The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style! P2

WOW, DJ your on a roll:bolian:

NICK:: "Ah come on Sara to know you want me":evil:

SARA:: "Nick, what part of "NO I don't, do you not get, and I'm married, shame on you":wtf:

NICK:: "Just joking Mrs. Grissom, geez lighten up, will ya'?:cardie:

SARA:: "Ok, Nick ha-ha-ha,:rolleyes: now lets get back to the case":shifty:

NICK:: [thinking to hmself, she never did have much of a sense of humor]:evil:
Nick: Any sign of them?

Sara: Nope, searched the whole area. I'm starting to lose hope that we'll ever find them.

Nick: C'mon, they've only been MIA for a couple of seasons. Bobby, Mandy and Sofia have to be around here somewhere.


Sara: Nick, what's that bad smell?


Sara:...Oh, gross! Ugh, it stinks!

Nick: Like Grissom in a bad mood, I'm silent...but deadly.

Cue 'Who Are You'

SARA:: "So, Santa has been here, no doubt":rommie:

CATHERINE:: "You believe in Santa, and know him"?:confused:

SARA:: "Know him, I've hung out with him up in the North Pole";)

CATHERINE:: "Does Grissom know about this"?:wtf:

SARA:: "Yes, he was with me and we got to ride Rudolph":lol:

CATHERINE:: "You rode the reindeer with the "red nose"?:rolleyes:

SARA:: Yup, it was fun and he was a good boy":luvlove:

CATHERINE:: "Uh, huh, OK Sara, what ever you say":cardie:

SARA:: "Listen Catherine, I don't believe everything you say so until you have proof, of my story, please, no more questions, OK":shifty:
Sara: Damn it, we can't play anymore. Someone's cemented the Jenga blocks together while we were away.


Sara: Catherine, I'm sure I can hear voices from inside this bricked up room.

Mandy: *muffled* When are the writers going to let us out?
Sofia: You know, it's not so bad in here once you get used to it.
Bobby: Not bad? I have a family and a job, I can't stay in here!

Catherine: ...No, I still can't hear anything.


Catherine: So, Grissom left you for that?
Sara: Shine that light on her, I want to see all eight of her legs squirm when I crush her.
Catherine: I can see you're taking the separation well.
Catherine: Hold those goggles up a bit more. It will magnify the light and we can cook that spider.
Sara: Thanks. Grissom is disappointed that I hate them.
Greg (off camera, singing): The itsy bitsy spider went up...
Catherine and Sara: Oh, shut up, Greg.

---=== OR ===---

Sara: You see, Hodges, this is the next step in the new game.
Hodges (off camera): And then what?
Catherine: We'll let you know when the mortar dries.
Catherine: Hold those goggles up a bit more. It will magnify the light and we can cook that spider.
Sara: Thanks. Grissom is disappointed that I hate them.
Greg (off camera, singing): The itsy bitsy spider went up...
Catherine and Sara: Oh, shut up, Greg.

---=== OR ===---

Sara: You see, Hodges, this is the next step in the new game.
Hodges (off camera): And then what?
Catherine: We'll let you know when the mortar dries.

:guffaw:The itsy bitsy spider hysterical and some more~

SARA:: "Oh yeah and I helped Santa's elves with the toys, and put some in his backpack":vulcan:

CATHERINE:: OK, Sara knock it off, what have you been smoking"?:confused:

SARA:: "Oh I wouldn't talk Catherine, we've all got our little fanatasies don't we"?:borg:

CATHERINE:: "I'm going out side to get Nick and while I'm out, I'll look up on the roof and see if Santa's sled is still up there":rolleyes:
Sara: I just can't believe it. I thought he would never do that.

Cath: Me too, but poor Greg, I can understand him. I would jump into the chimney too, trying to kill myself if I had his screentime.

Sara: But the poor guy got stuck. I wonder what will the writers do now...

Cath: Mah, he's probably just disappear like Sofia did and never get mentioned again.

Sara: Now I feel sorry for the writers; when Greg's fangirls get the hold of them, things won't end too well.
Nick: Sara, I am not kidding you. He is there. Please, you have to turn around. He is RIGHT. THERE.

Sara: Nicky, I believe you. Quentin Tarantino has really come back to bury you alive in another box. Now let's go get your pills.

Nick: But Sara...

Sara: No buts. Jeesh, soon you'll say that a Canadian pop singer will guest star next season.
Nick: Watch out, Sara. look out behind you.
Sara: What is it? Hodges?
Nick: No. Worse
Sara: Ecklie?
Nick: No. Grissom's insects. They missed you.

---=== OR ===---

Nick (singing): You ain't nothin' but a hound dog...
Sara: Oh, great. Another Vegas Elvis wannabee.

---=== OR ===---

Nick: Sara, you might want to turn around.
Sara: Why?
Nick: You know how you prefer to be a vegetarian?
Sara: So? What about it?
Nick: There's some people behind you who would like to talk to you.
Sara: I'm not falling for that. Who are they?
Nick: Colonel Sanders, the Burger King, and Ronald McDonald.
here's a new pic to work with.

NICK:: "Uh Sara, the route you want is, go back to the 1-15, jump on it, and turn off on Flamingo, go about 3 blocks and then turn right on Eastern, and BTW, where is that GPS, I gave you"?:shifty:

SARA:: Damn it's right her in my purse, where is my purse"?:confused:

NICK:: "Come on Sara, I'll drive you there":cardie:

SARA:: "Ok Nick, thank's" [where is that damn purse] :vulcan:
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SARA:: "And you are"?:confused:

GREG::" Don't trust that guy Sara, we don't know what's he's up too":shifty:

SARA:: "Where's Brass and the security guys"?:(

GREG:: "Let me call and see where the H they are":wtf:

SARA:: "So what's your name and why are you here"?:vulcan: