The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style! P2


NICK:: "OK Jason here's your soda, now spill the details of that expolsion":scream:

JASON:: "Does this have booze in in it"?:p

NICK:: "What, NO, it's from the vending machine, and your too young to drink anyway":vulcan:

JASON::" LOL, that's what you think, UH, what's your name again":confused:

NICK::" It's Nick, I already told you that, what's your problem"?:shifty:

JASON::"What's yours, you dragged me down here, I don't have your answer your questions":vulcan:

NICK::" OK, lets start again, where's your brother"?:confused:

JASON::" I'm not going to answer you, I want a lawyer":(

NICK:: [thinking you little brat]:brickwall: OK Jason, anything you say:cool:
Jason: WHAT? You didn't bring me diet cola? Are you trying to kill me?
Nick: How can this kill you. It's just cola.
Jason: All that sugar. It will make me hyper.
Nick: Okay, okay. I'll get you diet.
Jason: And caffeine free.
Nick (thinking): I'll kill you before the soda does.

---=== OR ===---

Justin Bieber: Cola! That's the best you serve to guest stars?
George Eads: What did you want?
Justin: Leno served me champagne.
George: I find that hard to believe.
Justin: Would you believe Letterman gave me whiskey?
George: No. You are under age.
Justin: How about Saturday Night Live served tequila?
George: Uh, let me think about that one... NO!
Justin: Would you believe Kool Aid with a little umbrella?
Nick: Listen kid, this is your last chance. Tell me what we need to know, or else.

Jason: Or else, what?

Nick: I open this shaken can right in your face.

Jason: <laughing> You wouldn't dare! And even if you did, cola can't hurt me.

Nick: Maybe not the cola itself, but I have an ant farm in my office left it's previous owner. Those ants love spilled soda.

Jason: Ants? You are threatening me with soda and ants? Are you guys crazy around here?

Nick: <smiling evilly> The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah. The ants go marching two by two, hurrah, hurrah.....
:guffaw:All so funny:bolian:


RAY:: "Hey you guys wanna do some Tequila shots, my treat"?:eek:

SARA:: "Uh, I don't drink anymore, but feel free to do so":cool:

NICK:: "Hey Sara, yeah ya' do, how about just a couple, go for it Ray, hey waitress":p

RAY:: "Good for you Nick, well do the good stuff, Patron":thumbsup:

NICK:: "Can't wait, sounds good and bring the limes":vulcan:

SARA:: "You guys are so bad, OK just a couple":alienblush:

RAY:: "Don't worry Sara, I'll watch out for you":evil:
Sara: Ooooh! I can't wait.
Ray: Wait for what?
Sara: Not what... Who.
Ray: Wait for who?
Sara: Yeah, who.
Ray: Who are you waiting for?
Sara: That's right.
Nick: Do you get the feeling you are in an Abbott and Costello act?

---=== OR ===---

Sara: Ooooh! I can't wait.
Ray: Wait for what?
Sara: The TARDIS! I want to see inside it.
Nick: Sara, this is not a Doctor Who episode. That's just the name of OUR episode.
Ray: Hold your drink steady. This table wobbles a bit.
Nick: Here. Use my sonic screwdriver.
Sara and Ray: :eek:
Dynamo1 your a riot:guffaw:


GREG:: "What do you mean I can't wear this while working on the cases?:confused:

SARA:: "Greg get real, you look like a freak, and you don't know that"?:cardie:

GREG:: "Gee, thank's Sara, I wouldn't say that to you, you can wear a hat on your head of your choice":(

SARA:: "OK, Wear the damn, thing, and wait till Ecklie sees you, and Cath and well, all of them":alienblush:

GREG:: "Just kidding Sara, I'll take it off, it's really for the Halloween party next month":lol:

SARA:: "Ha-ha-ha:rolleyes:
Sara: Greg, why are you wearing that?
Greg: I just washed my hair and can't do a thing with it.
Sara: Really?
Greg: No! I don't want any of my hair to contaminate the crime scene.
Sara: Oh, I knew that.
Greg (thinking): Whew! That was close. I thought she might see my pink dye job.

---=== OR ===---

Greg: The Amazing Greggo will now predict the outcome of this case.

---=== OR ===---

Greg: Sara, would you like to join Wendy, Mia, and Sofia in my harem?
Greg: Okay, I have to admit I haven't been honest with you guys about my family. My dad was an astronaut named Tony and my mom's name was Jeanie.

SARA:: "WHOA, Cath look over there at that row of slots, it says the jackpot is $1 million, lets go play for while":eek:

CATH:: "We do have a lunch break, and the rest of the guys won't be here for a bit, ..sure OK, but lets take off these stupid vests:thumbsup:

SARA:: "Grissom didn't play the machnes, he said "gambling is for suckers":(

CATH:: "Well he said lots of things that didn't add up, no offense":shifty:

SARA:: " NO offense taken, what would you do if you won that amount of $$$"?:confused:

CATH:: "Get the hell out of Vegas for starters, how about you"?:cardie:

SARA:: "Hmm, don't know till I win":cool:
Sara: Do you see that poster, Cath?

Catherine: Yeah. That can't be who I think it is though. It must just be someone who looks like him.

Sara: Looks close enough to be a twin. Identical twin.

Catherine: The face looks the same, but I guess I've never had the pleasure of being able to match the bare torso.

Sara: Do you think he's moonlighting?

Catherine: I'd call it more like daylighting. I mean, the guy works the graveyard shift with us.

Sara: Yeah. Hey, do you think we could get tickets to the show? Preferably right up front.

Catherine: Naughty Sara, you're a married woman. Remember?

Sara: Grissom and I have a deal. It's okay to look, but not touch. <takes another long look at the poster> And to think that I turned that down a few years back.

Catherine: Yeah, who knew our little Greggo was hiding that under those crazy shirts for all those years. Hey Sara, if I told him he has a beautiful body, do you think he'd hold it against me?

Sara: Uggggh, that's an old one, Cath. But it is Greg. It might work.

Catherine: Good to know. <heading towards the concierge desk> Two tickets for the late afternoon show of Men of Vegas, please. <slides a few bills across the counter> Front row if you've got them.
Sara: Oh, look. CSI: The Slot Machine.
Catherine: Yeah, I've seen that lately. Three Grissoms pays the big jackpot.
Sara: What do you get if you roll three Ecklies.
Catherine: Electrocuted.

---=== OR ===---

Sara: Wow, I can't wait to meet Danny McCoy and Big Ed Deline. I've wanted to come to the Montecito for some time. I want their autographs for my collection.
Catherine: Sorry, but the Montecito was bought up. Didn't you see the sign out front? Sesame Street Casino.
Sara: Wow, I can't wait to meet Bert and Ernie. I want their autographs for my collection.
Funny everyone:guffaw:


SARA:: "WOW, Doc, I saw this guy about two week's ago, standing on Las Vegas Blvd. and told hem to stop dieting, now look what happened":confused:

DOC:: "Don't blame youself Sara, it wasn't the dieting that killed him it was.. well I'm not sure yet, but could you hand me those big tweezers":cardie:

SARA:: "Sure thing, so what's that there"?:shifty:

DOC:: "It looks like some kind of wire, we'll soon know":censored:
Sara: Doc, do you mind if I help with the autopsy on this guy?
Doc: Are you studying for medical school?
Sara: No, there is an "Operation" tournament at the Bellagio and I want to practice.

---=== OR ===---

Sara: Hey, where did this goldfish come from?
Doc: Grissom has his bugs. I have my fish. By the way, Cujo is not a goldfish, he is a piranha.
Sara: "I heard of bobbing for apples at Halloween parties Doc, but don't you think that this is a little much?"

Doc Robbin: "That's what you get for putting a coroner in charge of the LVPD's Halloween party activities.
:lol:All you comedians~


NICK:: "I told them not to put up this screen on the door, now were all screwed":scream:

RAY:: "Don't fret Nick, we'll find our way in here, I know the lunch room is all our favorite place":p

NICK:: "Doesn't anybody have a key, I'm starved, and if Hodges is behind this, he's in deep s...:mad:

RAY:: "I think I've got an idea":shifty:

NICK:: "The old crow-bar again"?:rolleyes:

RAY:: "YUP, you got a better one"?:cardie: