The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

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ok so i don't get on the internet for one day and there are over 100 post for me to catch up on!

The shower scene - we need it!!!

Danny speaking italian :devil: :devil:

And well Danny speaking italian in the shower! :devil: now thats hot!!

so i think thats me caught up right guys?
Danny singing Italian in the shower...
I'm all for Danny talking dirty in the shower...that works for me!
To help csifeline a bit:
shower - la doccia
soap - il sapone
Don't bother with the towel - non importuni con il tovagliolo
anytime, anywhere, baby - in qualsiasi momento, dovunque, caro. (that's is bambino, literally)
I'll have to get back to you on the NIN translation...I'm stuck on how to conjugate that verb - they don't teach you this stuff in Italian class.

Khanada, I can't wait to read your new story!
Top41, did you mean the (i´ll write it in italian, God , i hope the PG13-o-meter speaks english only) "Io voglio vaffanculo come un animale" or "Io voglio te palpare da interiore"?

khm, i think you can make out what lines i ment... :D

(the grammar probably sucks but...i hate grammar!!!)

I'd go with "Desidero a" for the beginning and the spelling should be vaffunculo, a "u" not an "a".

this is getting interesting... though the word SHOWER hasn't popped up un a while...
yes! thank you! i need someone to help´s been 4 years since i last spoke some italian so i´m too rusted...blah...
CanadianCSIFan, thanks for letting me know what "puttana" really meant. That's even worse than what I thought. What a f-----g little p---k!!

I'm all for Danny singing/cursing in Italian in the shower! It is a very sexy language and he could be saying anything and it would sound sexy.

I'm getting a kick out of all the Italian lessons, too! :)
Top41, did you mean the (i´ll write it in italian, God , i hope the PG13-o-meter speaks english only) "Io voglio vaffanculo come un animale"

Bingo, baby. :lol:

And I should probably let the PG-13-o-Meter take a swipe at me for that one. :lol:
So I've kinda been lurking here reading the posts in this thread. :D

I must say TWO THINGS.

1) Shower scene ... NEEDED :devil:

2) Carmine speaking more Italian ... NEEDED :devil:

Together, A VERY, VERY, VERY NICE COMBO! :devil: :devil: :devil:
I would really like to see Danny standing in the shower without uttering a word, nothing but the sound of water hitting the tiles. The water running down his body, his eyes closed, maybe with his head tossed back. If Danny is naked it could be a silent film for all I care. As far as Danny whispering in my ear, I think it could be pig latin and I'd let my clothes hit the ground. But, I might be a big slut, so I could be wrong. ;)

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