The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style! P2

Cool, DJ what ep. is this from?

NICK:: "What the hell is that":eek:

BRASS:: "I think it's a cheap airplane", shaped like a chicken:cardie:

RAY:: "Well, I'm not sure but my anaylsis is that someone tried to use this as a weapon":shifty:

BRASS:: "Yeah Ray maybe" [thinking, I'm so tired of this guy and his know-it-all-attitude]:rolleyes:
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It's from Deep Fried and Minty Fresh, Season 9.

Nick: So the criminals stashed away in this giant hollow chicken, waited until they were inside, then started shooting?
Ray: Y'know, I've heard of a 'Trojan Horse' but this is just ridiculous.


Laurence: Are you sure this is the place?
Paul: That's what he said. 'Cuckoo's Crazy Chicken Shack', fresh fried chicken day and night.
George: This is just insulting. Petersen left the show to work here?
:lol: oh, I just thought of one to add...

Brass: "Guess this answers the age old question as to why the chicken crossed the road."
Ray: Now I've seen everything.
Brass: Yeah, who'd have thought Hodges would have an obsession with Colonel Sanders.

---=== OR ===---

Nick: Let me get this straight. A piece of an airplane fell off and landed on the innocent victim?
Brass: Yeah.
Nick: And the owner of that statue said what?
Brass: He said that Chicken Little predicted that the sky was falling.
Ray: Sure doesn't look little to me.

---=== OR ===---

Brass: Its egg must make one heck of an omelet.
Nick: Imagine its wing in buffalo sauce.
Ray: Quit drooling. Its only plastic.
Brass: We can dream, can't we?
I think this is from "Kiss Kiss Bye Bye", right?

SARA:: "Geez, somone peed on the floor and then tried to clean it up with beach.. gross":scream:

GREG:: [background] "What's that Sara"?:confused:

SARA:: "Come here Greg, look at this, I swear some people have no class what-so-ever, the toilet is right over there":rolleyes:

GREG:: "Wait till you see what I found":alienblush:
Sara: She kept a very clean floor except for the blood. Too bad she was killed. We could have used her at the lab.

---=== OR ===---

Sara: Why am I looking for the contact lens? It's YOUR contact lens.
Greg: The batteries in my light are dead.
Sara: When I find it, I will put Super Glue on it so you never lose it again.

---=== OR ===---

Sara: I think I have a clue to the killer. He or she left initials on the linoleum. "CTV."
Greg: But what about the "HD"?
Sara: The second assailant, Howdy Doody.
Greg: Really?
Sara: No, you idiot. I was just kidding.
BRASS:: "Yeah buddy I've got a receding hairline, and your a murder suspect, so I'm good and your going downtown":evil:

GREG:: "Do you like my hair"?:confused:

BRASS:: "Shut-up Sanders, this isn't about our hair":rommie:

GREG:: OK Jim, calm down, but he does have a point":shifty:

BRASS:: "Like I said said shut your pie hole":angryrazz:
Greg: That barber deserves the death penalty for this.

---=== OR ===---

Greg: That murderer was a tough one to arrest.
Brass: I knew we could capture him.
Greg: It took a while to pin him to the ground.
Brass: Yeah. That's one tough six-year-old.

---=== OR ===---

Brass: Catherine, Greg says you blew up the lab with him inside again.
Greg: Yes, you were lucky this time. I wasn't hurt.
Catherine (off camera): Sorry. I was hoping it would be Hodges.
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Brass: Look at him. All showing off like that. :wtf:

Greg: Yeah. He's all like 'I'm the best, the world is mine'.:rolleyes:

Brass: And look at that clothes. My styling is waaaay better than his. :vulcan:

Greg: And that hair. My hair is waaay better than his! :klingon:

Hodges: *off screen* Don't you think Langston will find out you're badmouthing him.

Greg: Yeah, yeah, whatever.
Brass: Man, that's...that's just nasty.

Greg: Hodges, put the drink down, stop crying, and for gods sake put some clothes on!

Brass: We should have known he was lying when he said he was taking Wendy's departure well.


Greg: That is the ugliest thing I've ever seen.

Brass: Seconded.

Hodges: -offscreen- Hey! I can hear you!

Greg: Relax, we were talking about Archie's Klingon figurine.

Brass: Although, now that you mention it...


Nick:-offscreen- Hey, why aren't Brass or Greg moving?

Writers: Well...they're actually statues. The real Brass and Greg disappeared ages ago.

Nick: What?!

Writers:-shrug- We just move them around, hope they look realistic and put them in as little scenes as possible. Seems to be working.
Greg: Is that Ecklie?
Brass: Yep.
Greg: Why is he dressed like that?
Brass: No idea, let's get out of here.
Greg: Good idea. Man, that's something I'll never be able to unsee.
Brass: We'll stop at the quicky-mart and get some brain bleach.


and for the previous one with Greg and Sara:

Sara: What does the virtual reality game handbook say I'm supposed to find on this carpet?

Greg: It says there's a tiny fiber in the carpet as well as a hair from the suspect.

Sara: I can't see it.

Greg: Try zooming in some more.

(lol sorry, I just got done playing the CSI Game [Deadly Intent I think it was called] earlier this week and I had to consult a walkthrough to be able to find the fiber under the pillow in one suspect's bedroom LOL. I looked around that bed several times and didn't see it lol.)
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LOL Thats hilarious GNRF. I was wondering if someone would pick up on Greg with the book in his hand.

Actually....they are all pretty darn hilarious.

Here's another