The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

  • Yes, it was brilliant

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I was disappointed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Could have been better

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Would`nt it be funny if carmine logged on and saw all these posts :lol: by the way the was if he is logged on your are so horney :devil:
Well if he is online, my message to him would be...Get in that shower, right now!! And practice for your shower scene!! :lol:
hi everyone, just a little question nothing to do with the shower scence, although it would be nice!
I'm thinking about buying Billy's Hollywood screen kiss and the big brass ring, does CDG have lot's of screen time in those films and are they worth buyin?
B.H.S.K. he's not in much (near the mid-end), but he's playing the guitar and serenading one of the main characters and steals whatever scene he's in. If you can get it reasonable, it's hysterical. I haven't watched T.B.B.R. yet. In Enemy Hands was GOOD!
i just dont want buy them if there ain't much of screen time of the hunky CDG. I watched for the love of the game, and he was not in that much.
If you're looking for screen time, go with In Enemy Hands or The Learning Curve (although the ending to that sucked MOLD).
I agree with Khanada - if you're looking for screen time, go with In Enemy Hands or The Learning Curve. He stars in The Learning Curve and is in most scenes (only semi-clothed most of the time). :p Another recommendation is Fallen Arches. Another starring role with lots of screen time and lots of time with the shirt off. My only complaint regarding Fallen Arches is that while his character does get laid once, the viewer does not see even a second of it. :(
Billys Hollywood Screen kiss has a GREAT shot of CDGs bare ass. sorry if someone already posted that I haven't read all of them yet!

the learning curve sucked ass
the big brass ring was an interesting film not lots of screen time but worth watching, don't know about buying (and yes he is naked)

the only other one of his I have seen (and yes I own) is fallen arches. :( sad flick but entertaining.

sorry I have also seen for love of the game, practically zero screen time but damn that boy looks good in a baseball uniform
Well, I went for it...I'm excited! I ordered from - this way I don't have to do the calculation of the exchange rate. ;) I was able to score "The Learning Curve" for $4.29 + s&h. I also put an order in for "In Enemy Hands" from $12.79. Now the hard part...waiting.
Duh, me. I'm an idiot. The other film he's in that he has some moderate screen time in is "Big Shot: Confessions of a campus bookie".
Duh, me. I'm an idiot. The other film he's in that he has some moderate screen time in is "Big Shot: Confessions of a campus bookie".

I thought this movie was a TV movie...were you able to get it somewhere online?
Why have my thoughts drifted to tickling Carmine?

Wonder if he is ticklish? In true CSI style we will have to experiment and find out. :devil:

I agree! And for the experiment to be truly scientific, we have to "test" him under different circumstances...different parts of the body, different states of dress (clothed, partially clothed, and nude). And for it to be a real scientific experiment, results have to be verified, so it has to be done over and over....
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