The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

  • Yes, it was brilliant

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  • No, I was disappointed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Could have been better

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I scored: B.H.S.K., The Big Brass Ring, Fallen Arches, Big Shot and Imposter (Sinise). I already had The Learning Curve and For Love of the Game.
OK, my next question is: Is it worth it to get Big Shot: Confessions of a Campus Bookie? Like have others in here seen it and is it really good?
i just finished watching In Enemy Hands really good flick I do believe that I am going to buy it. WOW Carmine looked really hot in that flick. His ass can really fill out a pair of Navy pants!
hee hee at my local video store, they have the learning curve on DVD to rent, I actually asked one of the managers if they had it to buy, they didn't and I almost bargained with her to let me buy the one they had to rent! (they had two copies) but alas, I chose not to. I can buy it off of

sorry I had to post that I am a CSI Level One now!
After renting In Enemy Hands this week, I have rented every single Carmine movie the store carries. All three of them. Who knows what Blockbuster might have-I haven't been there in two years, but my guess is not much. The store I usually go to has The Learning Curve available to buy, but they only have it on tape. I might have to buy some off the internet over the weekend.
hm, i have to return "in enemy hands" today so i´ll look for "the learning curve"...

btw-if you hear me say stuff like "choose carmine, choose the shower scene", don´t be suprised ´cause i´m under the influence of "trainspotting" and "in enemy hands"- i watched both films twice yesterday! :D
Well if he is online, my message to him would be...Get in that shower, right now!! And practice for your shower scene!! :lol:
Well...practice does make perfect, eh? :D

But I feel we're a looooong way from perfect, so a lot of practicing is in order :devil:
He stars in The Learning Curve and is in most scenes (only semi-clothed most of the time).
And that is ;)
Another recommendation is Fallen Arches. Another starring role with lots of screen time and lots of time with the shirt off.
Are there any caps of this flick? Haven't seen any on the web... at all... anyone?
I'm working on caps now. As soon as the site is back up they will be there.

Carmine has a lot of screen time in Fallen Arches. The ending sucks in the same way that The Learning Curve ending does, but he gets to do the full range of emotions in the movie. It's quite a good film, regardless, but all the Carmine just makes it so much better. And, yes, there are a lot of scenes with no shirt too. :D

P.S. These are the only two Carmine/FA pix I've found on the net.

I'll do some caps for you guys in a few mins, then I'll get back to the site.

For those interested, I broke the site. Uhuh! I messed some stuff up, and with the server move it wasn't retreivable, so I'm reworking the layout and whatnot. Hopefully I will have it back up over the weekend. I'll keep you amused here in the meantime. :devil:
I'm working on caps now. As soon as the site is back up they will be there.

That's great, can't wait!

Btw, when can we expect to be online again? I missed that place yesterday :(
i can´t find the one where he´s cooking! aaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!bwuuuuuuuuhuhu!!! :whines excesivly:

i DELETED it!!!

i can´t find the one where he´s cooking! aaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!bwuuuuuuuuhuhu!!! :whines excesivly:
Ah, don't worry, I'm pretty sure csi007 will make us very happy soon ::bats eyelashes at csi007:: pretty please?

Sigh, I love a man who can cook...and I so have no problem imagining Carmine in an apron.....and only an apron :devil:

::snort:: Twelve again :rolleyes:
I wonder if Carmine gets royalties off all of these movie sales. If so, the Locker Room Groupies are so covering his rent during hiatus. :lol:
no kidding, as much money as all of us have spent and are still spending on his films, he should be well taken care of!

but what can I say? the man can fill out a pair of pants (or no pants as it is apparent he likes going in the buff) hell yes I am going to purchase all of his films. It is my duty as a locker room groupie.
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