The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style! P2


HODGES:: "So Ray what are you trying to show me":confused:

RAY:: "Just hang on Hodges, you'll see";)

GREG:: "Well I'm fascinated for sure":vulcan:

HODGES:: "And why are you here Sanders"?:shifty:

GREG:: [thinking, hopefully to throw you of the roof] "Uh, just observing Hodges"

RAY:: "So this is how you start, one foot back one foot forward, and then you put a rock in the sling and bingo, it's a done deal":rommie:

Hodges:: "Say what, your certainly no Grissom":wtf:

RAY:: "Just joshing, here we go for real, oh and BTW neither are you":lol:

GREG:: "Hey Ray good one":bolian:
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Eric Szmanda: Tell me again, Laurance. Why are we here?
Laurence Fishburne: You heeard me the first time. CBS is cutting budgets. Either we start filming are own show, or our paychecks get cut back.
Eric: And I have to do sound editing?
Laurence: That's right.
Wallace Langham: And what about me? Lighting? Directing? Props?
Laurence: I'll have a ham and cheese with mayo and lettuce, and a cola.
Eric: Sounds good. I'll have the same.

---=== OR ===---

Laurence: Great idea, Wally. If we can hear the writers from the "Law & Order" spin-offs, maybe we can get them filmed before they do.
Wallace: Doink doink.

---=== OR ===---

Greg: Ray, So why are we here? Experimenting with dangerous chemical mixes?
Hodges: Checking ricochet sounds of various firearms?
Greg: Vehicle fender benders for a hit and run case?
Ray: No. I'm here to photograph the American Golden Plover.
Hodges: The WHATTT?
Ray: American Golden Plover. It's a rare bird.
Hodges: Hey, Greg. I think I can find you an example of a loony bird.
Dynamo1 all so funny.. thank's:lol:


NICK:: "So do you work here steady, honey, and what are you doing after work"?:confused:

RAY:: " UH, Nick, lets talk to all the other gals before you get yourself in trouble":cool:

NICK:: Yeah OK Ray, just trying a little undercover work, I love the cheerleading type":p

RAY:: "I can tell. Nick, lets come back after we talk to all the gals that are doing this":rolleyes:

NICK:: "OK Ray no problem, this is my kind of work, for sure":evil:
Got one...

Nick: Let's just say I'd rather be here watching the pretty cheerleader than watching Catherine and the detective make out.

Ray: True that!
Ray: Is that...

Nick: Yeah, Riley's got a new job here. You think she'll give me free dance since we know each other?

Ray: It's worth a try...

ECKLIE:: Pondering, & humming "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry" when Nick walks in~

NICK:: "Hey Conrad, what's up I wanted to tell you about the lastest case":cardie:

ECKLIE:: "OK Nick what is it, make it quick I've got a doctors appointment":(

NICK:: "Is it bad, or just a anal problem":evil:

ECKLIE:: " What that supposed to mean? I don't care to discuss it, so hurry up, what is it":vulcan:
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Ecklie: 'Dang, I hate that Ecklie guy'. 'That Ecklie is so mean!' -sighs and turns off computer- at least that Dragon girl and Tarantino like me...

-In another room Nick suddenly starts having a panic attack-

Catherine: What is it Nicky?

Nick: S-s-someone said h-his name...-breaks down- I don't want to be buried alive again! Why can't Tarantino leave me alone?! Aagh!
Hodges (off camera): Hi, Pickard. You paged me?
Ecklie: Yes, Number two. I told you to quit with the bald jokes.
Hodges: Can you turn around? Your head is blinding me.

---=== OR ===---

Catherine (off camera): What's the matter, Ecklie. You look depressed.
Ecklie: This season, the networks have scheduled some of my favorite shows up against each other.
Catherine: You might need to buy a couple more digital video recorders.
Ecklie: That costs a lot of money. Does it look like I work for a hit TV show?
:guffaw:All so funny Dynamo1 the bald jokes, I should have thought of those:evil:


GREG:: "Here I am on my knees again, I need a pillow for them, ah, what's this, blood or ketchup":confused:

SARA:: [background] "Greg are you talking to me, and did you say ketchup, MMMM I love ketchup":p

GREG:: "Is Super Dave here yet Sara"?:cardie:

SARA:: "He just walked up, and I'll send him right in there":shifty:

GREG:: "Good, but I think it's just red paint in here, and BTW what are you doing anyway" :confused:

SARA:: "I've got some splatter in here, so that's what I'm doing":shifty:
Greg: Einstein. Come here, Einstein. Here boy.
Sara (off camera): Greg, what are you doing?
Greg: Trying to find Einstein, Gris' favorite maggot.
Sara: What is it doing here?
Greg: I needed to take it for a walk. Can you hand me the pooper scooper?

---=== OR ===---

Greg: Look at that spider. It is doing shadow puppets with its six legs.
Nick (off camera): What is it doing with its other two legs?
Greg: Drinking beer. How do you think I got it to do shadow puppets?

---=== OR ===---

Greg: Why do I have to keep getting on my knees and looking around the floor for clues?
Catherine (off camera): Would you rather be going through the dumpster?
Greg: Good point.
okay...gonna toss out another pic here now. And as much as I love always cracks me up when he get poked fun of (such a bad fan I know) here it is :lol:

the theory of everything
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Hodges: YMCA, it's fun to stay at the YMCA...

---=== OR ===---

Hodges: I can't stand these short sleeve shirts. Always getting blood or other ooze on my arms.
Catherine: Maybe you would prefer something in satin...
Hodges: Yes.
Catherine: ...with pearl buttons...
Hodges: Yesss.
Catherine: ...and lacy cuffs...
Hodges: Oh yes. Yes! YES! oh... Now cut that out.
CATHERINE:: "OK Hodges, this is a delicate question, but did you use your deodorant today"?:angryrazz:

HODGES:: "I did Catherine, I think, do I stink"?:wtf:

CATHERINE:: "UH, well, uh, kinda of, but we all have those days, so carry on, you probably need something besides Powder Secret Scent, cause' it's not working":alienblush:

HODGES:: "I'm so embarassed, I will get a more manly one at the local drug store":(

CATHERINE:: "Sound's good" [turning away PHEWW]:vulcan:
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