The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style! P2

Greg: Hey, Nick. What are you doing?
Nick: Giving thanks for the invention of Lysol. This place is a mess.

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Sara: Nick, are you crying?
Nick: *sob* No. It's just all the dust getting to me.
Greg: Yeah, I can see the tears.
Sara: Are you crying because the teddy bear was beheaded?
Nick: Yes. It reminds me of my Pookie Bear I had when I was a kid.
Greg: Now I remember where I saw this. You had one at your house last week when I was over for the poker game.
:bolian:To everyone. all hysterical:guffaw:


CATH:: "So Ray are you going to show me the cell you were near..again, and BTW I like your cane"?:wtf:

RAY:: "I am, you try have this happening, and just move on without skipping a beat":(

CATH:: "Hey if this helps, go for it, I understand, so what really happened Ray":cardie:[thinking.... sometimes I'd like to hit him over the head with that cane]

RAY:: UH, well I'm not sure, I was walking away after saying goodbye to Haskell, and all of a sudden, I felt this excruciating pain":censored:

CATH:: "OK, then what happened" :rolleyes:
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Ecklie (off screen): Catherine, take four baby steps.

Catherine: Mother, may I?

Ecklie (off screen): Yes, you may.


Ecklie (off screen): Red light! I saw you moving, Ray. Go back to the end of the hall.
Ray: Now that I have a cane, all I need is a top hat and tails and I can dance like Fred Astaire.
Catherine: Can I be your Ginger Rodgers?
Ray: Let's dance.

---=== OR ===---

Nick (off camera): Greg, you get the ball past Ray and I'll tackle Catherine.
Greg: (off camera): Keep your mind on the game, Nick.

---=== OR ===---

Catherine: Hey, Hodges. Someone stole all the toilet paper from the restrooms.
Ray: And our houses were just "decorated" with it.
Catherine: Halloween was LAST week. Ray, let him have it with that cane.
Ray: Now that I have a cane, all I need is a top hat and tails and I can dance like Fred Astaire.
Catherine: Can I be your Ginger Rodgers?
Ray: Let's dance.

:guffaw: So hysterical, good one Dynamo1 and all of the rest are so funny~
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SOCIAL WORKER:: "So here's the deal we're going to check out everyone on the CSI team's homes just to make sure it's all clean and in order, so when's a good time"?:shifty:

NICK:: "Say what, why, what does this have to do with this case"?:confused:

RAY:: "OK, I'll have drinks ready, what's your flavor"?:evil:

SW:: "UH, that's not neccessary, no need you want to be first"?;)

RAY:: "Sure what time, what day"?:vulcan:

NICK:: "This is bull..., but I'll be ready what day and what time"?:cardie:

SW:: "I'll get back to you, so how's the case going":confused:and don't worry it's just dept procedure to make sure things are hunky-dory"
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Lady on set: OMG! You're him. You're Laurence Fishburne!

Ray <smiling>: Yes, that's right.

Lady: I can't believe I finally get to meet you. I've been trying to get on this set for ages.

George <rolling his eyes>: Hey Laurence, the director wants us back on the set.

Laurence: It's okay, George. They'll wait on me. I'm going to talk to ...... What's your name, honey?

Lady: Nancy, Nancy Haskell.

Nick <backing away>: Haskell?

Laurence: That's funny. We had a serial killer on the show with the last name of Haskell.

Lady/Nancy: Yeah, I know he's my husband. See these are our wedding photographs.

<she opens the book in her hand and George sees stock photos with the face of their former guest star glued in place>

George: Laurence, I'm just going to go and let the DIRECTOR know you're going to be late. <he hurries off to find security>

Laurence: So Nancy, do you have any photographs of me in your scrapbook? I could autograph one for you.

Lady/Nancy: Yes, here's my favorite. <she pulls out a still of Ray on the jail floor after his attack>

Laurence: <pulling out a black felt tip pen> Well, it's not my best side, Nancy, but anything for a fan.
Lady on set: OMG! You're him. You're Laurence Fishburne!

Ray <smiling>: Yes, that's right.

Lady: I can't believe I finally get to meet you. I've been trying to get on this set for ages.

George <rolling his eyes>: Hey Laurence, the director wants us back on the set.

Laurence: It's okay, George. They'll wait on me. I'm going to talk to ...... What's your name, honey?

Lady: Nancy, Nancy Haskell.

Nick <backing away>: Haskell?

Laurence: That's funny. We had a serial killer on the show with the last name of Haskell.

Lady/Nancy: Yeah, I know he's my husband. See these are our wedding photographs.

<she opens the book in her hand and George sees stock photos with the face of their former guest star glued in place>

George: Laurence, I'm just going to go and let the DIRECTOR know you're going to be late. <he hurries off to find security>

Laurence: So Nancy, do you have any photographs of me in your scrapbook? I could autograph one for you.

Lady/Nancy: Yes, here's my favorite. <she pulls out a still of Ray on the jail floor after his attack>

Laurence: <pulling out a black felt tip pen> Well, it's not my best side, Nancy, but anything for a fan.

:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: hysterical, I'm sitting here laughing my head off:lol::lol::lol:
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At Hodges desk!

ECKLIE:: "So Hodges do you have the results of that DNA I gave you":confused:

CATH::[thinking] "I'm in hell":(

ECKLIE:: "What do you mean I looked "buzzed", what's that supposed to mean"?:cardie:

CATH:: "So Hodges is it ready, or not":vulcan:

ECKLIE:: "Well is it or not.. I swear don't you have any scruples"?:wtf:
Ecklie: What in the h*** are they doing?

Catherine: Oh s***, they're at it again. Nick! Hodges! Stop it this instant!

Ecklie: How long has this been going on, Catherine?

Catherine: Just since Wendy left, but I thought I had taken care of the matter, I sent Nick to see the psychologist. <walking towards Nick and Hodges who are rolling around on the ground fighting> Both you guys are going to get written up this time.

Nick <off screen>: He's my best friend, Hodges! Just leave him alone.

Hodges <off screen>: G is my best friend now, Nick. He asked me out on a man-date.

Nick <off screen>: He didn't ask you out, you cretin. He just said you need to get out. Don't you understand sarcasm?

Hodges <off screen>: He did too ask me out, you just don't understand how tight G and I are.

Ecklie: Who in the h*** is G?

Catherine <forehead slaps herself>: Would you please just call the forwarding number Wendy left and ask her to come back, Conrad? I never had this much trouble around here when we had some estrogen flowing in this lab.
Good ones waiting4summer:bolian:


HODGES:: "Geez do you have to follow me in here at the pool too"?:cardie:

HENRY:: "I'm not following you, Cath told me to come in here to look for evidence with that shark, and it's none of your business, OH crap what's that up there"?:confused:

HODGES:: "Speaking of crap what's this down here"?:eek:

HENRY:: "WOW, there's stuff everywhere, I'm scared":censored:

HODGES:: "Your scared, what a big sissy, you couldn't even get unglued from your locker":borg:

HENRY:: "Shut-up, I don't have to put up with your nonsense here, CATHERINE, COME HERE PLEASE":scream:
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Hodges: That better be the handle of the net I'm feeling, Henry!


Henry: Are you sure the tryouts for the LVPD water polo team are being held here today, Hodges?


Henry: There have been some really creepy bad guys in Vegas recently. Are you sure Doc thinks the marks on the last guy he autopsied were made by some kind of swamp creature?

Hodges: I think he just stayed up late last night watching The Creature from the Black Lagoon, but if Catherine wants us checking out all the pools in Vegas, who am I to argue?
Henry: Have you noticed that the background music just changed?
Hodges: You mean that dah-dum dah-dum sound?
Henry: Yes, that's it. Sounds familiar. Where have I heard that before?

---=== OR ===---

Background singers: The weather started getting rough, the tiny ship was tossed...
Announcer: Coming next season to CBS... CSI: Hodges Island.

---=== OR ===---

Henry: You sure go to a lot of trouble for your fish and chips lunches.

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Henry: Tell me again why we are training that dolphin?
Hodges: So that when we have a case at a lake or a swimming pool, it can go underwater and collect evidence without the use of scuba gear.
Henry: And how do you get it to use the luminol bottle with its fin?
Hodges: Haven't thought it out that far yet.
To all, everyone was so funny the "JAWS" music:lol:


REED:" So here we are at the back door to the "Dancing With The Stars" rehearsals, I wonder who my partner will be"?:confused:

RAY:: "I'm going with the MACARENA, I did this in High-School, and won , so put your hand on your hip and shimmy all about":rommie:

NICK: "Wow Ray I never knew you could dance I hope I get a waltz I'm not good at fast dances":(

REED:: "Oh they'll teach you, not to worry":)

NICK:: "Ok I'll do what ever they want me to do":evil:

RAY:: "Me too, I love dancing and now I can prove it":cardie:
Ray: Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto, Domo, Domo...

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Ray: Go ahead, punk. Make... my... day!

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Nick: Mr. McGee, don't make him angry. You wouldn't like him when he's angry.

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Nick: Ray, are you going into one of those Matrix stop-motion effects again?