The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style! P2

Ray: Hodges, let us out. I'm sorry. We'll never touch your Star Trek figurines again.

---=== OR ===---

Hodges (off camera): NO! You can't get out until you finish playing my new game.

---=== OR ===---

George Eads: Szmanda, you can let us out now. We forced the writers to agree for more screen time for you.
Ray: What the hell is that thing?
Nick: One of Grissom's 'pets'. Not sure how it got that big though. You get the tranq gun and I'll get the family sized insecticide. Get a camera too, I can use it as a postcard next time I write to him.


Ray: We should get Heather and Sara out of there...
Nick: Are you kidding? I told them both that Grissom liked her more than the other. Cat fight!


George: You just had to bring up Archie's Power Ranger gig, didn't you?
Laurence: How was I supposed to know he'd actually break off the handle on this side?

GREG:: [In background] Hey you two, so you've got the same haircuts, where'd you get this done":confused:

NICK:: "Joe's Barber Shop, $5 bucks"

RAY:: "I just went along for the ride, but while I was there, at that price I couldn't pass it up, so where do you get yours done Greg"?:cardie:

GREG:: "Hair Heaven" over on Sahara, and I pay $50 for mine, it's expensive but I like how they make it look":cool:

NICK:: "Yeah OK Greg, whatever, I like how mine looks too":vulcan:

GREG:: ":lol: you guys look like geeks, no offense intended"

NICK:: "I'm done with this conversation, where's the dead guy":eek:
Ray: Since Brass isn't here, I get to play Bad Cop.

Nick: No fair. It's my turn to play Bad Cop. You got to do it the last time.

Ray: Nope. I already called it. You have to play Good Cop.

Nick: Oh, alright. But I don't think this group is going to respond well to Good Cop. It looks like they're snarling, or something. Hey, are those fangs? Uh Ray, you go right ahead and be the Bad Cop. I've got your back, man. <stepping back a couple of feet>
Nick: Hey Ray? Guess who I am? 'He is the One.'
Ray: Hmm, funny. Did you cut you hair just so you could do an impression of me?
Nick: 'The Matrix is everywhere.'
Ray: Okay, funny, I get it, you can stop now.
Nick: 'What is real? How do you define-'
Ray: Stop. It.

Nick:...What's going on? Why are there people dressed as vampires everywhere?
Ray: I guess this is what Greg really meant when he said he was taking us out for a 'bite to eat'.

That second one was lame, I know :p

CATHERINE:: "UH, Im not sure what you talking about sir, but regardless we've got to take you down to the station and get a DNA sample":alienblush:

RAY:: "That's right dude, no problem right"?:cool:

CATH:: "Are you listening to us, you seem distracted"?:rolleyes:

RAY:: "Anybody home":shifty:
Catherine: You are in serious trouble, sir.
Ray: You might get a life sentence for this.
Catherine: It is illegal in Las Vegas to put up Christmas lights in October.

---=== OR ===---

Catherine: Ray, stop it.
Ray: What did I do?
Catherine: I can see you peeking down my blouse.
Ray: You might close a button or two. It's distracting.
Catherine: But I get more confessions this way.
FUNNY Count:lol:


BRASS:: "So how long do you think it'll take to see this scum-bag":eek:

CATH:: "As long as it takes, The word is he hangs out here in the mall all day":confused:

BRASS::" Wait, is that him coming up the escalator now"?:cardie:

CATH:: "Could be, you go after him, and I'll wait here":cool:

BRASS:: "Okie-dokie, call for back up":devil:
Brass: So we're looking for a short guy, wears a red-and-white striped top and hat, and has black hair and glasses.

Catherine: Really? Well, this shouldn't be too hard.

Brass: Tell me about it: this guy 'Waldo' is sure to stand out in a crowd.


Catherine: This is inhuman torture.

Brass: Hey, you're the one who set Grissom's bugs loose in the mall, so it's your job to collect then all. Have fun.
Brass "I don't care if we have to wait here all day until he shows up, I am *not* leaving until Justin Bieber signs this picture for me"

Catherine "Brass, there's a 50% off sale at that shoe shop, you're on your own"
Brass "I don't care if we have to wait here all day until he shows up, I am *not* leaving until Justin Bieber signs this picture for me"

Catherine "Brass, there's a 50% off sale at that shoe shop, you're on your own"

:lol::guffaw: OMG, hilarious both of them:bolian:
Brass: How do they expect us to find a guy using this mug shot. I mean, we're in a nudist colony. Who in the he!! is looking at faces here? Catherine? Earth to Catherine.

Catherine: Uh, sure Brass, that sounds good. Whatever you want. I'll just keep this group of guys under surveillance. They look like they might lead us to our suspect.

Brass: Yeah right, Catherine. You keep them under surveillance. <forehead slap>
Catherine: Is that Sara standing in the food court?
Brass: That will teach her to mouth off to Ecklie. He had her transferred here too mall security.
Catherine: I bet she does not like being assigned to the burger joint. You know how she is about meat-eaters.

---=== OR ===---

Catherine: Is that really true?
Brass: Yeah. With all his PHDs, Grissom couldn't figure out the mall's "You Are Here" signs.

---=== OR ===---

Catherine: Let me see that picture again. Is this for real?
Brass: Yeah. Straight from the mall security cameras.
Catherine: And here he comes again. Right on time.
Brass: Who knew Hodges would go wading through the fountains for spare change.
Greg: Okay, it appears the riot started at the Brookdale Mall Gap store during the 50% off sale. According to the DNA retrieved from the scene, these three men were fighting over this pair of cargo pants and these two men were fighting over the shirt on right. By the way, I got these pants there last week. Do they make my butt look big?