The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style! P2

Det. Reed: Is he always like this?

Nick: Not always, but some days....... Hey Ray, why don't you let us deal with this guy?

Ray: He's mine, Nick. I'm going to wring a confession out of him, and then I'm going to make sure he doesn't do anything like that again.

Det. Reed: Uh, Nick?

Nick: I got it, I got it, Reed. Hey Ray, how about I just replace that frozen meal you brought for dinner? We can stop by the grocery store on the way back to the lab.

Ray: If I let Hodges get away with stealing my food today, what's he going to take tomorrow? My copy of Aeschylus?

Nick: Naw, I think that's safe, boss.
You fans are all comedians:guffaw:


RAY:: "Oh wow, I think this is the BBQ that was stolen from my backyard":wtf:

NICK:: "Are you sure pal, wow they did some serious barbecuing in this puppy":confused:

RAY:: "I'm sure, I built it my self.. I thought I heard some strange noises the other night, but didn't check out my backyard":(

NICK:: "Not to worry, We'll go over to Walmart and get you a new one":)

RAY:: "Walmart, I've never been in one":cardie:

NICK:: "Are you serious Ray, you've never been in a Walmart"?:eek:

RAY:: " NO, but I'm looking forward to every new experience":vulcan:

NICK:: "I wonder how they dragged it way out here"?:confused:

RAY:: "Hey I think it's that truck over there, seems they had a RAVE party her and then.. OMG is that a corpse in the bottom"?:wtf:

NICK:: "Hey Super Dave over here immediatley":(
Nick: Can you believe it? It was here just last night.
Ray: No, I can't believe it. Who would want it?
Nick: It is strange. Who would steal the statue of Conrad Ecklie?

---=== OR ===---

Ray: This is an amazing discovery.
Nick: What is it?
Ray: Fred Flintstone's easy chair.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: So, this is the cornerstone of the old hotel and casino that was demolished?
Nick: Yes. Built long before Elvis, Liberace, and the Rat Pack ruled Las Vegas.
Ray: But who is that skeleton in there? Hoffa? Earhart?
Nick: No. It is a TV network programmer who first passed on CSI.
Ray: Can you still see him down there?

Nick: I think I still see some movement, but it might just be a shadow.

Ray: Tell me again, why is Greg rappelling down into an abandoned mine shaft?

Nick: He says Vegas is too flat and he doesn't get much chance to rappel above ground.

Ray: I still don't understand the why of it, Nick.

Nick: Neither do I, but it's Greg. Who completely understands him anyway?

Ray <nodding with a smile>: I thought you two were close?

Nick: Yeah, but when he starts talking about rappelling, surfing and anal swabs I just kinda tune him out.
So funny :guffaw:all of the comments~


ECKLIE:: "So Catherine where's the report I gave you"?:confused:

CATH::"I'm working on it right now Conrad, give me a break:vulcan:.

NICK:: "Be nice Conrad, we're on top of it, how about you jumping in once in a while and give us a compliment"?:cool:

CONRAD:: "That's not my place and when you do what you're suppsed to do, when I ask you too, then maybe":klingon:

RAY:: "I'm not saying anything, people still call me "the new guy", even though I'm in my 3rd season:(
Catherine: This has got to be a joke, Ecklie!

Ecklie: No Catherine, it's not a joke. These are the new contracts all our staff are being asked to sign when present contracts expire.

Nick: What's it say, Cath?

Catherine: All personnel are required to work 24 hour shifts. I guess that means 'night shift' is no longer appropriate. Field investigators are no longer required to be in the company of a police officer when conducting an investigation. In fact, field investigators are encouraged to not bother the officers on duty any more than required for 'intensely desperate' situations.

Nick: I'm taking 'intensely desperate' to mean 'getting our asses shot at'.

Ray: Probably. Anything else, Catherine?

Catherine: Due to the decrease in lab staff, all investigators are required to put in additional hours in the lab to help with the backlog of evidence processing. I have a feeling they aren't planning on fully staffing the lab in the near future.

Nick: Yeah, I haven't been out in the field with Greg in almost a month.

Catherine: Oh and one more thing, All staff will be experiencing a substantial pay cut.

Ray: I wonder if Miami or New York are hiring?
:lol:All so hilarious~


NICK:: "Hey Ray, what the hell are you doing"?:confused:

RAY:: "An experiment Nick, and I can also turn water into booze, if you'd like to see that":eek:

NICK:: "I don't doubt it, I do respect your intellgience, however, this is really weird":rommie:

RAY:: "I respect yours too Nick, just bear with me, and you'll see soon what I'm doing":shifty:

NICK:: "Ok Ray whatever you say, hey that rhymed":lol:
Nick: Hey Ray, if you blow that up, it's going to come out of your paycheck.

Ray: Not a problem, Nick. I took out a insurance policy on work related accidents when I took this job.

Nick: But doesn't that just take care of your injuries?

Ray: You'd think so, wouldn't you, but I just keep making claims and the company just keeps sending me checks.

Nick: Can I get the name and number of your agent, I think I'd like a policy like that, too. I could have made a bundle over the last decade on ruined clothing alone, not to mention the paint job on my ride a few years back.

RAY:: "Ye gads, what's that horrible smell"?:klingon:

CATH:: "De-comp, aren't you used to this by now"?:confused:

NICK:: "Yeah dude, it's nasty isn't it"?:(

RAY:: "Pretty much, so where's the body":shifty:

CATH::"They already took him away":cardie:
Ray: How far are we from the CSI offices?
Catherine: About three miles. Why?
Ray: I could swear that odor is from Greg's awful coffee.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: That Ecklie makes me sooooo mad.
Nick: Careful, buddy. Don't want you to turn into the Hulk.

---=== OR ===---

Nick: What's the matter, Ray?
Ray: Just found out Horatio Caine makes more money than I do.
Nick: Don't kid yourself. Half of it comes from sunglasses endorsements.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: Daylight AGAIN! Why do they even call this the Night Shift?
Ray: So, do you feel lucky, punk?

Nick: Clint Eastwood!

Ray: That's right. Your turn, Nick.

Nick: Are you talking to me?

Ray: DeNiro!

Nick: Yeah.

Catherine: You guys need to get back to work and quit screwing around.

Nick: You're just jealous that we are so good at doing impersonations.

Catherine: I'm not jealous, Nick. I'm great at impersonations.

Ray: You are? What's your best one, Catherine?

Catherine: Donald Trump. If you two don't get back to work, You're fired.
Cath: What's wrong with Ray? He's just standing there and not moving.

Nick: Maybe he's in shock?

Ray: Shhhh, I'm posing, don't you see the cameras all around us?
Ray: How far are we from the CSI offices?
Catherine: About three miles. Why?
Ray: I could swear that odor is from Greg's awful coffee.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: That Ecklie makes me sooooo mad.
Nick: Careful, buddy. Don't want you to turn into the Hulk.

---=== OR ===---

Nick: What's the matter, Ray?
Ray: Just found out Horatio Caine makes more money than I do.
Nick: Don't kid yourself. Half of it comes from sunglasses endorsements.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: Daylight AGAIN! Why do they even call this the Night Shift?

:lol: the last one.. really good point. and all the rest of you fans hilarious:guffaw:


CATH:: "Uh, Ray what's that on your slacks? it looks like blood, and we do have a restroom.. down the hall":rolleyes:

RAY:: "NO, it's not blood, it's red paint.. and I'm not peeing, I'm..uh, uh oh well, never mind":eek:

NICK:: "Whatever your doing Ray, I'm good, so lets get this show on the road, aren't we going to do this re-inactment"?:confused:

CATH:: "Anytime Ray's ready, and are you ready Nick"?:evil:

RAY:: "Ok, your the boss you start by.... well what are you going to do":shifty:

NICK:: "I'm so excited, this will be my red-letter day", I'm so thrilled":rolleyes::

CATH:: "Ray your ass is a work of art":p

RAY:: Well thank you Catherine":)
Catherine: Hey, this looks like the giant crib from the "King Baby" case from about five years ago. What''s it doing here?
Ray: I found it in the evidence locker. Thought I would put it together in Hodges office. If he likes to act like a baby, he might as well be one.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: Good grief. Look at all these bodies down there under the trap door.
Nick: Can you make out who they are?
Ray: Recognized them instantly. Tony the Tiger, Count Chocula, Cap'n Crunch, Snap, Crackle, and Pop, Toucan Sam... OH, NO! He got Sugar Bear.
Catherine: Looks like we have a cereal killer on our hands.