The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

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  • No, I was disappointed

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  • Could have been better

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:( so sorry! I have a friend who lives in California and it is hard to remember sometimes that you guys are two hours behind where I am! (Central Standard Time) everytime I call him, I have to think, wait he might be asleep, or working!

PS: Danny was HOTTER the second time around
I loved tonight's ep...we get to see the sexy "glasses on forehead" look, Danny in labcoat, "intense" Danny at work...oh it's a little piece of heaven.
And I love that Elmo "two testicle" joke...the first time I heard it I had tears in my eyes.

Why have my thoughts drifted to tickling Carmine? *sigh* I'll need a few minutes.
^ i just finished watching that movie and now i have to rewatch it ´cause, God help me, i have no idea what´s it about! :D i was watching it while doing other stuff and i just payed attention to the parts with Carmine and Til so i missed out on some parts of the story...
Well, I don't blame ya. I had a hard time concentrating on the storyline as well first time 'round, coz the mental picture of Coop shivering from the cold, desperately trying to cover up his privates, just wouldn't get out of my head...yeah I wanted it to :D

Love your avvie btw, Trainspotting, coolness!
mrsfinn, what book did you see the mention in? Sorry, I'm nosy about books. :lol:

It was X-men Mutant Empire. *holds up hand, shuffles to her feet and clears throat uncomfortably* Hello everybody my name is mrsfinn and I'm a sci-fi geek :)

I love the idea of ThumpyG's bookmarks, I tend to just remember the page number I'm on which works ok til I read at night and fall asleep reading. A Danny bookmark would keep my place and give me pleasant dreams :) :devil:
A bookmark would also help with the sad lack of Dannyness in my life. I don't think work would appreciate it if he was on my computer there and much as I love him he can't usurp my lil neice on my computer at home.

Ah well
Danny bookmarks-> how DO you get any reading done with those?! :lol:

the mental picture of Coop shivering from the cold, desperately trying to cover up his privates, just wouldn't get out of my head...yeah I wanted it to :D
yeah, anyone who says different is a big fat liar! :D

Love your avvie btw, Trainspotting, coolness!
thank you! image of carmine wearing those tight punk-like jeans (like ewan is wearing in that movie) pops into my head...mmm...sometimes i really like the way my mind works! :D
ooo, danny bookmarks. That sounds like a brilliant idea.

I never actually thought of having Danny as my background on my computer. I have limited imagination.

'Supply and demand' is on saturday so CPR scene here we come. I can't wait. I'll be glued to the tv waiting for it to happen. :)
Yay CPR!! I can't wait either, Saturday night cannot come soon enough. :D :D

Although I have a feeling that afterwards I may be needing CPR for real and I doubt the paramedics round here look like that!
Why have my thoughts drifted to tickling Carmine?

Wonder if he is ticklish? In true CSI style we will have to experiment and find out. :devil:

I'm sure there was some mention of naked Danny, Bitten, but even if there wasn't, that image is kinda like oxygen for the Locker Room; it's always there and we can't live without it. :lol:
Well, I don't blame ya. I had a hard time concentrating on the storyline as well first time 'round, coz the mental picture of Coop shivering from the cold, desperately trying to cover up his privates, just wouldn't get out of my head...yeah I wanted it to :D

Does someone want to be my hero and provide screencaps? :D

mrsfinn, sci-fi geeks rule! Do you know about our sister board, TrekBBS? I love sci-fi--I can't wait for the third X-Men movie.

Naked Danny? Yeah, Bitten, there may have been a reference here or there. :lol: ;)
Wonder if he is ticklish? In true CSI style we will have to experiment and find out.
oh, i´d sure like to do some experiments with him :devil:
for scientific purpouses ofcourse, what were you thinking?! :D
I will just go on and say that I am well aware of the fact that my mind is indeed dirty and as far as tickling Danny, it has nothing whatsoever to do with science. period. :)
I will just go on and say that I am well aware of the fact that my mind is indeed dirty and as far as tickling Danny, it has nothing whatsoever to do with science. period. :)

^What she said. I just want to get him naked and in bed and tickle him senseless (if he's ticklish), I'll even procure a new feather for the occasion. ;) Take that PG-13 O Meter!!

And if you're interested, if people can hook me up with good photos of Carmine, I'd be willing to help design some bookmarks. I have P-shop8 and I LOVE to play with it! :D It sure would make studying more fun!
YAY! I have started a trend, I will tell my old roommate this weekend when she comes home to visit! She may start charging now for her services. I am going to see if I can make one of his naked ass in that group photo. the picture is kind of small, so we will see.

and yes, studying is much more fun with Danny ;)
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