half of our weekly audience. Do you really think that's considered relevant?
Brass: Boys, can we just agree that we're all pretty and call it a day? I just want to shoot something and have the fans remember that I exist.


Greg: I hear the network is going to try to take away our Yukons in an effort to go green? Who does CBS think they are? NBC?
Nick: I don't care who they think they are. They're going to have to go through me, my gun, and my pretty boy looks second before they take my Yukon.
Greg: Who's going to go first, then?
Nick: Well...since you're the last person to become a CSI we'll have to throw you out to the wolves so to speak.
Greg: :eek:What about, Langston?
Brass: Come on, Greg. Everyone knows you can't kill Langston. He's the only guy that can pull off a suit without wearing *looks over at Greg's shoes* whatever it is you're trying to pull off.
Greg: These shoes are hip and modern, Brass.
Brass: Is that what the hip and modern twenty something who's job it is to sell thirty somethings such as yourself shoes told you? 'Cause she lied.