The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style! P2

Just saw this ep. "Lovers Lane" so good, the whole team working together and then the last scene bowling together, and they were all great:bolian:


CATH:: "Here we are in all our glory":thumbsup:

SARA:: "And having so much fun.. [scoot over Marg]:shifty:

NICK:: "And we love hanging together";)

LEE:: "And me too, what can I say":confused:

GREG:: "Wait till you all see me bowl":eek:

DAVE:: "Me too, and I'm hungry, where's the buffet"?:p

WENDY:: "And I'm even here, aint it great":rommie:

HODGES:: "Hey do I look good guys"?:vulcan:

DOC:: "Yeah Hodges, you look fabulous, now shut up":klingon:
Lee: All the guys on the other team will be looking at Wendy...
Cath: Excuse me?
Lee: Ooops. Sorry, Cath. And all the girls will be looking at Stokes...
Hodges: Excuse me?
Sara: Get real.
Lee: So, I'll pass the ball to Super Dave and he will...
Doc: What do you think this is... A Football game? Who called for this huddle?

---=== OR ===---

Marg: Whose idea is it to do the cast photo in a bowling alley?
Sara: This was the only time we could take it without Fishburne, that scene stealer.
George: Yeah. He is probably out filming another major movie on his time off.
Eric: Jealous because you aren't doing any?
Wallace: That's right. George is stuck doing cartoon voices. Right, Flasher?
George: That's "The Flash," and it was just a guest spot.
Liz: Then Paul, Jon, Marc, Sheeri, Alex, and Gerald will want in.
Robert :Then the photographer will need a wider lens or back up all the way to Reno.
:guffaw:Santamo1 so funny, and the LF remarks right on target without insulting him.. so cool:thumbsup:


GREG:: "Hey, guys why is that hourglass on the board":confused:

RAY:: "It's how long the coffee takes to perk":(

NICK:: "There's got to be a quicker way":vulcan:

RAY:: "Ya' think, when I was back at the hospital, oh wait I promised not any more stories from my past":(

NICK:: "Thank you very much":rolleyes:
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Ray: And cutting back on the mid-shift snacks could enable each of us to reduce our waistlines.

Nick: I don't know, Ray. I understand your reasoning, but looking at your diagram, I think your diet will end up making my butt look big.

Greg: Do you think I really need to lose weight, Ray? I can't even pinch an inch, well maybe three-quarters of an inch.

Ray: Every little bit will help, guys.

Sara <off screen>: Hey Ray, I know what you're up to. I heard Cath promise you that new ergonomic chair if you could find money in the budget. You aren't taking the doughnut money, buddy. I won't be able to work all that overtime if I don't get my sugar fix.

Greg: Doughnuts! He wants to take away our doughnuts! Hey man, that just ain't cool.

Nick: Sorry Ray. I was willing to give up my mid-shift bag of chips, but the doughnuts aren't going anywhere. Go buy your own fancy chair.

Ray: I thought maybe I could still pull the pity card. I'm still using my cane. See?

Sara <off screen>: Take away our doughnuts and you'll see how I use your cane, Langston.
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Ray: I've called you all here for an important reason.
Greg: What's that, Ray?
Ray: See that diagram on the board? That represents the hour glass that sits on my desk. Just like the real one, you can see that the sand is missing. I want to know who took it.
Sara (off camera): What a coincidence. Ecklie has a new mini Zen sand garden. Helps him relieve stress.
Nick: He doesn't even do anything. What could give him stress?
Sara: Me! (smiles)

---=== OR ===---

Laurence: So, who will be the brave soul to tell her.
George: I won't tell Marg.
Eric: Not me.
Wallace: No way.
Jorja: Huh uh.
Laurence: Someone will have to tell her that CBS wants her to wear a girdle that gives her that hourglass figure. She ate too much over the Thanksgiving break, and any new filming won't match the earlier takes.
You fans are so creative with your dialogue, so funny.. thank's:guffaw:


RAY:: "Well, I'm stumped again.. and not sure of what to do next, any ideas Sara:?:confused:

SARA:: "I'm thinking Ray, This is so bizarre, who knew that Ecklie would take this stand, and tie our hands, he's such a a..hole":scream:

RAY:: " I'm beginning to see that, lets go over this again, who was in the lunch room when the sub-sandwich went missing"?:(

SARA:: 'I'll check the video tape, want to help me"?:shifty:

RAY:: "You bet, I'll watch it with you, and then maybe we can figure this caper out":eek:

NICK:: "So on our 'treasure hunt' the next clue is:turn left at the next oak tree, then go right at the stream, and dive in":confused:

SARA:: "What, it says that, read down furthur":wtf:

NICK:: "Oh, yeah it says "just kidding", there's a red ribbon tied around the tree by the stream, and another note to proceed":cool:

SARA:: "Are you having fun Nick"?:rolleyes:

NICK:: "Yeah I haven't done this since I was a kid":rommie:
Nick: Hey! I can't believe it.
Sara: What's that?
Nick: I found this receipt in the new vest. Ecklie bought these vests, luminol, crime scene tape, and swabs at WalMart.

---=== OR ===---

George Eads: That's not funny, Zuiker.
Jorja Fox: What did he do this time?
George: Just because I forgot a line last episode, he has people put pieces of the script at the film sites.
Nick: You got to be kidding me, Sara. Is this all you're going to give me?

Sara: Hey, you should have brought your own toilet paper. I can't spare any more. We might be out here all day.
Both dialogues so funny:lol: thank's fans~


CATH:: "Nicky, what does this look like to you"?:confused:

NICK:: "UH, Wow, I'm not sure, has the wonderful Hodges seen it yet"?:cardie:

CATH:: "I'm not sure, I'll call him in here":shifty:

NICK:: "Do you have to, can you take it in where he is":mad:

CATH:: "Yeah sure, I'll be right back, what are you doing"?:vulcan:

NICK:: "Same as you, checking out stuff, while your out there, can you bring me a cold drink?:p

CATH:: "OK, not a problem, what's your flavor"?:cool:

NICK:: "A cold brewski, but I know I can't, so anything is fine":alienblush:
Marg: You look tired, George. Can't sleep?
George: Just worried my alarm clock won't work again. You remember what happened last time, a few years ago.
Marg: Oh, when you were fired. Why don't you just have your butler wake you when it's time to get up?
George: BUTLER?!!!! Just how much are they paying you?

--=== OR ===---

Nick: Lunch gets worse and worse. What's the mystery meat for today?
Catherine: I x-rayed it. It doesn't look like beef, pork, chicken, or lamb.
Nick: Hey! I recognize that from this morning. I saw that on Doc Robbin's autopsy table.
Catherine: Let's have a pizza delivered.

---=== OR ===---

Catherine: Just got your x-ray back, Nick. Your arm is NOT broken.
Nick: Oooh. That's a relief. You just can't talk me into another session like that.
Catherine: I'm sorry. It won't happen again.
Nick: I hope not. Hodges new game, "WWF Twister" is bad enough.
Catherine: Unfortunately, that might just be the one he can sell.
Catherine: Did you leave this in here, Nick?

Nick: Naw, Greg left that.

Catherine: What case is it related to? Doesn't he know that leaving evidence laying around could affect the case at trial?

Nick: It's not related to any of our cases.

Catherine: Huh?

Nick: Remember a few years back when Greg was checking out the DNA of some girl he was interested in? <Catherine nods.> Well, now he's on a bone kick.

Catherine: Why?

Nick: Beats me, but Sanders always has had an interesting view on the opposite sex.

NICK:: "WHOA, Ray, good one, can I borrrow those fangs"?:eek:

RAY:: "Actually I got these at the .99 cent store, and I have a spare, so maybe we can go out 'trick-or-treating':cool:

NICK:: "But it's now Xmas time, but we can scare the kiddies if we go Christmas Caroling with these on"?:lol:

RAY:: "OK, lets see if the rest of the team wants to go with us":confused:

NICK:: "Oh, goodie-goodie, and we can hand out Candy-Canes too":drool:

RAY:: "Sure thing, this will be fun":)
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Ray: I'll interview the witness, Nick.

Nick: Naw, I'll do it.

Ray: I called it first.

Nick: I've got seniority AND I'm Cath's second in command. If anybody's going to interview that witness, it's going to be me. You go over there and talk to those conventioneers, they look like they might have seen something.

Ray: You just want to check out that lady's ....

Nick: Don't even go there Ray, or I'll see to it that you get the next three dumpster dives.

Ray <walking away mumbling>: I just wanted to get close enough to see if they were real.
All so funny:lol:


RAY::. "Hodges what the hell are you doing up there":confused:

HODGES"' Hey you won't believe what I found, come on up Ray":wtf:

RAY:: "UH, I'm trying to understand and be patient with you, but I'm not climbing up in the attic, so bring it or tell me what you found OK"?:vulcan:

HODGES:: "It's a stash of Xmas candy, should I bring it down or throw it down"?:p

RAY:; "Are you serious , I'll get Greg to come up there and help you":rolleyes: