The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

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which is what makes him that much more fun to talk about! that and he is a total hottie. I know, TOP I am shallow too. I see him everyday, on my computer at work, on my laptop at home, here... he is everywhere and he is on television tonight!
I would just like to tell you all how much I love the Locker Room. It's been less than 24 hours since I last signed on and I had soooo much reading to catch up on. Lots of naked Carmine talk and a memory refresher as to what his naked ass looks like (although it is thoroughly unforgettable) - I love it! Just had a thought: he seems to enjoy showing his backside for the camera (and really, who wouldn't, with an ass like that?), but I'd like to lobby for some full frontal nudity in his next movie. :devil:
::mark down In Enemy Hands in her to buy list::

Ok, I'm a huge hurt/comfort fan. I love seeing characters I love in trouble. I'm sick, I know!!

And them being naked and in trouble doesn't hurt. :D

I love this place too, but I mostly lurk.

And I agree that Danny is the most interesting character.
^Danny naked and in danger? Who here is gonna say no to that? :lol:
Danny naked and in danger is HOT.

on another 'devoted' fangirl note, did I ever share one of my Christmas presents from my former roommate? She made me Danny bookmarks! (I read A LOT). She actually went online and found HOT pictues of Danny/Carmine printed them on photo paper and had them laminated for me. I am staring at his HOTNESS right now, holding the place in my book. I even have one of him in his wife beater with his tat. *sighs* now I need one of him naked.
^Oh, Danny bookmarks! That's too cool! I'm a huge reader, but I actually don't have that many bookmarks. Usually I just use random pieces of paper I have around to hold my place.

Danny bookmarks are hot.
:lol: I like them! she also made me something else, a partially anatomically correct Elmo. she is a rather creative individual.
:lol: a partially anatomically correct Elmo.

I am officially disturbed.

I must go think of naked and wet Danny to rid my mind of Elmo being better off than a Ken doll. I think shots of Jack Daniels are in order.

:lol: I was very scared on what my present was for many weeks. She was hinting around that it wasn't appropriate for everyone, ie my mother, to see. (she saw it and loved it)

there is an internet joke that was circulating around about tickle me Elmo and someone at the factory where the tickle me Elmo was made. Instead of putting in 'two TEST TICKLES', the new employee misunderstood her orders and sewed on Elmo, TWO TESTICLES' instead ( i HOPE i CAN SAY THAT). so.... I love Elmo and my roommate made me two testicle elmo as another one of my Christmas gifts.

I was really hoping for a naked Danny myself, but the bookmarks were a nice touch.
ok, am just watchin "in enemy hands" right now! i had no idea Till Schweiger played there! woo-hoo! that´s already two big bonuses for that movie. :D
hm, Carmine sure gets dirty in that movie...and you all know where that trail of thoughts is leading...

Between him being dirty and soaking wet a few times, my mind was there during most of the movie. I actually replayed certain parts of the movie this afternoon before I had to return it.

ThumpyG I'm right there with you about Carmine/Danny everywhere. I have him on the screen at work; I did at home until I changed it to Aiden/Flack, but it will get changed again I'm sure; I think I keep a tape of recorded NY episodes in my VCR at all times.

Bitten: Naked Danny. Very profound.
on another 'devoted' fangirl note, did I ever share one of my Christmas presents from my former roommate? She made me Danny bookmarks! (I read A LOT). She actually went online and found HOT pictues of Danny/Carmine printed them on photo paper and had them laminated for me. I am staring at his HOTNESS right now, holding the place in my book. I even have one of him in his wife beater with his tat. *sighs* now I need one of him naked.

Great gift! Should you ever acquire one of him naked, please share the details and/or copies with the Locker Room. [*imagining him naked now*]
I will most definately share them with the locker room, once I can get my hands on him, I mean them, oops Freudian slip there.

My cat is a freak. He is sitting on the back deck having a stare down with another cat. It is rather amusing.

Danny in 45 minutes..... yippee
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