The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style! P2

Greg: So as you can see, my fashion choices have evolved since earlier years. However, the evidence still clearly shows that I am much more stylish than these other men.
Greg: Drop whatever you're doing guys, the lab has only one case tonight. Now, you should be warned that these men are particularly dangerous and should be handled with the utmost caution.

Grissom: Greg, we've never seen these men before. What exactly are they guilty of?

Greg: Why, crimes against fashion of course! This shirt with these trousers? Appalling!
Okay, how about another picture to work with.


GREG:: "These guys are part of my new band called "Leggo my Greggo & Guys", I've rounded them up from being in the 'sin city' for way too long. We've been praticing in Nick's garage, till a neighbor called the police on the noise. So we found an undergound place to go. I'll let you all know where we'll be debuting. I'm the lead singer:wtf:
Eric Szmanda: And because of CBS budget cuts, all clothing for the cast and guest stars will now be furnished by Goodwill and the Salvation Army.

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Eric Szmanda: So I predict the Denim Fashion Show will bring CBS even higher ratings than Victoria's Secret.

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Greg: I think Colonel Mustard wore the Vuitton pin-strip jacket in the library when he stabbed the cook, and Mr. Green wore the Armani double-breasted black jacket when he was clubbed on the stairs.
Catherine (off camera): No, Mr. Green wore the Prada navy blue jacket in the bedroom, and Professor Plum wore the Armani gray jacket in the basement.
Brass (off camera): Do you hear yourselves? Write this up as another Hodges' board game failure.

RAY::" Hi, I'm Dr. Ray and I'm here to ask you about the assailant who attacked you, so what did he look like"?:confused:

MARGOT::" UH, he was tall, with black hair and a white sparkling sequined jump-suit on and he had a guitar":wtf:

RAY:: "OMG, was it Elvis":eek:

MARGOT:: "I think so":confused:

RAY:: "Did he say anything"?:cool:

MARGOT:: "He started singing "Love Me Tender":cardie:

RAY:: "Then what"?:confused:

MARGOT:: "I screamed":scream:

RAY:: "And then"?:vulcan:

MARGOT:: "He ran off":vulcan:

RAY:: "I've got to bring in Brass to hear this, I'll be right back":thumbsup:

MARGOT:: "OH, and Dr. Ray, you are cute and sexy":p

RAY:: "Back at ya'":D
Laurence Fishburne: You have just the right experience to work for our show and this network.
Ann-Margret: How is that?
Laurence: You worked with "Grumpy Old Men."

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Ann-Margret: I like this show's theme song. I worked with The Who before on the movie "Tommy."
Laurence: Who?
Ann-Margret: That's right. They composed the music.
Laurence: Who did?
Ann-Margret: Yes.
Laurence: Yes composed the music?
Ann-Margret: No, not Yes. The Who.
Laurence: I don't know.
Ann-Margret: They did the editing.
Laurence Fishburne: You have just the right experience to work for our show and this network.
Ann-Margret: How is that?
Laurence: You worked with "Grumpy Old Men."

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Ann-Margret: I like this show's theme song. I worked with The Who before on the movie "Tommy."
Laurence: Who?
Ann-Margret: That's right. They composed the music.
Laurence: Who did?
Ann-Margret: Yes.
Laurence: Yes composed the music?
Ann-Margret: No, not Yes. The Who.
Laurence: I don't know.
Ann-Margret: They did the editing.

:guffaw:As always brilliant.. your the best Count, and I've said this before, and I'll say it again..they need you on the writers team:bolian:

NICK:: "OK Ray here's the plan, you slam him over the head with your cane, if that doesn't work, I'll shoot him":rommie:

RAY:: "Say what,:eek: My cane, will knock him out, but a gun is more likely to really put a halt to his nonsense":vulcan:

NICK:: "Remember he's a werewolve, and who knows what hidden powers he has, so when I say go.. GO":cardie:

RAY:: "OK Nick, I'll give it a shot, uh I mean a cane":(
Nick: You know, I'm starting to regret moonlighting for extra cash...

Ray: Quiet Agent N, they might hear you.

Nick: Sorry Ray- Agent R, it's just I was hoping we'd get a better acting gig than Men in Black III...
Ray: Nick, it's daylight. We are on the night shift. Is is worth risking our lives like this?
Nick: Time and a half for overtime.
Ray: Oh, right. Let's get this sucker.

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Nick: First Horatio Caine, now us. Will Mac Taylor start wearing the Sunglasses of Justice?
Ray: I think Super-H gets a kickback from the manufacturer.

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Nick: Ready, Kato?
Ray: Ready, Green Hornet.
Nick: Go get the Black Beauty.
Ray: Is Halle Berry in town?
Nick: The car, dum-dum. I meant the car.
You fans have such funny imaginations:lol:


RAY:: "So why do we have on these white coats, like are we ambulance chasers or "the men in little white coats":confused:

DOC:: Shhh, were Bob and Joe, don't forget that, This is Reno not Vegas..we have to remain in disguise, till we get the evidence":shifty:

RAY:: "So who does the talking, you or me, and am I Bob or Joe"?:cool:

DOC:: "Me, I know more about this then you do, no offense intended, oh and your Bob:cardie:

RAY:: "OK, none taken, I'll follow your lead":vulcan:
(Don't know where the captions I posted earlier disappeared to, but here I go again.)


Doc: Sir, I used detergent A and my friend used detergent B. Which do you think is whiter?

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Ray: You are in BIG trouble. You have been caught playing Farmville on Facebook instead of the new CSI game.

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Doc: Badge? Badges! We don't need no stinking badges... We got I.D. cards.
Ray: Yeah. The city had some budget cut-backs.

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Suspect: They're coming to take me away, ha, ha, They're coming to take me away, ho, ho, hee, hee, ha, ha, To the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time, And I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats, And they're coming to take me away, ha, ha.


MARGOT:: "What the hell are you doing in my house with that slimy outft on, it's not even Halloween yet"?:eek:

SQWEEGEL:: "I'm sorry mamm, I was just doing a trial run, please don't tell my mom":cardie:

MARGOT:: "Are you that kid who lives next door, and what's with your tiny little head"?:confused:

SQWEEGEL:: "I don't know what you mean, so do you like my costume":shifty:

MARGOT:: "I like "Spider-Man better, and if you leave now I won't tell your mom, but don't sneak in here again":scream:

SQWEEGEL:: "Ok, but do you have any candy for me"?:p

MARGOT:: "NO, get out":brickwall:
Margot: What exactly is your costume supposed to be?

Sqweegel: I'm the Gulf of Mexico oil slick.

<apologies to anyone affected by the oil slick>
Margot: Who are you supposed to be?
Sqweegel: The man from Glad.
Margot: Didn't the man from Glad just advertise trash bags? Not actually wear them.

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Margot: Who are you supposed to be?
Sqweegel: I'm Batman!
Margot: Seems more like batty-man to me.

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Sqweegel: So, do I scare you?
Margot: Could have been worse.
Sqweegel: How so?
Margot: You could have looked like Conrad Ecklie.