The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

  • Yes, it was brilliant

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  • No, I was disappointed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Could have been better

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I about died when I saw that chat announcement too! I don't know yet what I'd ask him...the whole reason being I don't know what the "ground rules" are. I.e. can we ask questions that are 'personal' or are we confined only to his acting and CSI? I mean if I could ask Carmine something, it would be about his background, i.e. what part of Italy, does he speak Italian at all. And maybe ask if he likes blondes...*blushes* Yes, I'm a shameless fangirl.
now HE really thinks that I am a freak.

Honey if he think you're a freak then he's gonna think we're all freaks. We're all in this together, either way, so it's gonna be a mass of us comforting each other or a big orgy at Carmine's place. :lol:

(I'm hoping for the later)
Damn, I can't do the chat thing because I have to work the next morning and get up at 4 a.m. I live in the Atlantic time zone, so the chat doesn't start until 11 p.m. my time. Hell, maybe I'll sacrifice a half hour of sleep anyway. I'd kinda like to ask him a few things myself.
I have to announce that I received and watched "The Learning Curve" today. I loved all the Carmine screen time...he was hot, but could have used a haircut. I also couldn't help but admire his hands! He has beautiful hands and in his love scenes he showed such tenderness when holding and caressing the woman. Agreed that the ending was sorta dumb...but I think I understand why he was doing what he was doing...Hold on.

SPOILER ALERT (If you don't want to know, stop reading now and scroll past)
OK, re: why he was screaming even before the shots were fired or even before the feds caught up to him. It's because of exhaustion and fear. If you've been running for your life you're going to be f'in tired, and you can't control your breathing, you're going to make those noises and even spit, like he was doing. Granted, I was annoyed that he bit it at the end...damnit!

Now I'm waiting on In Enemy Hands to be delivered. :)
Hmm. Maybe we can ask Carmine about the writers maybe exploring Danny's abuse and ask for more on Tanglewood.

And see if he can sneak in a little Italian and maybe a shower scene. ;)
singing in Italian in the shower? That's a great idea. I wonder if he would go for it?

Please Carmine, we would all appreciate it!
*bats eyelashes innocently*
Well thank God for Nikki to bring us back to the topic(s) at hand...Carmine singing in Italian in the shower.
Love your sig, CANADIANCSIFAN.

My favourite saying from M. Trudeau, JUST WATCH ME. :)

That should be Danny's saying, Just watch me.
Well thank God for Nikki to bring us back to the topic(s) at hand...Carmine singing in Italian in the shower.

My pleasure! :p We must have a shower scene and some sort of Italian speaking/singing in the next season.

I can see that as Danny's saying, Minnie. :D
If there isn't a shower scene next season, the writers might start getting mail from a few fans. (And don't worry it all cycles back around to the shower scene eventually in here.)
Danny just needs to be naked. In the shower. Beyond that, the writers can do whatever they want. Singing in Italian, meh, whatever. I just want to see the boy naked. And wet, with water dripping down him and maybe [CENSORED BY THE PG-13-O-METER].

Blech, killjoy Meter! You know that would be hot. :devil:
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