The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style! P2

Nick: Can you make out who they are?
Ray: Recognized them instantly. Tony the Tiger, Count Chocula, Cap'n Crunch, Snap, Crackle, and Pop, Toucan Sam... OH, NO! He got Sugar Bear.
Catherine: Looks like we have a cereal killer on our hands.

So funny!!!! :guffaw:

Nick: Told you you couldn't do it, boss.

Ray: These were my best pants! I don't see why you insisted we paint the top of the hurdle.

Catherine: So you couldn't cheat, Ray.

Ray: I've never cheated before in my life. I used to be able to clear those hurdles with inches to spare!

Nick: Yeah man, it's tough getting older, parts of us just keep getting lower to the ground.
Really funny Dynamo1 cereal killer:lol:


GREG:: "Polly wants a cracker.. hello.. do you want a cracker buddy"?:eek:

PARROT:: "Shut up you moron, what makes you think a bird of my caliber wants a cracker, & I'm not a Polly, I'm a boy bird, is your name Suzie? you go eat a cracker":rommie:

SARA:: "Yeah, where did that "cracker" idea come from anyway? He look's miffed anyway, but I bet he'd like a piece of fruit, would ya' boy, what is your name"?:confused:

PARROT:: "How about a big kiss from you baby, my name is Elmer Fudd, but if you take me home you can change this revolting name":p

GREG:: "Did you hear that Sara.. wow, he's really something isn't he"?:cardie:

SARA:: "Yes, I did, OK Tweety, uhm I mean Elmer. I will change it how do you like the name Grissom? if you talk I'll give you a kiss":adore:

PARROT:: "Grissom, that's cool where'd ya get that"

SARA:: "I'll tell you later, so talk, what happened here?
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Parrot: Polly want a kiss. Polly want a kiss.
Greg: Yep. That's sure is Hodges bird.

---=== OR ===---

Sara: I feel stupid doing this.
Greg: Go ahead. Give it a try.
Sara: Hi, birdie. Did you see the murderer?
Parrot: Give me a cracker and I'll talk.
Sara: If you don't start talking right now, I'll introduce you to the Colonel's secret spices.
Parrot: Okay, okay. I'll talk.

---=== OR ===---

Parrot: Let me out. Enough with the bars on this cage. I want a lawyer.
Sarah: I thought you said you were going to take the parrot back after Halloween, Greg? He was just part of your pirate costume for the staff party, right?

Greg: He was, but I've kind of gotten attached to the little squawker. I think I'm gonna keep him.

Sarah: Well, I suppose that's okay. Let's just be glad that Ecklie didn't decide to keep the critter that came with his costume.

Greg: Yeah, it was bad enough seeing Ecklie in a loincloth, but that damn chimp kept goosing me all night.
:guffaw:All so funny~


SARA:: "Hi Elmer I came back to get you";).

PARROT:: "WOW, you really did come back, baby and you'll change my name right"?

SARA:: "Yes, you've been through alot, and I will guarantee, you won't have to go through that at my house":thumbsup:

PARROT:: "So, you don't have a cat do you"?:(

SARA:: "Nope, a dog named Hank, he'll like you":cool:

PARROT:: "Great, I've got no problems with dogs, but that cat I loathed, if you only know what he did to me on a daily basis":scream:

SARA:: "I can't imagine, but I'll take good care of you, and give you all the love and goodies you want":p

PARROT:: "So where's that damn cat, did the guy who didn't like me take him"?:confused:

SARA:: "I think he did, so don't worry anymore":angel:
Sara: You don't really talk. Do you?
Parrot: Look who you are asking.
Sara: Then why is Jeff Dunham behind you with his hand up your butt?
Parrot: He is giving me an enema.

---=== OR ===---

Parrot: I'm cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.
Sara: Sorry. All I have is a granola bar.
Parrot: I bet you feed your human guest stars better.

---=== OR ===---

Sara: I can't believe I'm standing here talking to a stupid bird.
Parrot: Stupid bird? Stupid bird?
Sara: Yeah. I'm calling you a stupid bird.
Parrot: Look who's talking. You're the night shift working in the daytime.
Parrot: Let me out of here! You can't hold me, copper!

Sarah: I'm not a police officer; I'm a crime scene investigator. You are only being held for interrogation. At this point we don't suspect you of anything. Hopefully you can provide us some clues to the murderer.

Parrot: Oh..... Well the murderer was hairy, yeah, real hairy. He didn't have any feathers. Yeah, no feathers at all. And he walked all hunched over, like on four legs. He didn't have wings. No sirree, no wings on that guy.

Sarah: Okay, hair, not feathers. Four-legged. What else can you tell us?

Parrot: That murderer, he wouldn't have gotten in the shower at all. No way. He .....

Sarah: You seem to know quite a bit about this character. Do you know his name?

Parrot: Ummm, Fluffy? Yeah, that's it, Fluffy.

Sarah: Okay, then you're free to go. Thanks for the help.

Parrot <murmuring under his breath>: I can't believe she fell for it! Some humans are sooo easy.
All so hilarious:lol:


RAY:: "Is that Hodges hiding in the closet"?:confused:

CATH:: "OK, Hodges, what are you doing now"?:vulcan:

HODGES:: "I'm looking for evidence, must you people always suspect the worst":cardie:

RAY:: "NO, it's just strange that we're looking too, or are you really hiding from the perp. or from us":(

HODGES:: "Ok, here's what I found":)

CATH:: "This should be good":rommie:
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Catherine: That enough shadow puppets, Greg. Get back to collecting evidence.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: Drop the knife and come on out. She has a gun and I have a cane.
Suspect: Ooooh. Cane me real good, big guy. I'm a baaaaad boy!

---=== OR ===---

Ray: So tell me, Catherine. How did you get Grissom's bugs to search for clues.
Catherine: Oh, that was the easy part. The hard part was finding small flashlights and luminol bottles for them. I had Hodges knit the vests.
Ray: Drop the knife and come on out. She has a gun and I have a cane.
Suspect: Ooooh. Cane me real good, big guy. I'm a baaaaad boy!

Oh, no you didn't!!!!! :guffaw:

Ray: Is that a camera over there on the dresser, Catherine?

Catherine: Yeah, it is. Do you think it's possible that we may have a video of the murderer?

Ray: I don't know, but even if it wasn't taping during the actual crime, there maybe some juicy stuff on the tape.

Catherine: Now Ray, it wouldn't be professional to watch anything of a sexual nature if it didn't pertain to the crime.

Ray: How will be know unless we watch it at least once?

Catherine: Good point, Ray. On the way back to the lab you grab the beer and I'll get the popcorn.
Good one fans:bolian:


BRASS:: "Lordie another pig sty, doesn't anyone clean their house anymore"?:scream:

SARA:: "Hey look over there, is that a dead woman"?:confused:

BRASS:: "Look's like, sheez here we go again":(

SARA:: "Hey look Jim a parrot in a cage over there, he look's scared":borg:

BRASS:: "He probably is, lets get started":rolleyes:
Brass: Are you sure I should be writing all this down?
Sara: A witness is a witness. Read back what you got so far.
Brass: "Polly want a cracker. Polly want a cracker. Polly..."

---=== OR ===---

Suspect: Make sure you got that down right, I don't want to be misquoted.
Brass: Yeah, yeah. I got it. Large pizza with pepperoni, sausage, and green peppers.
Suspect: That's right. I don't talk without it.

---=== OR ===---

Sara: You got that, Jim? The whole confession?
Brass: Uh, what? I missed it.
Sara: Then what have you been writing all this time?
Brass: I'm hooked on these Sudoku puzzles.
Brass: Uh, Sarah, are they doing what I think they're doing?

Sarah: Yep, they certainly are.

Brass: Don't they know we can see them?

Sarah: They must not care anymore if anyone from the lab sees them. Ten years is a long time to try to keep a secret from your coworkers.

Brass <raising his voice>: Hey guys, cut it out. You're on the clock. <to Sarah> Maybe I better go get a bucket of water. <raising his voice again> Nick, I said cut it out. Get off of Greg.

GREG:: "WOW, Sara, he sure seems to like you";)

SARA:: "He does cause' I changed his name to Grissom, you like that don't you boy"?:lol:

PARROT:: "Yes I do, and thank's baby, now I do want a cracker":p

GREG:: "You've been holding out on us "Grissom":alienblush:

PARROT:: "Want to see me dial 911"?:shifty:

SARA:: "Not now, we know your smart":cool:
Greg: You try it.
Sara: No, you try it.
Greg: Let's get Polly. She'll eat anything. Hey, Polly!