The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

  • Yes, it was brilliant

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  • No, I was disappointed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Could have been better

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I wonder if Carmine gets royalties off all of these movie sales. If so, the Locker Room Groupies are so covering his rent during hiatus. :lol:

Yup, aren't we generous?! And if he doesn't get royalties to pay the rent he's very welcome to crash at my place :devil:
I wonder if Carmine gets royalties off all of these movie sales. If so, the Locker Room Groupies are so covering his rent during hiatus. :lol:
Or his nicotine habits, I doubt he has a rent. He so owns a house!

Which makes me wonder, what kind of house d'ya all think Carmine lives in and what would the interior look like?

I have a feeling Carmine has a great sense of style. Just love to hear people's ideas on that.
^ hehe, that really hit your nerv ey? :D

Carmine´s house; no freakin´ tell you the truth; i think it´s quite normal, tasteful but normal. but if he had anything by Verner Panton or Tapio Wirkkala i´d worship him ´till death :D
well seeing that he is an artist, both with artwork and playing the guitar *swoons* he has to have some taste. I wonder if he displays his own artwork in his home or not? I actually love a lot of his pieces and wouldn't mind having a few to display of my own. I wonder also if he has sold any of his artwork or if he even wants to sell any of it?

My tastes in art though are rather extreme. I love Monet to Kandinsky. go figure.

I bet he owns a home, probably somewhere in LA, or maybe even something in NY, as well.
he has some (all?) of his artwork posted on his website, and one of his pieces was proudly used in the episode, 'Tri-Borough', which was just re-ran here in the US on Wednesday evening.
What the hell? A girl goes for a 3 mile run, comes into the Locker Room for a nooner and what does she find, talk of Danish and Finnish designers, French Impressionist, and a Russian abstract artist. Could I get some Danny smut please!

But if we must stroke the intellect, instead of Danny, for ONLY a moment or two I'm partial to Ingres, Degas, and Gaudi - just to name a few. Now no more of this! ;)

Well, it's not a shower but he IS all wet.
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