The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style! P2

All great, funny dialogue:guffaw:


RAY:: "Is that what I think it is, a hopscotch diagram"?:eek:

BRASS:: "Well damn, it sure is, what a trip, back here in the alley":confused:

CATHERINE:: "Hey guys lets play a game or two, what ya' say, I've got a lagger in my pocket, sometimes me and Lindsay play this":rommie:

RAY:: "Well, I'm up to it, as long as I'm first, I used to be the best when I was a kid":cool:

BRASS:: "Of course you were, what can't you do"?:rolleyes:

CATH:: "OK, and nobody tell Ecklie":evil:

BRASS:: "Do I look like I can hop? I'll just watch:vulcan:
Ray: Wow! You sure are a tiny midget.
Man (off camera): We prefer the term "dwarf".
Brass: Can I hear you say "Da plane. Da plane."

---=== OR ===---

Brass: Greg, that is gross. That is just soooo gross.
Catherine: At least he didn't throw up in my car.

---=== OR ===---

Laurence: I didn't expect to see this.
Paul: Me neither. I can't beleve it.
Marg: Who knew the bugs can protest CBS to get William Petersen back.
:lol:So funny Dynamo1~


HODGES:: "So tell me it's not true Wendy, your not leaving are you"? :confused:

WENDY:: "UH, I can't say anything right now, but maybe, so will you miss me"?:(

HODGES:: "'Of course I will, please don't let this happen":cardie:

WENDY:: "Well, it wouldn't be my idea at all, but right now lets concentrate on the case, we'll talk later";)

HODGES:: "Ok, whatever you say, [mumbles to self]:shifty:
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Hodges: We have got to keep Catherine away from the lab. Greg's nerves can't take any more of these explosions.

---=== OR ===---

Wendy: Did you leave the popcorn popper on to long?
Hodges: I got distracted by a Deep Space 9 marathon on cable.
Wendy: I should have known.

---=== OR ===---

Hodges: If you leave, I will hold my breath until you return.
Wendy: You'll turn bluer than a Smurf and probably pass out.
Hodges: Then what will it take?
Wendy: Give up your game inventions and all science fiction.
Hodges: Bye. Nice knowing you.
Hodges: Wendy, I knew you wanted to go out with a bang but I think this might have been a bit much...
Wendy: Look on the bright side. That Beiber kid is somewhere in here.


Wendy: You know, I'm starting to have some doubts about this new 'bomb expert'...


Wendy: Oh, so this is the ruins of CBS headquarters. What happened to it?
Hodges: The other lab rats were starting to go crazy from lack of screentime after we were promoted to main cast. Eventually Archie called up his old buddies and they leant him this giant robot called the Megazord.
Wendy: Well, its their own fault. They should know to never pi$$ off an ex-Power Ranger.
Hodges: Wendy, I knew you wanted to go out with a bang but I think this might have been a bit much...
Wendy: Look on the bright side. That Beiber kid is somewhere in here.


Wendy: You know, I'm starting to have some doubts about this new 'bomb expert'...


Wendy: Oh, so this is the ruins of CBS headquarters. What happened to it?
Hodges: The other lab rats were starting to go crazy from lack of screentime after we were promoted to main cast. Eventually Archie called up his old buddies and they leant him this giant robot called the Megazord.
Wendy: Well, its their own fault. They should know to never pi$$ off an ex-Power Ranger.

:rommie::thumbsup: I really lolled at this one! :guffaw:
Nicely done!

SARA:: "And you are":confused:

HALLADAY:: "I'm the CIA agent in charge of this murder, and your Sara, right"?:)

SARA:: "UH, yeah, how do you know my name":wtf:

RAY:: "Who, who, are you" [sings]:lol:

HALLADAY:: "I just told you, are you deaf"?:vulcan:

RAY:: "Ha-Ha-Ha, just as line or two of our song, I sing it at least once a day, and this was so perfect":lol:

SARA:: "LOL, good one Ray, so why are you here, or why are we here, I get confused sometimes":confused:
Halladay: I am told that you are a doctor. Is it true?
Langston: I wouldn't know if it is true that you were told that.
Halladay: I meant that if it is true that you are a doctor.
Langston: That's what my diploma says. What seems to be the problem?
Halladay: Can't you see? I have a hand growing out of my chest.

---=== OR ===---

Halladay: My lamp! My microwave oven! Where are you going with my possessions?
Sara: CBS is cutting back the budget on set decorations. They are switching to computer graphics.
Halladay: What's next on the cut-backs?
Langston: I'm glad you asked. You are gone. You will be replaced by an animated character.
Halladay: I am told that you are a doctor. Is it true?
Langston: I wouldn't know if it is true that you were told that.
Halladay: I meant that if it is true that you are a doctor.
Langston: That's what my diploma says. What seems to be the problem?
Halladay: Can't you see? I have a hand growing out of my chest.

---=== OR ===---

Halladay: My lamp! My microwave oven! Where are you going with my possessions?
Sara: CBS is cutting back the budget on set decorations. They are switching to computer graphics.
Halladay: What's next on the cut-backs?
Langston: I'm glad you asked. You are gone. You will be replaced by an animated character.

So hilarious Dynamo1 the last one:guffaw:

RAY:: "Hey Nick do I look like Tiger Woods"?:eek:

NICK:: [in distance] say what Ray"?:confused:

RAY:: "I said, oh never mind, what are you doing"?:cool:

NICK:: "I'm processing the grass, Hodges will love doing this":lol:

RAY:: Are we going back to the lab"?:eek:

NICK:: "In a while, come over here, and where's you kit"?:cardie:

RAY:: "OOPS, I left it on the snack bar stand, I'll go get it, catch up with ya' in a minute:shifty:
Ray: Hey, Nick! How do you like this look?
Nick: What do you think you're doing?
Ray: This wing makes me look like an angel, just like Heidi Klum in those Victoria Secret runway shows.

---=== OR ===---

Nick: So how do you like the way my golf swing works? That last one should have been a hole in one.
Ray: Well, once you get through the windmill, maybe you can try for the clown's mouth.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: Catherine, aren't you glad to be here for the "Battle of the Network CSI Shows"?
Catherine: Yes. But don't you find it strange about that Dr. Alexx Woods from CSI Miami?
Ray: Now that you mention it, it does look like Tiger Woods with a wig.
Tiger Woods with a wig:lol: all good ones~


GREG:: "I'm fascinated that I have no idea who your talking too Ray, it's just you and me":confused:

RAY:: "I'm talking to that guy in the corner":wtf:

GREG:: UH, what guy Ray, have you been into those mushrooms in your backyard again"?:lol:

RAY:: "Look over there, that guy in the corner.. I swear Greg":shifty:

GREG:: "OK, Ray whatever you say, I'll try really hard to see what you see":rolleyes:
GREG:: I'm fascinated that I have no idea who your talking too Ray, it's just you and me.
RAY:: I'm talking to that guy in the corner.
GREG: If you say, "I see dead people", I'm leaving.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: So, Mr. Hefner, I was thinking about an issue with "Girls of the Las Vegas Morgue."
Hef: But how do you get them to sign the releases? There are legal issues here.
Greg: Ray, he's got a point.

---=== OR ===---

Greg: Ray, listen to me.
Ray: No, Greg. I am standing my ground.
Greg: But he would know the laws.
Ray: I have a right, and I'm fighting for it.
Greg: But you heard what he said.
Ray: I only buy them for work.
Greg: You CAN'T write off those M&M's on your taxes.
Okay, well seeing this thread has been idle for a couple of days, I'll toss a pic up to give it new life. Though I don't participate all that often, I do enjoy reading what you all come up with.

Here's the next picture to mess around with... :lol: