The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

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  • No, I was disappointed

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  • Could have been better

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Well, I seem to be running every other one slash/action, so I doubt you've seen the last of slash out of me.
Good to know. I've enjoyed reading your other stuff. I really liked Identity Crisis. I've been meaning to ask- has anyone else here read Lexie(BJ) Jones' Sylum Clan series?
"Hanging Around Pt. 2" is brilliant! :D Thanks again for the dedication, Khanada! :)

LOL, no, not really. Thanks, tho. But Danny will go back to work and have more wild encounters if his job's anything like mine. (I think his is a little wilder, thankfully). Makes for good fic. I have notes for a few stories to come.

Somehow, I have a feeling our favorite CSI just can't help but find trouble. Or have it find him... :lol: . Good thing he's got Flack to look out for him and save his butt, cause it sure seems to need saving a lot! :lol:

I think his next day might start like mine did last Wed. You know you'll have a bad day when the first thing you do is get a paper cut. It just sets the mode.

Oooh, a lab adventure. Sounds good! But yeah, papercuts suck. :p
Khanada, just read "Hangin' Around-part 2". Another great job. :)

oh i forgot about that being posted after all the moaning i did to Khanada i forgot!!

well guess where i am headed now!! :lol:
I seriously just about passed out when I saw that...hmmm all this talk about whether or not he's been lurking here and then he's coming here to chat... :D I think we got the answer
After I read about the live chat with Carmine I nearly passed out. I am such a fan girl.

WOW I need to think of something brillant to ask! :)
OMG, so changing my username. Haha. Nah, this is awesome. I hope some of you have some good questions. I have a couple of things that I'm curious about. I wonder, will any of the moderators let us ask shower-related questions?!?! :devil:
LMAO. ::waves to Carmine: :lol:

I think he already knows about the shower if he lurks here. :eek:

Carmine is so cool!!!
I am all of a sudden very embarrased now. He has to read our threads.

and I'm ThumpyG, now HE really thinks that I am a freak.

not really Carmine, I just really like your work!
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