The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style! P2

Margot: Who are you supposed to be?
Sqweegel: The man from Glad.
Margot: Didn't the man from Glad just advertise trash bags? Not actually wear them.

---=== OR ===---

Margot: Who are you supposed to be?
Sqweegel: I'm Batman!
Margot: Seems more like batty-man to me.

---=== OR ===---

Sqweegel: So, do I scare you?
Margot: Could have been worse.
Sqweegel: How so?
Margot: You could have looked like Conrad Ecklie.

ALL GREAT Conrad Ecklie:lol:


RAY:: "It was you in that strip club, wasn't it"?:confused:

HODGES:: "UH, what strip club, I don't think so":evil:

RAY:: " Yes the "SLEAZE FACTOR" you had on a blonde wig":rommie:

HODGES:: "OK, you busted me, want to go with me next time"?:devil:

RAY:: "Yeah, right, do I look like I"d hang out with you"?:rolleyes:

HODGES:: "It's only a $5 dollar cover fee to get entrance":vulcan:

RAY:: "OK, I'm in, what time, do I have to wear a wig"?:alienblush:

HODGES:: "If you want, I'll get back to you" and SHHH don't tell anybody else":borg:

RAY:: " I won't, catch ya later":hugegrin:
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Ray: Uh, Hodges. I wouldn't drink that if I were you.
Hodges: Why not? It's just my apple juice.
Ray: No it isn't. While you were out, Sara brought in that urine sample to be tested.
Hodges: I thought it seemed a little flat. PHEEEEEEWWWWWW!

---=== OR ===---

Ray: What case are you working on now?
Hodges: Trying to find out what the Colonel's secret spices are.
Ray: Uh, Hodges. I wouldn't drink that if I were you.
Hodges: Why not? It's just my apple juice.
Ray: No it isn't. While you were out, Sara brought in that urine sample to be tested.
Hodges: I thought it seemed a little flat. PHEEEEEEWWWWWW!

---=== OR ===---

Ray: What case are you working on now?
Hodges: Trying to find out what the Colonel's secret spices are.

:guffaw: so hysterical..thank's~

CATH:: "OK boys we've got this creature trapped, the house is surrounded no way he can elude us":vulcan:

RAY:: "I've found that in the past...

NICK:: "Not now Ray.. let Cath do her thing, so tell us what to do"?:confused:

CATH:: "So we rush the house, and he has no way out":wtf:

GREG::" Or does he":rolleyes:
Laurence: Why do we have to march in the Rose Bowl Parade? Why can't we ride in a convertible like other celebrities?
Marg: I think another network bribed the officials.

---=== OR ===---

Nick: Again with the daytime cases? What does the day shift do?
Greg: Probably stay in the breakroom and watch soap operas.

---=== OR ===---

Catherine: What's keeping them? Why aren't we allowed in?
Nick: Our turn is after Law & Order LV, NCIS LV, and Cold Case LV.
Greg: Well, by that time, it will be night again.
Catherine <to someone off camera>: Catherine Willows, I think you have us on your list?

Voice off camera: Yes Miss Willows, I have you on my list. Who are these gentlemen with you?

Catherine: They're my back up singers.

Voice off camera: Ah, they must be the ones listed as the Sam Spade Trio. <pause> Sam Spade Trio?

Nick: I knew no one would get it, Greg.

Greg: Sam Spade, he was a private investigator. We're investigators. Gee, does nobody watch old movies anymore?

Ray: Evidently not. That reminds me of a story......

LF:: "Ah ha my co-star, your the same monster/dinosaur that was in my movie "Preadator", I'd recognze you anywhere, oh no I'm talking to a fake dinosaur":eek:

WALLACE:: [off camera] Hey Laurence are you talking to my friend"?:confused:

LF:: "Yes, I am, and he's not your's or my friend it's fake":(

WALLY:: "Not to me it isn't. I'll be right over and talk to him, or her, do we know what sex it is":wtf:

LF:: "Uh, I haven't checked that part out, but your welcome to":rolleyes:

WALLY:: "I can't wait, here I come":lol:

LF:: "Ok, I'm going back to the set":vulcan:

WALLY:: "Goodie, this is so fun, I wished Wendy was here":(
Ray: Catherine, are you sure you need a DNA sample from this guy? We will need a HUUUGE swab.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: Now that Jeff Goldblum is not on that Law & Order spin-off any more, maybe we can get him for his Jurassic experience.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: Hi, big guy. You don't want to eat me. I can bring you my boss from the day shift. He's got a bald head so it won't give you a hairball.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: Say Hi to Fred and Barney for me. Yabba dabba dooooo!
Ray "Man, it smells like something crawled down your throat and died" (looks a bit closer) "Oops...hey Nick, I think I just found another body."


Ray "Hodges, are you sure this is one of the herbivores? The teeth look awfully carnivore-like"
(dinosaur chomps off Ray's head)
Hdoges (reading from a pamphlet) "Oops, my bad. The herbivore is over the other side" (looks up) "Doctor Langston, where did you go?"

GREG:: "WOW, Look at that bag of nickels, I could take those and who'd know"?:confused:

NICK:: "I'd know":shifty:

SARA:: I'd know":)

GREG:: OK, guys lightnen up, I'm just kidding, [but if it were silver dollars.. hmmmm]:evil:
Sara: Ray, get up.
Ray: Huh? What happened?
Nick: You feinted.
Ray: Oh, yeah. I looked up and saw Hodges.
Greg: He was only wearing a Halloween mask.
Ray: That I could handle. It was when he took it off...

---=== OR ===---

Sara: I remember this stuff from cases months ago. Maybe even years ago. What's it doing here in the attic?
NicK: Yeah. Shouldn't this be stored in the evidence lockers?
Greg: I think Ecklie and Hodges brought it up here to play House.
Sara: So you run really fast through this part, then you wait and jump over the scary looking thing.

Greg: Why do you have to run really fast and then wait?

Sara: It gives you a chance to get ready for the jumpy thing.

Greg nods.

Nick: What is that thing there? It's flashing.

Sara: That's what you need to get to have invincibility for little bit.

Greg: Cool.

Sara: Just be sure to time that right, otherwise that mean little thing there will get you as soon as you return to normal.

Greg: Thanks for showing us how to play Super Mairo, Sara.

Nick: Yeah, this is going to help me out big time when I go visit my nephews at Thanksgiving.

Sara: No problem, guys. Just keep an eye out for Catherine. If she catches us we won't get any screen time next week.
SARA:: "OMG an autographed photo of ELVIS, I think I'll snag this and who'd know"?:confused:

NICK:: "Me":evil:

GREG:: "Go for it Sara, mums the word":shifty:

NICK:: "I heard that":wtf:

SARA:: "How old is this woman and I know he performed here in Vegas so, I wonder when this was"?:vulcan:

NICK:: "OK guys lets get back to bagging up this clutter":(
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Another cap from "House Of Hoarders":eek:


NICK:: OMG. here's a McDonald's "Happy Meal" with the receipt from 2009.. ewww:klingon:

SARA:: "Are you friggin' kidding.. that's gross, and it look's the same as it did then":confused:

GREG:: "I'm hungry. lets go for a burger":p

SARA:: "I'm a vegetarian, so no thank's:vulcan:

NICK:: "We know that Sara, you've told us that for 11 years, you can have a salad":shifty:

GREG:: "WOW, is that a bottle of bugs over there"?:wtf:

SARA:: "Don't even go there, no I won't call Grissom, it's your find and their all dead anyway":rommie:

NICK:: "We can't take anything back, as ours and their dead crickets, so weird anyway":censored:

GREG:: "So when can we go eat"?:cardie:

NICK:: "Soon dude, we'll break in a while, this place creeps me out":(
Nick: Just give me a couple of more minutes. I know it's here somewhere.

Sara: Nick, give it up. You are never going to find your sixth grade spelling award in this mess.

Greg: Yeah man, have you never heard of the concept of trash cans and garbage day?

Nick: None of this is garbage, Greg! I never know when I'll need some of this stuff.

Sara: Yeah, Greg. Nick may find he needs his T.V. Guide from April 3, 2005 someday.

Nick: There was a really good article on the top-rated cop shows of all time in that issue.

Greg: Whatever, man. But the next time we get together to play video games I refuse to sit on your stack of National Geographics again.